Not so normal life

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It's been two days since aaliyah met Marshall and she was completely happy that she met him, she felt like she could tell him anything, she finally found herself a real friend
And Marshall was completely smitten by her but he tried his absolute hardest to not show it

It is Monday morning and aaliyah and her sisters were in Janet's room studying and doing homework after awhile Marshall came over with Dre and DeShaun Holton aka Proof and
Tony and Ray was going to let them audition to see if they have real talent
Ray was really rooting for them to be apart of the band, he knew that Aaliyah needed help with her rapping plus the band needed some really talented rappers
Tony, bea and Ray were in the kitchen
Tony was eating a bowl of cereal, bea was cleaning and Ray was looking over songs for aaliyah

They were talking about Marshall and DeShaun and how Tony didn't trust them

"So I hear you're gonna let Marshall and his friend be a part of the band?" Bea asked

"No, I haven't decided, yet, Dre is gonna bring them over and I'm gonna let them audition, but if I'm gonna be honest I don't think I want them to be apart of the band" Tony explained

"Why? Dad, haven't you heard their demo? They can rap, plus it'll be great for aaliyah and the band" Ray said

"Yeah well Marshall reminds me a lot of myself and bea you remember how I used to be, I was reckless, rude, disrespectful, a playboy I see that Marshall is the same exact way plus I see the way he looks at Aaliyah, I don't trust him near her"

"Oh honey come on, aaliyah is smart I'm sure she's not gonna fall for him or anything plus he's too old for her" bea explained

"Yeah plus she just broke up with her boyfriend" Tony added
Aaliyah had met a boy in school and she liked him he liked her and so they started dating
Well, Ray didn't like him, so he got rid of him, so he practically ruined Aaliyah relationship
But he was just trying to be protective of aaliyah

"Yes, and thanks to Ray for that" bea added

"Me!?" Ray exclaimed

"Yeah, you" Tony and bea said at the same time

"Well that doesn't matter aaliyah is also like dad, she determined, persistent, kind, soft-minded and if she wants something she'll do whatever in her power to make it happen especially when it comes to love or family" Ray added
Bea and Tony knew that Ray was right so they had to keep an eye out on aaliyah and Marshall

"Don't worry, Dre is gonna be with us for the rest of the year plus I'm sure Marshall isn't like what you guys think, I'm sure he is the opposite" bea kindly added
Then the doorbell rang and tony went to the door

"Hey man!" Dre said

"Hey guys come on in" Tony said
So they all went inside and went to Tony's studio

"Okay you guys hang out here, Dre can I speak to you please?" Tony asked
Dre left and it was just Marshall, DeShaun and Ray

Whitney couldn't find her calculator, then she remembered that she left it in her dad's studio

"Hey mama?" Whitney asked

"Yes sweetheart?"

"Is dad in his office? I left my calculator in there and I need it"

"I don't know, but go ahead and get it" Bea added

"okay" so Whitney went to her dad's office and her calculator wasn't in there
So she went to the studio and she noticed Marshall, DeShaun and Ray talking

"Oh sorry, I didn't know you guys were in here" Whitney said

"It's no problem, what do you need?" Ray asked

"I left my calculator in here, have you seen it?"

"Yeah it's right here" then ray turned around and grabbed the calculator off the table and handed it to Whitney

"Thanks, I'm gonna go now"
So Whitney left and went back to Janet's room

"So tony what did you wanna talk to me about?" Dre asked

"Look I know you highly recommend these guys but I don't trust them, they are so much like how we were when we were their age and I don't know if I want my kids around that kinda thing" Tony explained

"I know man but don't worry i'll keep an eye out for them, plus you'll never find any other rappers as good as them, trust me on this"

"Okay fine, but if I suspect anything from them, they will be dismissed from the band" Tony added

"Okay sounds fair" then Dre and tony shake hands and went to the studio


"Okay guys so I have to go over the rules with you that my dad has set okay, so you need to take them seriously" Ray said

"Okay shoot" DeShaun said

"Okay first no smoking any kind of cigarettes or drugs, second no drinking, we don't drink unless it's a special holiday or a special occasion and third and this rule is very important and serious do not flirt with my sisters especially aaliyah okay?" Ray explained

"Okay don't worry man we won't let you down" Marshall replied
Finally Dre and tony came into the room

"So you guys are in the band now, how do you feel about changing your hair and your clothes?" Tony asked
Marshall and DeShaun looked at eachother Then back at Dre
And dre gave them a certain look like "might as well get it over with" type of look

"Yeah I'm mean what the heck" Marshall said

"Yeah I'm cool with it" DeShaun added

"Okay good, ray get your mother and Priscilla, tell them they have so boys to doll up" Tony said and dre started to laugh and they walked away

So Priscilla had Marshall and beatrice had DeShaun
Marshall dyes his hair to black and DeShaun got a hair cut
And they were given some comfty more modern clothes

After an hour the boys looked brand new

"Are you guys done?" Marshall asked sounding annoyed

"Yep we sure are" bea replied

"Aaliyah!!" Priscilla yelled

"What!?" Aaliyah yelled back

"Come here!!" Priscilla yelled again
Finally aaliyah went into the main bathroom and noticed how different Marshall looked

"It's looks good" aaliyah said

"Thanks" Marshall replied

"Looks real good" aaliyah added she couldn't help but stare at Marshall, she loved his blue eyes

"Aaliyah" Tony called out, aaliyah quickly walked away from Marshall and went to her dad

"Yes dad?"

"Why aren't you in your room studying?" Tony asked

"Priscilla called me down here" aaliyah explained

"Well go back to your room, I need you done with your school work before we leave to Las Vegas" Tony demanded
So aaliyah nodded her head and went back to her room

Aaliyah for once just wanted to hang out with people make friends like a normal teenager, all she always had to do was practice songs, do concerts and study and it was extremely tiring for her and her family

But who know maybe Aaliyah will get that one true dream friend

Could it be Marshall?

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