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   The next day, I woke up extra early and went to Marinette's house this time before school. I opened the door to the bakery and were welcomed by her parents. "Good morning, Y/n! How can I help you?" Her dad asked. "Morning, sir. I'm just here to meet with Marinette so we can head to school. We both decided that this would be better since she sleeps in often." I lied, giggling.

   "Why that's a splendid plan!" He spread his arms out wide. "I'll make you girls some breakfast, nice and fresh!" He clapped his hands together. "You really don't have to!" I sweetly refused. "No need to worry! This will be completely free of charge for my darling's first friend in highschool!" He insisted. "Well, thank you, then." I giggled.

   "Oh, hello, Y/n. What brings you here?" Her mom asked, walking into the bakery. "Her and Marinette came up with a new plan so they wouldn't be late for school, isn't that great?" Her dad practically squealed. "Why yes, but Marinette is still asleep, as always." Her mom sighed. "I'll call her, that should wake her up." I offered, pulling out my phone and dialing Mari's number.

   "Hello?" She asked groggily. "Are you still sleeping, Mari? We have to go to school, remember?" I sighed with a smile. "Wait, what day is it?" She asked. "It's Friday, Mari." I sighed. "Friday?!" She shouted, causing me to hold the phone away from my ear. "Yes, Friday. Now let's go! We don't wanna be late again!" I laughed. She cleared her throat and tried to sound normal. "10 minutes, I'll be right there." A huge thud was heard from upstairs and she hung up.

   Sure enough, she was down the stairs in 9 minutes, fully dressed and panting like someone who just ran a mile, but once she saw me, she fixed herself and acted like nothing happened. "What are you gawking at? Come on," She grabbed my hand and started pulling me to the door. "Don't forget your breakfast, girls!" Her dad threw the bags toward us and I caught them; One in my hand, one in my teeth.

   "Thanks, Dad!" Mari shouted as we left the bakery. "Our daughter finally has a friend!" I heard her dad cheer. "You said you didn't want to be late, right?" Mari asked, pulling me farther. "Are you okay, Mari? You seem a bit... off. Is there something you wanna talk about?" I asked as Mari's grip on my arm tightened. "Nope, perfectly fine." She answered quickly. "Well, would you look at that! The poor baker girl is friends with the absolute nobody!" Chloe cackled. "I'm not dealing with you today, Chloe." Mari groaned, pulling me in the school building.

   "What a coward!" Sabrina grumbled from behind us. "Someone needs to put her in her place." I sighed. "If I had the energy to care, I probably would've." Mari answered. "Good morning, girls! Glad to see you're early today!" Ms. Bustier smiled. "Morning," We answered as we sat in our seats.


   During lunch, I pulled out my phone to see a text from an uknown number. "Hey, it's Adrien." It read, just then another one popped up. "I need to talk to you, meet me in the courtyard." It read. "Hey Mari, I gotta go to the bathroom, be back in a few." I waved, walking away. This better be good, Agreste. I thought to myself as I headed to the courtyard.

   "You made it," He smiled as I walked towards him and sat on a bench next to him. "What's this about?" I asked. "Oh right, that." He laughed nervously. "I kinda wanted to talk to you without anyone being in the way so I did this without thinking. Looking at it now, this is pretty weird." He sighed, scratching the back of his neck.

   "What did you want to talk about? Your weird hairstyle?" I asked teasingly. "Haha, very funny. I wanted to just talk. You said you wanted to get to know me for me, and I thought this could be a chance." He explained shyly. "Well, Adrien, you could've invited me out some place instead of it being at school." I sighed. "Yeah, you're right. My bad." He sat down next to me. "But, since you have my number now, and I won't ask how, just send me an address of a nice place and the time, and I'll meet you there." The bell rang before he could answer.

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