(2) Meeting the Boyfriend (part 2)

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Ren's nerves were on high alert as Sae stared him down. Even if he knew she was a kind woman, he also knew how much she cared for Makoto. He looked back at Sae's expression, not so much stern as it was focused.

"Ren-kun, how do you feel about Makoto?" Sae asked again. "I know you're a good person, and I trust you more than almost anyone, but I just want to know that my sister is safe.

Ren let out a deep breath, feeling a little better about this as Sae sat back down in front of him. After everything that had happened, Sae still trusted him, even if he still held some doubts that she actually liked him.

"W-well, it's...Makoto and I...She's...she's wonderful, Niijima-san. Even when I first arrived, something about her drew me in. And after she joined our team and helped us with Kaneshiro, I knew that I...I, um..."

"Come on Ren-kun, spit it out."

"I knew I loved her!" He exclaimed. Sae was taken aback by his shift in tone as he stood up and his hands slammed down onto the table. She had meant to get answers out of the boy, but not like this. Ren blinked before realizing his position, quickly sitting down again and lowering his head as he awaited Sae's retort with baited breath. He'd let his heart out there ready for it to be crushed by his girlfriend's guardian.

"You...love her?"

"I-I-I mean...my apologies for my outburst Niijima san, but...I do. I love Makoto. She's such a-a smart and dedicated girl, but she's also...tender and sweet. She makes me feel happier and more confident in myself. Honestly, she's...partly what kept me going when they locked me up after all of the business with Shido. I couldn't just give up in there, not with someone waiting for me when I got out. Thinking of her smile and the times we've spent together...it kept me feeling hopeful."

Ren shut his eyes as he feared the older Niijima's wrath, but it never came. He was confused. Surely Sae would have slapped him by now. He peeped open an eye, only to see Sae practically beaming at him. He'd seen her smile before, yes, but she looked almost proud of him, in a way.

"That's all I wanted to hear. Honestly Ren-kun, did you think I was going to try and throw you back in jail again just because you were dating Makoto?"

Ren looked bashfully down at his lap again. "U-I'm, w-w-well...m-maybe," he admitted.

"Well, don't worry. I'm not very happy you kept this a secret, but...I can understand why. I've been so horrible to my sister, and I think I know why she'd want me to know little about you."

Ren looked at the downcast Sae and sighed, standing up from the table and walking around to her. Sae stood to meet him, red eyes meeting gray as she continued looking downward.

"Hey, don't worry Niijima-san. That's all in the past. Besides, even if you went wrong, you came around again. Makoto also says you two have been enjoying your time together more. It'll take time, for sure, but I know you can do it. If you're anything like Makoto, I know you don't give up so easily."

Sae chuckled at that and held out her hand to the teen. "Thank you Amamiya-kun, that...that's nice to hear you say. I know you'll make Makoto happy." Ren took her hand and smiled.

"Thanks Niijima-san. And you can call me Ren if you'd like," he finished, slightly backing away from the woman in case he'd overstepped his boundaries.

"In that case, call me Sae. I'm not your lawyer anymore, plus if you kept calling me that Makoto might be too embarrassed to do this again."

"Well when you put it like that..." Ren replied with a cheeky grin. They separated hands as he looked to his phone, noticing a message from his guardian saying he was headed back home. The teen decided to call it a night, taking the Tupperware containers and walking to the door. "Thank you again Nii-Sae-san. Have a good night. Tell Makoto I said so to her as well."

"Goodnight Ren-kun. And I will." Ren smiled to her as he put on his shoes and walked out the door, Sae promptly closing it again as he descended the stairs of the sisters' apartment.

"Oh, sis, is Ren gone yet? I heard the door close," Makoto asked. Sae turned to see the girl in her nightwear before answering her sister.

"Yes, he just left. I just needed to talk with him about some things. Nothing to worry about."

"Sis, you didn't scare him off, did you?" Makoto asked worryingly.

"Of course not. And if this is about your relationship with him, I'm not mad. I'm just glad that he has someone to keep him in line."

"Well, I try," Makoto responded as the two smiled to one another. "Well, I'm going off to bed. Night sis."

"Goodnight Makoto," Sae responded as the younger of the two went back to her room. Sae looked to the clock before deciding to follow Makoto's example.

'They really do seem good for each other' she thought as the older Niijima went to her room to rest, now aware and supportive of her sister's relationship with the former leader of the phantom thieves.

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