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Here's the first chapter hope you enjoy it very much .

          So-nam groaned once he heard his phone ringing. The divine counter wanted to do nothing more than sleep but based on his ringtone he knew who was calling and knew said person wasn't going to hang up anytime soon. He groggily rubbed his eyes and answered it. "yes?"

                "So-nam!" His best friend Hana shouted on the other end of the line making him wince

                   "Don't shout , I was up studying most of the night. " The divine counter whined while scratching his brown curly hair that was an absolute mess. The grey tips of his curls  were still present even after two years.

                   "I just stepped on one ," Hana bluntly  said ignoring his tiredness , So-nam could hear she was running in the background .

                   "What's the situation?" He asked while getting out of bed making his way to the fridge.

              "Some evil spirit is holding a bus of children hostage. We are heading towards Jungjin intersection.How fast can you and Mun get here. "

              So-nam did a double take and looked out his apartment eyeing the town ,"what makes you think Mun is with me?"

                 "Please . Don't even try to pretend." Hana scoffed, So-nam could hear the attitude in her tone  , "just get yourself and your boyfriend here quickly." Like that she hang up.

                    So-nam sighed , "time to get in action. Do evil spirits have to cause havoc so early. " He looked at the clock , there was enough time before his lecturer  started the online class.

                 So-nam walked back into his bedroom a smile on his face when he saw Mun still fast asleep. His boyfriend was so adorable. He got closer and sat on the bed running his hand in his younger boyfriend's black curly hair.

            "So Mun."  He gently shook him but Mun wasn't responding , " So Mun." When he still didn't get a response , an idea planted itself in the divine counter's head. "Mun?"  He leaned in and gently pressed a kiss on Mun's lips.

                      Mun felt lips moving against his. He automatically kissed his boyfriend back. The uncanny Yung counter smiled once he saw So-nam's face in front of him , he could get used to this every morning. "Morning. Why did you choose to steal a kiss from me so early in the morning."

                    So-nam smiled , "you weren't waking up so I had to find ," he wiggled his brows making Mun grin , "other alternatives."

                    Mun sat up with a wide smile , "really. Or are you sure you weren't trying to just steal a kiss for no reason." He leaned closer to So-nam.

               "Don't distract me," So-nam chuckled , "I came to tell you Hana said she stepped on one. We've to meet on Jungin intersection."

             that got Mun's attention quickly , "Really!We have to stop the evil spirit" Mun immediately leaped out of the bed automatically in counter mode. He grabbed his spare counter uniform from Sonam's closet putting it on in rush.

            "Calm down will you." Sonam said while putting on his shoes and uniform, "I'll get us there quickly." The divine counter grabbed his headphones wearing them not only to block the upcoming thoughts of everyone but to listen to the music , he needed it .

THE OTHER UNCANNY COUNTER S2Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ