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   I threw my yoyo and flew after Betterfly. The ONE time we actually get close to our goal and those two have to argue every waking minute! They better be figuring out how to fix this. I groaned to myself as I reached the top of the Eiffel Tower. Arai had told me at one point that with the spider miraculous, I'd also have great eyesight. I looked around the destroyed city, almost laughing to myself at how horrible it looked until I saw the familiar disgustingly light purple jumping around. "Found you~" I sang, throwing my yoyo towards him.

   I followed behind him quietly and my eyes widened when I saw where he was headed. "The Agreste mansion?" I asked aloud. "Wait, what!?" Shadybug shouted through my earpiece. "Booger Fly just went past the Agreste mansion." I lied. "That's not important. Where's Claw Noir?" I asked as I looked around for an entrance. "Not my problem where he goes." I could tell Shadybug had rolled her eyes. "Yes it is!" I countered, my eyes narrow. "What, am I gonna get it trouble with the Supreme?" She mocked. "You just might!" I answered. I zipped to the top of the entrance gate and looked down at the door to see Nino and Alya guarding the door.

   My eyes narrowed at the sight of them when I felt my Spidey-phone buzz. "Added ability: Complete Camouflage: User can blend in with surroundings for 20-" The message glitched into something different. "User can blend into surroundings no matter what." Well that'll come in handy. I thought to myself. "Complete Camouflage." I declared quietly. Better hope this works. I jumped down from the gate and was ready to walk through the door when I had an idea. I pulled out my Spidey-Phone to text Shadybug and Claw Noir about what's going on. "Found Booger Fly. He's in the Agreste mansion. Be here in two minutes; No more, no less." I closed my phone and tapped Nino's shoulder.

   "Huh?" He turned towards me. Instead of looking at me, he looked around me. So it does work. I smirked. When Nino turned back to how he was, I tapped his shoulder and Alya's at the same time. "Huh?" They both asked at the same time. 3... 2... 1!  Shadybug and Claw Noir landed right in front of the Agreste gate. "Cataclysm!" Claw shouted. Seconds later, the gate crumbled to pieces. "You warn Betterfly, I'll hold them off!" He said. Alya ran into the mansion and Nino lifted whatever weapon he had. It looked like the bigger version of a squirt gun, but I doubt it was. "You won't be getting past me! Don't even think about it!" He shouted. I smiled widely and walked in front of him.

   "Hey, where's Araignée?" Claw Noir asked, looking around. This is my moment! I chuckled sinisterly and stood in front of Nino. I slowly faded into view and Nino became more frightened each second. "Boo." I said before smiling widely, exposing all of my teeth. Nino shouted and began running away. "Oh, I love when they run!" I laughed, running after him. "Complete Captivity!" I shouted. Purple webs shot from my fingertips as I chased Nino. They were inches away from grabbing him when Claw Noir jumped towards him, getting in the way. My webs wrapped around him tightly and he dropped to the ground. Shadybug fell on the floor from laughing, but I rolled my eyes and continued chasing Nino.

   He ran back to the Agreste mansion and threw a smoke bomb towards us. I closed my eyes from the impact and when I opened them, I could see him clearly. "Follow me." I said, grabbing my partner's hands and walking through the cloud of smoke. When we made it through the smoke, I looked back at Shady and Claw to make sure they were okay. "What are you both so red for?" I asked. They looked at each other, back at me, and back at each other before pulling away. "It was the smoke." Shadybug crossed her arms. "Yeah, listen to the cockroach for once." Claw Noir rested his hands on his head.

   "Wow, you're actually getting along." I remarked, eyes partially wide. "Wait... where'd that kid go?" Shady asked. "Oh yeah, let's go!" I ran up the stairs and to the left and burst down the door. Shadybug and Claw Noir walked in behind me and started looking around. "Come out, come out, wherever you are!" Claw Noir sang, destroying everything in his way. "Over here." Shadybug called out. "What'd you find, Bug?" I asked, walking over to her. She was standing in front of a beautiful painting of a woman. Shadybug ran her hands across the painting until her fingers pressed against four buttons. The painting slid to the side, revealing an elevator. "Kitty, let's go! Destruction can wait!" I called out. "Coming, M'lady!" He ran into the elevator with us before it closed.

   The elevator slowly descended while playing calming music. I leaned against the railing, Shadybug stood with her arms crossed, and Claw Noir impatiently waited. I reached my hands up to play with Shadybug's hair, but she turned to me before I could. I looked at her dumbfounded and was about to say something when Claw Noir whined. "This elevator is moving too slow!" He held his hand out, summoning his cataclysm. Here we go. I rolled my eyes as the elevator burst into pieces and we jumped down. "I'm sorry- I can't stop them! They're coming!" Nino shouted as we landed.

   I stood up slowly and looked around. "Wow, this place is low-budget! And you call this the Resistance?" I laughed. Before I could taunt more, a bright purple light blinded me. "Lucky Charm." Shadybug reached her hand out and a hammer appeared. "What do you need that for?" I asked, smirking from the ideas that popped up in my head. "You'll see, Spidey." She chuckled. We all walked towards the moth man ready to grab him when he jumped through what looked to be a portal. "Downloading protective abilities." A small rotating robot spoke.

   I threw my yoyo towards it and gripped tight enough to ruin it's technology setup. It powered off and dropped to the floor. Shadybug walked towards the robot and grabs him by the grippy part at the bottom of him while Claw Noir grabs Nino and we walked to Alya who had already closed her portal. "Open up." I demanded. "Or else I might have something special for your little boyfriend here." Claw Noir threatened, summoning his Cataclysm. "No!" She shouted. "Then let us through!" Shadybug shouted. "Fine," She muttered. The portal opened back up and I smirked.

   We all walked through and looked around. Why does this room look kind of... similar? "Here, you can have your boyfriend back!" Claw Noir shouted, shoving Nino back through the portal. "Hey!" Claw Noir shouted as Shadybug took off his belt. "Don't tug on the tail!" He whined as Shadybug used it to tie Alya up. "At least now it's being put to good use." She spat. I walked over to the nearby computer and looked at the wallpaper. "Adrien Agreste." I muttered. "Even in this world we find pictures of that self-centered Adrien Agreste." Shadybug groaned.

   "Of course! He can only be perfect here, too!" Claw Noir reasoned, making me giggle. "A perfect stuck-up brat. No wonder you're a fan of him." She rolled her eyes. I jumped onto the bed next to us and looked at the wall and up towards the ceiling where there was an open trap door. "They must've gone out this way!" I called out, catching the attention of my partners. "I'd rather go out with a bang!" Claw Noir shouted, summoning his Cataclysm. "Kitty, wait-" I was too late. He blew up an entire wall which made the entire building shake. "Great job at keeping it low-key, flea bag." Shadybug groaned, pinching the bridge of her nose.

   "And you, our ride back." She turned to Alya. "Don't move." She ordered. We jumped out of the building and headed to the Tour Montparnasse. "Agh, which way did he go!? He could be anywhere, this city is too big!" Claw Noir complained. "Calm down, Kitty Cat. We'll find him. He can't go to far, after all, he's too much of a goody two-shoes." I smirked. "Lucky Charm!" Shady shouted, a pair of binoculars dropping in her hands. "What's that, Bug?" I asked. "A butterfly pheromone tracker. This will help us track the pest." She explained.

   "Oh, don't pretend you have some master plan when all you have is luck." Claw Noir rolled his eyes, resting his head on my shoulder. "And what plan do you have other than destroying everything?" Shadybug asked. "Ah... there it is." She said before Claw could speak. We followed Shadybug as she zipped off. I saw that we were following one of those horrid Kimiko's. It led us to the Eiffel tower, so we landed on top. "Care to do the honors, Kitty?" I smirked, turning towards him. "Gladly, M'lady." He bowed. He summoned his Cataclysm and slammed his hand to the ground. Shadybug picked me up out of nowhere and in seconds, the Eiffel Tower fell to shambles. "Ah, it reminds me of home." I sighed happily.

   "You use your Lucky Charm, I prefer intentional harm, more direct!" Claw Noir laughed as Shadybug landed behind him, setting me down. "But not discreet and even less clever." Shadybug spat back. "He can't be that far. Boogerfly, we know you're hiding here!" Claw Noir sang. "Show yourself, or otherwise," Ooh, my turn! "We'll turn this lousy world to nothing but ash!" I cackled.

*Hi luvs! I know you haven't seen me in a while, but I'm not dead! Hope you enjoyed this chapter!*

(1644 words)

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