Sweet, Sweet Torture

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   Shadybug and I took Ladybug to the sewers where Claw Noir was with her precious kitty. "I can't believe we're holders of the same miraculous." Cat Noir groaned. "Too bad, pussy cat." I spoke as I threw Ladybug over to Cat Noir. "Ladyfly!" He exclaimed, going down to hold her unconcious body. "Aw, how sweet." I smiled. "It makes me sick." I rolled my eyes. "So what should we do with them?" I asked my partners. "Let's torture them a bit. Ooh! Maybe take over this Paris like we did the last one!" Claw Noir suggested.

   "For once, the cat's right." Shadybug remarked, walking in between Cat Noir and I. "Sounds good to me." I chuckled sinisterly as Ladupest woke up. "Rise and shine, pest." I spat. She shouted muffled sentences due to the web over her mouth and looked around. "Why are we here!?" Cat Noir demanded. "Because we brought you here, duh. Aren't you two supposed to be smart?" Claw Noir asked. "Leave him be, kitty cat." I said walking towards the two and tearing the webs off of Ladybug's mouth.

   "Let us go!" She shouted. "What makes you think we'll do that, princess?" I asked. This caused Ladybug to blush slightly... I wonder why. "What we will do is have some fun with the two of you." I said, lifting their chins to look at me. "I think we have different definitions of 'fun'." Cat Noir said, pulling away. "Wait... we're missing the other one. Banjorah." Shadybug said, looking back up towards the city. "You keep your goody-goody twins here while I find her." I said, jumping out of the sewers.

   "If I were a goody-goody version of me, where would I be?" I wondered. I then remembered something from earlier. "But... where's the color in your outfit? We normally see you wearing such colorful things." Sabine and Tom! I  destransformed in an alleyway and rushed to the bakery. "Good afternoon, what can I-" Sabine turned around and smiled when she saw me. "Y/n, what a surprise! We thought you just went to the art gallery!" She said as she bagged some chouquettes. "I got hungry and thought I'd come here for a snack." I lied, chuckling.

   "Perfect timing, I just packed some macaroons and chouquettes!" She handed me a bag. "Now hurry home before your mother freaks out." She waved. "Thanks, Ms. Dupain-Cheng!" I waved and ran out. My 'innocent' smile transferred to a smirk. "Arai, webs extend!" I transformed, going to the art museum to find my twin. I walked around the entire place, looking for someone who looked just like me, but with bright colors.

   Finally, I found her by the Mona Lisa. "Y/n?" I called out. She turned to me and her eyes widened. "Aumm, let's climb!" She declared, transforming back into Banjorah. "So this is your world's version of me? Ew." I rolled my eyes. "Fill out!" She shouted as she jumped, pointing her hand towards the ground, causing plants to spread everywhere and a single vine to hold her in the air. Interesting... I felt my Spidey-phone buzz and opened it, seeing a 'New Power' Message. "Song of Serenade?" I asked a loud as I dodged the plants. Automatically, spiders lowered from the ceiling and began whistling a slow tune.

   I closed my Spidey-phone and let them continue whistling, as they became louder and louder. "You never noticed..." I started to sing with them. "How deeply you fell for it..." Banjorah's vines began to slow down as I got closer. "So, close your eyes..." He eyelids became heavier and she lowered herself to the ground. "And let it sink in. As you fall deeper, deeper in this pit, you tell yourself: 'You can't handle it'." Banjorah slowly swayed to the rhythm. "So fall with me, into your pit. And sleep soundly, as you submit." The whistling stopped along with my singing.

   I walked towards Banjorah and wrapped her in my purple webs before she slowly fell. I caught her before she reached the ground and went back to the sewers where I could here Ladypest and Kitty Noir shouting. "Here. Take your horrible excuse of a partner and stop shouting. I'd rather die three times over than hear that." I rolled my eyes, throwing Banjorah to the two. "Awaken." A disembodied voice said, making Banjorah wake up. "Banjie!" Cat Noir and Ladybug said, hugging their partner tightly. "You have all you need, now sit there while we take over the precious place you call home." I said, turning around. "Spidey, wait." Shadybug called out, making me turn back.

   "Why not make our wish now? No one can stop us." She insisted. "You know how dangerous that could be." I reasoned. "Not with their miraculous! Please? I'll even let the flea bag be with us." She tugged on my arm. "I don't know..." I said nervously. This time, Claw Noir was begging. "Come on, M'lady. It can be the three of us in our own, perfect world!" He pleaded, placing his hand on my shoulder. I stayed silent, a sebating look on my face. "Please?" My partners asked in unison. I finally sighed giving in. "Okay. We can make the wish." My partners cheered and almost high-fived each other before pulling back and hugging me instead.

   They then smirked and walked over to Ladybug and Cat Noir, taking their miraculous. "No!" They both shouted as they detransformed. They closed their eyes before looking up at each other. "M-marinette?" Cat Noir asked. "A-adrien?" Marinette asked, the two of them turning reddish-pink. "Yeah, yeah, cute reunion. Now let's make that wish!" Claw Noir rushed. "Do you wanna make it, Spidey?" Shadybug asked, handing me the miraculous.  I hesitantly nodded and took the miraculous in my hands, putting them both on. "Tikki, Plagg, reveal yourselves!" I stated, watching as they went into their true forms. "Gimmi, reveal yourself!" I said, becoming more nervous.

   "What is it you wish?"

(994 words)

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