(5) Calling All Niijimas

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Ren booted up his laptop as he lay on his bed. To his lack of surprise, not many people were willing to associate with a former 'criminal', regardless of the actual facts of the incident. He'd thankfully been let back into his high school, but the other students chose to avoid him for the most part.

It wasn't all bad for the teen, however. Yeah his relationship with his parents was often absent, but he still had Morgana with him, and the small companion did wonders for keeping him sane. He was also still thankful for his friends. He could call them whenever they all had the free time, and the other members of the former Phantom Thieves always made time to tell their leader all about what was happening.

Ren smiled as he reminisced about his friends. Ryuji and Ann were almost out of high school to begin their careers in sports and acting, Yusuke had been taking some light commissions to finally get some proper cash, Futaba had started school, and Haru was starting to get her cafe off the ground with her company...

And Makoto. Makoto was the biggest thing on his mind. Even after only a few months, he still missed her greatly. The brunette had begun calling him every week to talk, and he'd learned all about how college life was treating her. He was glad to see that, even miles apart, the two were still on healthy footing in their relationship.

Speaking of the older teen, Ren looked at his clock to check the time. It was Saturday, so he was supposed to call Makoto for their weekly talk. He booted up his laptop and called his girlfriend, getting a response after a few rings, her face covering his screen.

"Good evening Ren! How are you?"

The teen smiled at the older girl's enthusiastic greeting. "Hey Makoto. Good to see you again. I miss you," he admitted.

"Aww Ren, I miss you too. Is Morgana with you?"

"No, he's out exploring. Something about 'getting in touch with his inner animal' in the woods nearby. Sometimes the little guy baffles me."

"Haha, I suppose he's just getting used to being a cat 24/7. Anyways, how has school been? You're keeping up with your studies right?"

Ren rolled his eyes with a smile, pulling up his textbook to the camera. "Yes ma'am, don't worry. I'm getting it done."

"Oh very funny you. I'm not worried about you. I, oh, hey sis!" Makoto said, her head turning away from her camera as Ren saw the girl's older sister walk into frame.

"Hello Makoto. Sorry for the sudden intrusion, but I got off work early and thought we could go and get dinner tonight. Are you-" Sae stopped as she viewed Makoto's screen, Ren still on the other end smiling at the two. He waved at the elder Niijima. "Oh, hello Ren-kun."

"Hello Sae-san. How are things with you?"

"Good, good. Work has been a lot but it's nothing I can't handle."

"Oh I'm sure Sae-san. By the way, how did your thing go with Takemi-san?"

Ren noticed the lawyer's cheeks redden slightly at his comment, his trademark cocky smirk sneaking along his face. A few weeks ago, Sae had messaged him about information regarding Tae Takemi, his former doctor. He told her what he knew before she admitted it was for a date. Takemi had messaged him, but he'd never heard anything from his former lawyer.

"O-oh, that! Umm, y-y-yes, well, it went...very well, thank you Ren-kun. We, um, actually have something planned for next weekend."

He saw Makoto's eyes go somewhat wide at that. "Oh that's great sis! I'm sure it'll go great. And yeah, I'm okay for dinner tonight. Just give me a few minutes and I'll be ready."

"Alright, I'll go and change and wait outside." She turned to Ren. "Goodnight Ren-kun. Hope you're doing well."

"I am, thank you Sae-san. Goodnight." With that, the older woman walked out of Makoto's room, closing the door as the couple returned to their conversation.

"She still has no idea, does she?" Ren asked. Makoto, who he'd disclosed his plan to before, smiled at him.

"Not a clue. I dare say that your ability to help people extends even beyond your physical ability my dashing Joker~"

"Why, you flatter me, my queen. I am but a humble man, I can't take all the credit." He winked, leading to both him and Makoto breaking out into cheerful laughter as they stayed in the moment. "But yeah, I'm glad that your sister and Takemi managed to hit it off."

"So am I. I think they're really good for each other." Ren smiled at her joy regarding her sister. The two ended up chatting for a few more minutes before they had to log off. "I'll see you soon Ren. Same time next week?"

"Of course, my queen. Anything for you." He smiled at the blush that spread across her face at his cheesy comment. "Love you Mako."

"Love you too Renren." Her smile grew as she logged off their chat, Ren blushing slightly as he repositioned himself on his bed, preparing to turn in for the night, a small, recognizable figure strutting up to his form.

"Are you still chatting up Makoto or are you ready for bed? Oh! Did she say hello to me?"

Ren chuckled at his companion's antics. "Yes Morgana, she did. Sae-san says hello too."

"Oh, cool! You and Queen helped set her up with Takemi didn't you?"

Ren once again smiled at the small cat. He petted his friend behind the ears as his friend began drifting off. Ren himself turning in not long after. Before that, however, he answered his friend.

"Yep. Worked like a charm."

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