Don't you want me

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It's been two weeks since marshall was fired from the band and the band really hasn't been the same, dre, Deshaun, ray have still be in contact with Marshall, Dre is helping marshall come out with another album *The Slim Shady LP*
Aaliyah still calls him whenever she can but lately dre and tony have been keeping her really busy they released a new album *Rewrite Love* and so far it's been sold over 30 million worldwide and the band got another No.1 song that hit the Hot 100 billboard, Tony opened his own label record company now, they named it The Royal Rivera Records everything has been going good with the family but Aaliyah still had a hard time putting a smile on, her dad knew that she was still upset about Marshall but he didn't want to discuss it anymore, it happened and there's no going back or changing it

It's 10:30 pm and the family is in Ohio performing, Aaliyah performed all her new songs on her album, aaliyah is singing her last song first heartbreak, DeShaun wrote it for priscilla

DeShaun confessed his feeling for priscilla and she didn't feel the same and when aaliyah found out she made sure that she added a lot of pain and passion into the song, not only for DeShaun but also for herself
Marshall was Aaliyah first heartbreak, even though she dated a guy before him but when they broke up, he didn't even try to fight for aaliyah but marshall did, he still is fighting for her
So to aaliyah, marshall was, her first kiss ,her first boyfriend, her first everything and she wanted him to be the last also, she didn't want to be with anyone else, she didn't want anyone else

So as aaliyah finishes singing First heartbreak she starts softly crying, the band notices so does tony and bea
They all know why she was crying

"Thank you! Have a great night Ohio!" Aaliyah happily shouts, she and the other band members wave goodbye and they all leave the stage
Everyone walks backstage and DeShaun sat right next aaliyah

"Hey, you okay?" DeShaun ask

"Yeah, I'm fine, why?" aaliyah questioned

"Well you just seem different now, not to mention you cried on stage in front of thousands of people, normally you would be embarrassed or you would try and act like nothing's wrong so others don't worry, is it about marshall?"

"Yeah, when you wrote this song and once i heard it, i immediately felt your pain, i miss him so much" aaliyah said in a soft voice

"Yeah i know you do, when i talk to him he always asks about you, he's been worried like crazy"


"Cause he thinks since he's gone and you're always on tour now he thinks you're gonna find someone new and replace him" DeShaun explained

"No, i would never do that, i don't wanna be with anyone but Marshall, no one makes me happy like he does" aaliyah confessed

"Well that's good to hear" deshaun says sounding relieved

"Yeah, do you know where he's staying right now?" aaliyah asked

"Yeah, he's been in L.A for a while now"
Aaliyah planned on visiting marshall, once she got back home

"So guys we have some good news!" Tony said

"What's going on?" Janet asked

"We're going on tour!" Bea said with so much excitement
Everyone was so happy and excited
Aaliyah and DeShaun were too but they were ready to go home and be with Marshall so he doesn't get lonely

"Yep, our first concert of the tour will be in florida, and we'll see how it goes from there"

"How long will the tour be?" Selena asked

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