(6) Return of the Joker (part 1)

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Makoto seemed very excited this morning.

At least that's what Sae could gather as her sister talked with her on the phone last night. Makoto had been calling her sister every once in a while to check in and make sure the silver haired lawyer wasn't overworking herself. Sae was grateful that, even as she went off to college, Makoto still wanted to talk with her about what was going on in her life.

Last night felt different however. Not that it was bad, but Sae could tell something was up with her as she talked over the phone. She said something about someone coming over soon, but that was about all Sae could remember from her late night call. She looked back at her phone to check the time as she stood out of bed, making her way towards the door to her room as she felt it vibrate, a message popping up from a recognized number.

RA: Good morning Sae-san.
RA: I know this is sudden, but I need some help.

Sae registered who it was texting her. Then it clicked. In her drowsy state of last night, she hadn't heard who Makoto said was coming, only for the very person on her sister's mind to text her early the next day. Sae sighed as she answered the teen.

SN: Good morning Ren-kun.
SN: It's alright, I was just getting up anyways. What is it you need help with?
SN: Makoto said you were coming back to Tokyo soon I believe.

RA: Yeah, I am. It's just...
RA: I plan on coming tomorrow.

Sae started at the messages. While it was true that the school year had just ended, Ren would have likely needed time to make arrangements before his start at university.

SN: Oh. That's...
SN: That's very good Ren.
SN: But isn't there a lot of work you need to do before moving back here? What about your housing or your parents?

Sae waited for a response, slightly cringing at her words. True, she had gotten to know the boy quite well over the past two years, but she didn't want to feel as if she was encroaching on his personal affairs.

RA: Not really.
RA: Makoto and Haru have been helping me put everything together and Sojiro-san has said that I can live at Leblanc until the semester starts.
RA: Besides, I miss home. It's just not the same here. It's not like I'm leaving much behind here anyways.

Sae's face fell as she read his messages. When she looked into his case back when he was arrested, she saw that he had been mostly abandoned by the people in his hometown. It couldn't have been easy coming back from that.

RA: In any case, I had an idea. It does require some help from you though. I want to surprise Makoto tomorrow when I get back.

Sae went from being saddened by Ren's words to smiling as she read his text. Even after everything, his friends still took priority in his mind. Not even back yet and he already wanted to see his girlfriend right away.

SN: Sure Ren, I can help you.
SN: What did you have in mind?

She and Ren spent the next few minutes messaging one another, formulating a plan for Ren to surprise Makoto the next day. She was very glad that Ren was coming back. Not just for Makoto's sake, but the boy had become something of an honorary family member at this point. It was clear how much he cared for everyone in his life, Makoto most of all.

SN: Well Ren-kun, this has been fun, but I need to get ready for the day.
SN: I suppose I'll see you tomorrow then.

RA: Alright, Sae-san. Thank you so much for this!
RA: See you tomorrow.

With that, Sae returned to her routine, preparing to get ready for another busy day. Tomorrow, she'd thankfully have the night off, so she already began preparing her part of their little surprise.

Once she entered her car, she opened her messages again and texted her sister.

SN: Hey sis.
SN: I was thinking earlier.
SN: If you're not busy, would you like to come over for dinner tomorrow night? It would just be the two of us at my apartment.

Sae placed her phone down and began her drive. She knew Makoto would respond soon, she just had to be patient. As she pulled into the parking lot of her work, she looked again to see that her sister had indeed responded.

MN: Oh that's great sis!
MN: Yeah, I'm free tomorrow. I'll come by around 7:00. See you then!

Sae chuckled as she sent a quick text back. If everything went the way it was meant to, Makoto would be in for quite a surprise tomorrow night.

SN: Sounds good. See you then.

Sae thought back to Ren's little ploy for Makoto. She'd done her part, now it was time for the former thief to do his. She remembered what he had said when he proposed his idea to her a few hours ago.

"She'll never see it coming."

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