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Dear diary, today will be different. It has to be. I will smile, and it will be believable. My smile will say "I'm fine, thank you." "Yes, I feel much better." I will no longer be the sad little girl who lost her parents. I will start fresh, be someone new. It's the only way I'll make it through. Elena Gilbert wrote in her diary as she sighed.

"ELENA GILBERT!" A voice she recognizes all too well calls out to her.

She hasn't seen her all summer long. Elena closed her diary and ran down the stairs.

"EEEEPPPPP! OH MY GOSH! MIRANDA!" Jenna yelled as Elena smiled huge as she practically skipped steps and got into the bear hug with Jenna and Miranda.

Her life was already starting to feel better.

"MIRANDA SUMMERS! WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?!" Elena screamed at her best friend and cousin as Miranda giggled.

"Relax, took a summer vacation cousin needed to get away from Mystic Falls for awhile,"

"You could've called or something instead of leaving us!"

Miranda held her hands up in surrender.

"Sorry is in order,"

Just then Jeremy, Elena's little brother makes his way down the stairs.

"What's with all the yell- Miranda," Jer said running down the stairs as he hugged his cousin.

"Miranda! Jesus Christ where the hell have you been loca?"

"I was away on summer vacation, you guys can't last a day without me can you?"

"It's personally boring without you,"

"What Elena said, you light up the house at least,"

This caused Miranda to giggle as Jenna was panicking.

"Toast, I can make toast," Jenna said moving around the kitchen.

"It's all about the coffee, Aunt Jenna," Elena said smiling.

"Is there coffee?" Jeremy couldn't help but ask raised eyebrow.

"I can go buy some from the store if you ran out," Miranda suggested with a shrug.

"No, no then you'll be late for school. It's the three of y'all's first day of school and I'm totally unprepared. Lunch money anybody?"

"You know I'm good Jenna, I have enough money to make everyone have lunches for a year,"

"Right, that's right your loaded because of your mother's Inheritance before she died,"

"That's right," Miranda said with a smile.

What a lie. I have a feeling this will be the year Elena Gilbert will finally know the truth about me. She couldn't help but thought.

"Anything else? A number two pencil? What am I missing?"

"Aunt Jenna," Miranda said walking over to her.

She dilated her eyes after making sure Elena and Jeremy weren't paying attention.

"Calm down we have everything we need, I'll take care of the rest,"

"You'll take care of the rest right," she said taking a deep breath and calmed down.

"Don't you have a big presentation today?" Elena said taking her eyes off the TV.

"I'm meeting with my thesis advisor at...now. Crap!" Jenna says scrambling to leave. "BYE GUYS HAVE A GOOD DAY!" She yells before slamming the door shut.

"Alright guys who wants to ride in team Miranda's car?"

"I DO!" Elena said with a smile.

"I'll pass," Jeremy said before heading back upstairs.

"That boy I swear,"

"He's dealing with our parents death in his own way Miranda, you can't judge him,"

"Guess I can't, I delt with it by spending three months in New Orleans,"

"New Orleans? That's where you went this summer?"

"Believe it or not but I got friends who are in New Orleans, I paid them a visit,"

"I see,"

A horn honking outside made Miranda frown.

"Bonnie is here?"

The stupid Bennett witch Miranda thought fighting to roll her eyes.

If anyone is going to figure out what I am and why I'm here it'll be her. I have to stay away from her this year.

"Oh shoot I forgot she was coming. I'm sorry Miranda. Why not ride with us?"

"Might not be a good-"

"Oh come on party pooper! Let's go!" Elena said dragging Miranda by the hand as she quickly grabbed her bag before they left.

"Miranda your back from summer vacation?" Bonnie asks as her and Elena showed up in the back of the car driving to school.

"Yeah, I couldn't miss the first day of school," she says with a smile as Bonnie hummed in response.

"So Grams is telling me I'm psychic. Our ancestors were from Salem, witches and all that, I know, crazy, but she's going on and on about it, and I'm like, put this woman in a home already! But then I started thinking, I predicted Obama and I predicted Heath Ledger, and I still think Florida will break off and turn into little resort islands...Elena! Miranda! Back in the car!" Bonnie yelled startling Miranda.

"Sorry Bonnie I was half listening you said something about you being a psychic,"

"I did it again, didn't I? I--I'm sorry, Bonnie. But what Miranda said was true, your a-"

"Psychic now yes," she confirms.

"Right. Okay, then predict something. About us," she said grabbing Miranda's hand as she smiled.

"Okay I see...." Suddenly a crow hits the car making the car swerve before coming to a complete stop. "What was that?! Oh, my god! Elena, are you okay?" Bonnie panicked as Miranda rolled her eyes.

"I'm here too you know Bonnie,"

"Your parents didn't run off the bridge did they?" She snapped panicking about Elena.

"It's okay. I'm fine," Elena said with confidence in her voice. "That was uncalled for Bonnie, she lost her parents long before losing mine,"

"Right.... I'm sorry Miranda I went too far. It was like a bird or something. It came out of nowhere,"

"Really, I can't be freaked out by cars for the rest of my life," Elena tells Bonnie as Miranda stayed silent.

She was honestly trying not to go over and rip her throat out. She took a deep breath. She's on a mission after all.

"I predict this year is going to be kick ass. And I predict all the sad and dark times are over and you are going to be beyond happy. And Miranda, I predict someone from the past will return to your life but none the less he will make you happy," she said looking direct her in the review mirror as Miranda gulped.

Only one person she could think of could come back.

Stefan Salvatore.

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