(8) Moving Day Madness

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It had been a few years since Ren had moved back to Tokyo permanently. He and Makoto had finished college and were beginning their next steps in their lives together. All the while forwarding their careers, they'd finally saved enough for a small home near Yongen where they could live together.

Unfortunately, moving meant there was a lot of heavy lifting to do for both of them. Well, mainly Makoto, since most of Ren's stuff could easily fit in a van. Thankfully however, they had people to help them.

"Yo Ren! Where'd ya want the couch!?" Ryuji yelled from the stairs. Ren lifted his head and looked down at the blonde boy, him and Makoto lifting part of the sofa.

"Bring it up here! Gonna set it up in the living room!" He went back to his rummaging as Ryuji and Makoto brought the piece of furniture up. They set it down near the window as Makoto stretched her arms.

"Thanks again for helping us Ryuji. I didn't mean to take time out of your day for this," Makoto apologized.

"Ah don't worry miss prez. I had the day off anyway so it's no trouble. Besides, as if I'd let you two do all the heavy lifting."

"Well, we do have one other person coming, but she's running a bit late. Still, you're help is appreciated."

"Anytime Queen," the boy answered with a smile. Makoto sighed at his use of her old codename before the two made their way back down to the truck. She'd have to thank Haru again for lending her one of Okumura foods' delivery trucks for the day.

She turned a corner and saw a familiar car parked out front, her sister stepping out with a box of Makoto's old books and decorations.

"Oh hey sis! Thanks again for coming to help," Makoto called. Sae nodded and handed the box to her.

"Of course Makoto. This is a big step for you and Ren-kun. I just wanted to help however I could."

Makoto smiled brightly as she handed the box to her companion. "Ryuji, can you put this in the bedroom? The one at the end of the hall."

"On it miss prez." Ryuji took hold of the box and made his way back inside. Makoto turned back to see her sister looking quizzically at her.

"Why does he still call you that Makoto?" Sae questioned. "You haven't been student council president for years. Surely he'd have stopped by now."

"I'm not sure. Part of me thinks he does it to bug me, but then again, maybe it's for endearment."

"Why aren't the rest of your friends here as well? Surely someone like Okumura-san or Kitagawa-san could've helped as well."

Well Haru's busy with a board meeting and Yusuke's been in Osaka for the last few weeks. He said it was related to a program with his professors. As for the others, Ann's doing a modeling gig in America right now and we felt Futaba...would rather see this all later."

Sae raised a brow at that before nodding understandingly. She knew that their friend was smart, but that didn't exactly equal physical strength. "I see."

"Plus Ryuji offered to help us move in. I think he just wanted to see us again though. I can't blame him really."

Makoto's face fell slightly at that. Sae nodded as she took in what Makoto had said. Her sister had made many good, successful friends over the past few years, but that also meant they weren't able to see each other as often as their schedules got busier. "Don't worry Makoto, I'm sure they're all wanting to be here. Life just has a way of...taking hold of us sometimes."

"I know sis. It's not all bad though. We're planning on having a housewarming party once we get everything moved in and sorted, so we can all see each other then." Makoto's face lit up a little as she thought about it. Sae simply smiled, looking at the home again to get a look at it.

It was a fairy simple two-story home, painted in a light brown and decorated lightly around the roof. Still, for a couple fresh out of college and aiming for big things, it was more than acceptable.

She looked to the door to see Ren step out, his eyes widening slightly as he saw his girlfriend's sister. "Oh, good afternoon Sae-san! Thank you again for helping us."

Sae stepped forward and shook his hand. It's no problem Ren-kun. Work's been slow lately so I had some free time. Looks like you already have most of it done already."

"Yeah, all that's left is the couch. We still need to order a new bed, but otherwise it's nothing major. Just some smaller things from Makoto's apartment I think. Which reminds me...Makoto, is that 'thing' still in the back of the car?"

Sae noticed Makoto's face blush at his question. "U-um, yes it's in there. I'll just go and-"

"Don't worry Makoto, I'll get it," Sae answered walking towards the couple's car and opening the trunk. Ren and Makoto's eyes went wide as Sae brought out the box, looking back to see the weary eyes of her sister and Ren as she turned to face them.

"Makoto...is something wrong? You look nervous."

"O-oh! I-i-it's nothing sis! Here, I'll j-just-"

"Yo Makoto! Got that thing in your guys' room. You ready to get that couch up there!?" Ryuji's sudden entrance caused Sae to startle slightly, the box tumbling from her grip and the contents spilling out onto the walkway.

In it was recreations of the couple's Joker and Queen masks. That wasn't a surprise to any of the former thieves, as Futaba had commissioned replicas of their outfits and given them as gifts at their last Christmas gathering.

What was interesting to Ryuji and Sae, however, were the many...less than savory items in the box with the masks.

Sae's eyes widened once more as a slight blush crossed her features, turning her back to the group as she decided to focus on the now very interesting ground beneath her. Ryuji meanwhile had a very different reaction, his wide eyes focusing entirely on the former leader and advisor.

"Dude...For real?"

Ren and Makoto made sure to better label their belongings from then on.

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