(4) Homeward Bound

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Leblanc seemed noticeably empty today.

Not that Sae minded, of course. Or really noticed too often. While Sojiro's cafe served good coffee, it was no secret the man rarely got so many customers at a time, especially at this time of year. She looked down at the food she'd been mixing around at her place as she thought to the conversation she'd had with her sister a few days ago...


"You're going to what?"

"We're driving Ren back to his hometown. Don't worry, we already thought this through. We got a van from Haru's company and I'll be driving. I'll be back before school starts again."

"Makoto, wait! Just...just be careful, okay? I know you can handle yourself. I...suppose you've grown quite a bit this last year." Sae smiled as she thought about how much her younger sister had changed, no longer bowing to whatever authority said and working towards her dream of police commissioner. "I'm proud of you sis."

Makoto smiled as she hugged her big sister. "Thanks sis. That...really means a lot. And I promise to be safe."

"Alright, just promise to call me when you reach his home, ok? I'll see you in a few days then."

"I will, thank you sis." With that, Makoto left out the door, the rest of her friends already waiting outside as she stored her carry-on into the van and drove off towards Yongen.


Sae was brought out of her reminiscing with a light thud of a coffee cup on the table, looking over to the older gentleman across the counter.

Careful, Niijima-san. Don't want your coffee getting cold," Sojiro teased, the prosecutor laughing as she sipped her drink.

"Apologies, Sakura-san. It's just...it's been a while since it's felt this quiet around here."

"I feel you there. Still don't know how Futaba convinced me to go with them to take the kid home. But at least he's out of my hair."

"Surely you don't actually mean that."

Sojiro sighed as his smile faded slightly. "Yeah, you're right. Damn kid's got me getting all sentimental even when he's not here." Sojiro went back to checking the pot of curry he was making, Sae considering his words.

"I understand. It's strange to think but...he really did make a difference around here. Although I do suppose that killing a god will do that to a person."

She heard Sojiro chuckle at that, the older man's smile returning to his long face. "Yeah, that's true. He's certainly made an impact. Can't think of a business owner around here or in Shibuya he hasn't helped at some point. That including you, I guess, doesn't it?"

Sae smiled at the memory. Ren did indeed help people quite a bit. When gathering evidence while he was in solitary, she remembered the reporter from that bar in Shinjuku and the politician from Shibuya coming to his aid. She'd also heard word of him helping a fortune teller and the local physician near Leblanc. For a seemingly troublesome kid, he sure did improve a lot.

"Any word on when they'll be back, Sakura-san? Has your daughter said anything to you?" Sae asked out of curiosity.

"Hmm. She said they'd be back in 2-3 days, so I'm not too worried. They're a good lot, they'll take care of each other. Honestly, I'm glad he came here. Kid may have been trouble, but without him, Futaba wouldn't have left her comfort zone..."

"And Makoto and I would still be distant," Sae finished. The phantom thieves had definitely made an impact, in and out of their costumes. "A part of me wishes he didn't have to go."

"Yeah, me too. But hey, it's only another year. Kid said he'll be back for college, so I doubt we'll miss him too much. Plus, the others can chat over video, so it ain't all bad. I'm just glad that he and Futaba can still talk. He's like a big brother to her, I think."

Sae thought again to Makoto. Surely her sister would miss her boyfriend once he left. Even still, she knew that they'd be fine. 'Those kids have been through worse,' she thought as she finished her cup.

"I should probably get going. Payment's on the table boss. Thanks for the coffee. And for the talk, I suppose. Just getting used to Makoto not being home for so long."

"No problem, Niijima-san. And don't worry, those kids'll be back before you know it." Sae smiled and waved at the man as she exited. She thought of the man's words as she headed for the train home.

'Back before I know it. Hmm. I suppose boss has a point.' She boarded the train and started her journey home. She couldn't stay thinking of those kids forever. They'd certainly helped her through her struggles, and she theirs, but she'd made a promise to help people, and she wasn't about to disappoint the kid she'd told it to.

'Defense lawyer doesn't have a bad ring to it,' she thought as she exited the subway station.

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