The Plan

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   "Of course. Ground rules are trivial when it comes to teamwork." Monarch smirked. I scowled at his attitude. "First off, I won't be doing anything at all. I need to keep an eye on you. Second, you better not have this weird scheme to kill some teenagers." I walked closer, poking his chest. "Of course not. I wouldn't make teenagers kill their alter egos. And I have a better idea." He took off a necklace and handed it to me. "This is the miraculous of the mouse, the kwamis name is Mullo. Call out her name and the name of your kwami to unify them." I suspiciously took the necklace and put it on. "Your power is Multitude. That way, you can work for me and keep an eye on me." He reasoned.

   "Mullo, Arai, unify!" I declared. The cape around my waist disappeared and was replaced with a rope that wrapped around my waist and looked like a tail. Pink highlights were added to my jacket and my previously braided hair was now in two buns. "Now all you need is a new name to match." Monarch remarked, leaning on his cane. "How about... Multarai?" Claw Noir nodded. "That sounds so cool!" He cheered! "Do we get one?" Claw Noir asked happily, walking circles around me to admire my outfit. "What I'm about to give you will be better than any miraculous. Trust me." Monarch chuckled, making Claw Noir happier.

   Monarch stood up straight, and closed his eyes. "Trixxi, Kaalki, Nooroo, unify!" He declared. A flash ran all over his body, but his appearance didn't change. He pulled out a flute and blowing into it. A bright, orange flashed and Monarch gestured the three of us through a portal which took us to the stop of the Eiffel Tower. Our up-high view showed us what happened from that big flash. Giant versions of me, Shadybug, and Claw Noir were roaming the city. "Betterfly!" The giant version of me sang. "If you don't want us to destroy this world-" The giant Shadybug started. "Then come out, come out wherever you are!" The giant Claw Noir shouted.

   "Just let them roam around and lure those so-called heroes out." Monarch explained to us as Shadybug stood by Monarch while Claw Noir and I sat on the edge of the rails. "But I have horrible patience!" Claw Noir whined. "Not today, Kitty Cat. Plus, if those helpless kids are as righteous as they think they are, they'll show up sooner rather than later." I chuckled, rubbing his back. As Claw Noir sighed, I felt the presence of magic nearby. "They're close." I muttered. "Really? You must have great sight, cause I can't see a thing!" Claw Noir laughed, swinging himself back and forth.

   "Stop doing that before you fall, Claw Noir." I suggested. "I'll be fine, M'lady. Plus, I know you'll catch me if I did." He smirked teasingly, causing me to blush slightly. Thankfully, it was too dark for anyone to see. "Oh really?" I retorted, matching his attitude. "I'd bet ice cream on it." He laughed. "Would you two stop flirting? It's disgusting." Shadybug groaned. "Someone's jealous~" Claw Noir and I sung at the same time, making us laugh. "Why so salty, Shady?" I asked, coming off the rails.

   "Other than you two goofballs, I'm actually trying to do my job." She crossed her arms. "But it's just a job unless you make it enjoyable. Being with you two, despite the constant arguing, makes me enjoy doing this." I smiled softly, causing Shadybug to look away. "Whatever." She muttered, looking out towards our bigger versions. My smile slowly dropped, as I was upset with how harshly Shadybug replied.  I looked out towards the city again and saw Ladypest, the kitty cat, and Alya as Ubiquity jumping from rooftop to rooftop. "See? They can't help themselves, they always have to save the world." Monarch stated cockily, gesturing towards them."

   "Sure, but there are three of them, and Ladybug has the butterfly miraculous." Shadybug countered, her arms crossed. My eyes widened at what she said, a small plan appearing in my head. "Your supposedly "simple" two person plan no longer works, Your Majesty." Claw Noir added, holding his staff on his shoulders. "On the contrary, now it will be even simpler to seize both their Miraculous and the one of the Butterfly. As for the holder of the Butterfly Miraculous, whatever he has done regardless of his universe, can undo it." Monarch stated proudly as he snapped his fingers. This caused Ubiquity to return to regular Alya and she fell to her knees.

   Ladybug and Alya talked for a moment and my suspicion grew. "It's you against me, Giant Shadybug!" Ladybug shouted as she threw her yoyo towards the illusion. The illusion disappeared and Ladybug dropped to the streets below. "Oh no, it was an illusion!" She shouted. This all seems a bit too obvious. I thought to myself as I looked at Monarch. "It's your move. Voyage!" He shouted, making a portal for Shadybug. I stood up before she jumped through. "I think I should go. They might be expecting Shady." I insisted, resting my hand on her shoulder. "Just get off my back, Araignée. I don't need you butting into everything!" Shadybug shouted, shoving me off. "But, Shady..."

   Shadybug jumped through the portal and I was left with Monarch and Claw Noir. Not long after, Cat Noir dispelled Claw's illusion. "Oh! Could it be that it's just an illusion?" Cat Noir shouted. Something isn't right here... "Forgive me for this, kitty-cat." I pushed Claw Noir out of the way and walked through the portal instead. "Surprise, kitty kitty." I said from behind Cat Noir. "You?" Cat Noir asked. "The name's Araignée, kitten." I corrected, playng with my yoyo and walking towards him. Claw Noir stood on guard, ready to attack me at any moment, making me laugh. "Aw, how paw-sitively pathetic." My smile dropped into that of a scowl.

   "What's pathetic are your claw-ful puns!" He declared, running towards me. "Complete Camouflague." I said, disappearing from Cat Noir's sight. "Wha-? Where'd you go?" He asked as he stopped running. "I'm over here~" I said, appearing behind him. Cat Noir turned around to attack, but I disappeared again. "Are you kitten me? The only thing worse than your fighting is your claw-ful puns." Cat Noir remarked, looking around for where I might've gone. "I like to think my puns are purr-fect! Plus, I've got a great cat-itude!" I laughed as I appeared once again. Cat Noir finally turned to me and ran at me with full force. "Cataclysm!" He shouted. "Complete Captivity!" I declared. My purple webs extended from my fingertips and held the kitten like a bug in a spider web.

   Cat Noir was quick to react and was ready to destroy my webs. "Ah, ah ah! I wouldn't do that if I were you. You see, when my webs get destroyed, they destroy everything that touches it." I smiled as I explained the extent of my power. Cat Noir's eyes widened and he went to touch something in his ear, but it was disintegrated. "Ladybug? Ladybug?!" He shouted. I looked up and smiled as Claw Noir landed next to me. "Just in time, partner. This itty-bitty kitten here seems to have caught himself in a trap." I looked at Cat Noir with a teasing smile. "Make sure he doesn't go anywhere. Better yet, take him to the sewers. Shadybug and I will meet you there." I ruffled Claw Noir's hair and jumped away to find Shadybug. "Anything for you, M'lady!" Claw Noir shouted.

   I heard loud bangs coming from the school and watched from above as Shadybug came closer to Ladybug who had just hit a wall. "Lost without your house pet? Ridiculous." Shadybug scoffed. "Just beacuase we can't talk doesn't mean we aren't working together!" Ladybug countered, although... nothing happened. I looked back down to Lady and Shadybug. One with a fearful look, the other with an annoyed expression. (Can you guess which is which? :p Wrong answers only!)

   "Looks like your flea bag ditched you. Too bad." Shadybug laughed sinisterly, grabbing Ladybug by the collar. "I bet you thought you had this all figured out, huh? Well guess what? Life doesn't work out how you think it does! You can't always have the perfect life, perfect friends, perfect family, perfect boyfriend, NOTHING!" I saw how far Shadybug was going and whistled to catch her attention. The two bugs looked up at me and I smiled, jumping down to them. "Hi Shady." I looked at Ladybug and scoffed. "Pest." I rolled my eyes. "The name's Ladyfly." Ladypest countered. "Yeah... don't care." I looked back at Shadybug with a smile. "No need to torture her. I have a surprise for her elsewhere." I forced out webs and used them to tie Ladybug up and cover her mouth, forcing her unconcious.

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The Other SideOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora