(10) Adding an Amamiya

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At this point, Sae wasn't surprised that Ren and Makoto were at her home wanting to talk.

The couple had only gotten married a year ago and had asked if Sae would want to talk. Sae wondered and somewhat worried what it would be about. Had work gone bad and they needed help? Was their relationship in jeopardy? Had something happened to their talking cat?

"Should you tell her or should I?" Ren asked his wife. Sae looked to her younger sister as she looked between the two. Makoto sighed and looked to her husband.

"I'll tell her." The younger Niijima's attention was directed back towards Sae. "So...sis...how have you been?"

Sae was slightly taken aback, but quickly regained her composed look. "Good, thank you Makoto. It's been going very well, actually. Tae and I are actually talking about having our wedding soon."

"Oh that's wonderful!" Makoto's eyes grew with her smile.

"Congratulations Sae. I'll send my regards to Takemi-san as well," Ren responded.

"Thank you both. In any case, how about you two? I heard you got promoted recently Makoto."

Makoto nodded her head at that. "Yes, the department just promoted me to senior officer. They even said there were talks of me becoming commissioner once the current one retires."

"Oh Makoto, that's great! It must feel good to be getting closer to your goal," Sae told her. Ren nodded as she spoke.

"Me too. It means that I don't have to worry about her being on the streets as much," Ren responded. He saw Makoto look away with a slight blush at her husband's care for her. "That's...also part of why we're here."

Sae was reminded of Ren's previous meeting with her when he had been promoted, asking Sae for her blessing. "I see. So what did you want to talk about then?"

Ren nodded back to Makoto as she took over the conversation again. She supposed there was no use beating around the bush anymore. "Sis...I'm pregnant."

Sae blinked. Then she blinked again. The idea wasn't registering in her head just yet. "I-I'm sorry...what was that again Makoto?"

"I'm pregnant. Ren and I are going to become parents."

Sae was absolutely ecstatic. The normally composed woman smiled widely at her sister and brother-in-law, walking up and around the table to pull Makoto into a hug.

"Wha-S-sis!? What are you!?"

"Oh Makoto, this is great! I'm...I'm so happy for you two!" Sae was practically beaming as the two before her couldn't help but smile along with her. "How far along are you?"

"It's only been a couple of weeks. We have an appointment with our doctor tomorrow to get the specifics, but...Sis...I'm so happy. I'm going to become a mother!"

"A damn good one at that," Ren answered as he pulled his wife in for a hug of his own, pecking her lips with his own as he looked back at Sae. "We already told our friends and came here not long after. We...wanted to make sure you knew."

Sae smiled at that. Even after the bad blood between her and the ex-phantom thieves, she was still considered part of their little family. "So I take it you two have begun making plans for the baby?"

Ren and Makoto felt their eyes shoot open at Sae's question. A skeptical look growing on her face as the pair looked at each other.

"We need to baby-proof! A-and buy a crib!

"We need to hire a decorator! And a babysitter!"

Sae was taken aback at the usually quiet duo yelling as they began to think about the preparations they needed. She simply smiled and returned to her coffee, the two still suffering from the beginnings of baby fever.

"Relax you two. It's still only the first few weeks. I'm sure that you'll have plenty of time to figure everything out."

The two began calming down at Sae's reassurance, thanking the older woman for her interference.

"Thank you sis. I apologize, we're just very excited about this. This is a big step for us and...I just want everything to be right for our child."

"Don't worry Makoto. I know that you will be an excellent mother, and Ren a great father. You two have had a lot of experience wrangling children already if memory serves."

Ren and Makoto looked for a second before catching on to what Sae was inferring. The couple chuckled as they thought about their time as Phantom Thieves. The phrase 'team mom and dad' was often heard as they ran through the levels of Mementos.

"Thank you Sae. Oh, and by the way, you just reminded me." Ren took out his phone and pulled up his messages to his pseudo-sister, reviewing the messages he'd shared with the hacker earlier. "Futaba has already challenged her to an 'aunt-off.'"

"Well I'm her biological aunt. Do I not already have a lead?" Sae questioned. She wasn't one to compete over something as trivial as a title for 'best aunt,' but she was curious.

"Well-oh. Futaba just messaged me. She says "That doesn't count! I'm gonna win ez!" Hey wait a minute...Futaba stop bugging my phone!" Ren began typing into his phone as Major turned to him. Sae laughed to herself at the antics of her brother-in-law. Though she'd never admit it, she was ready to compete with the original Medjed.

'Game on Sakura.'

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