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   The next day, because of the damage, school was closed, so I transformed and went to my partners and I's normal meeting spot where Shadybug already was. It seemed subtle, but her outfit had changed just a bit. Instead of being primarily red and black, it was now primarily black and red. "Hey, Bug. Is everything okay?" I asked, sitting next to her. "I think we should accept the Supreme's offer." She muttered. "What? Why?" I asked. Shadybug turned towards me. "Because I," She stopped herself and looked back towards her feet which were dangling below her. "What if he hurts more people? We can't take that risk." She stood up.

   "But shouldn't we think about this?" I asked, standing up with her. "The Supreme is already too powerful!" She clenched her fist and looked at me with tears in her eyes. "But if we do what he says, we get whatever we want!" She looked up at me. "If you think it's right, we'll do it." I sighed, giving her a hug. "I'll go tell Claw Noir." I waved and jumped away. I opened my yoyo phone and called Claw Noir. "Hello?" He answered. "Claw Noir, we're taking the Supreme's offer." I informed him. "Really?" He sounded happy. "Yeah, meet up with me at the Arc De Triomphe so we can talk about it. I'll try to make sure Shadybug is there, too." I explained.

   "See you then, M'lady!" He hung up. I swung towards the Arc de Triomphe and landed on the rooftop, humming a tune to myself as I waited for my partners. Less than a minute later, Shadybug landed next to me, looking better than before, but still sad. After a few minutes of waiting, Claw Noir finally arrived. "Sorry I took so long, had some business to deal with." He smiled. "What kind of business was it?" I asked, then, I noticed his hair looked different. "Did you do something to your hair? It looks much better!" I remarked. "A friend of mine did a little something." He smiled. "Could you two stop flirting and think for a moment? The Supreme is getting to be more of a problem than I thought." Shadybug groaned.

   "Shadybug's right," I added as Claw Noir sat down. "The Supreme could either be a good thing for us or a problem to us and all of Paris. If we're going to accept his offer, we neeed to make sure we all agree and work together." I explained. "We all want to do this to keep Paris safe right?" Claw Noir asked. "Of course." Shadybug and I answered. "Alright then, let's go inform our new... leader? Is that what we should call him? I don't know where his place is in all of this." Claw Noir laughed sheepishly. "We'll figure it out." I sighed.

   Before we could leave, I got a notification on my Spidey-phone. "I'm glad to see that the three of you have chosen to follow my orders. No need to meet me anywhere, for I already have your first mission in order." It was a message from The Supreme. "I need the three of you to find the butterfly miraculous. It has been stolen from me by some stranger." Another message read. "Looks like we won't have to see The Supreme." I remarked. "Why not?" Shadybug asked. "I'm not sure if he has spies on us or not, but he sent me a message with our first mission already." I showed them the messages.

   "That should be easy!" Claw Noir stretched his arms over his head. "I guess we should start looking. We can use these earbuds to talk to each other in case we find anything." I pulled out an earbud from my yoyo, as did Shadybug from hers and Claw Noir from his staff. "See ya, then!" Claw Noir vaulted away. Shadybug threw her yoyo and flew away, also. "Guess I'll head this way then." I threw my yoyo and flew over Paris. "If I were a person with the butterfly miraculous, what would I do?" I asked myself. "The butterfly holder is hidden in a secret location. I suggest you and your partners find the holder and get the miraculous back he stole and I shall give it to whoever brings it. If either one of you fail, I will not hesitate to get rid of you." The message read. "How sweet of you Supreme," I sighed. 

   "It's not like he explained how I'm supposed to find this guy, so I'll have to do some digging." I thought out loud. "I got a message from the Supreme." I spoke into our communicator. "What was it?" Shadybug asked. "All he said was that it's in a hidden location and whoever brings it to him will be given said miraculous. But whoever fails to bring it to him he said he'd 'get rid of them'. Whatever that means." I explained. "Spidey, I found something interesting. Can you meet me by the Eiffel Tower?" Shadybug asked.

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