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It was after school as Stefan was walking Miranda to her car. 

"What you said to Matt back there-"

"Was the truth Stefan, I never had feelings for him,"

"Have you dated since we last were together in 1920?"

"No, I haven't my father made that very clear, he says he was trying to protect my heart, he was afraid you'll break my heart, which is why he made me do the things I did back then,"

"Wow your father must really hate us to assume that, you know I wouldn't have done anything to harm you,"

"Yes, I know but dad didn't he didn't even want to get to know you he automatically assumed you as unfit to be with me, hey were going over to the grill later today, are you coming?"

"Today..... I cant, I've got some Damon stuff to deal with at home,"

This caused Miranda to pout as Stefan smirked and kissed her on the lips, with her back leaning against her car. Some students were looking in disgust, others were jealous. When Stefan pulled away his forehead rested on hers. 

"I'll see you later?" She asks causing him to grin. 

"I'll see you tonight," He says kissing her cheek before walking away. 

Miranda sighed happily as she giggled like a little school girl before getting inside her car. Elena said she was driving home with Bonnie so that was okay. Miranda was driving back home when her phone started ringing in her backpack. She looked away as she was trying to grab it. Once she grabbed it she flipped it open as she was driving with one hand. 

"Hello this is Miranda Sommers speaking,"

"Ah, my beautiful niece answers the phone," A voice she knows all to well told her as color began to drain from her face. 

"U-Uncle Klaus! What a surprise, where is my father?"

"He's taking a shower at the moment, I want to know how are you and the latest doppelganger getting along?"

"Were fine Uncle Klaus she believes I'm her cousin cause I compelled them to,"

"Good girl, now correct me if I'm wrong but I heard from one of my resources that the Salvatore brothers are in town is that correct?" He asked as Miranda stayed silent. 

More silence followed as Klaus couldn't help but chuckle. 

"I take that silence as a yes, and with that being said, that means Stefan Salvatore knows your alive,"

"Uncle Klaus Stefan hadn't said two words to me, he hates me," She smoothly lies as she parked in the lot to her home. "Besides he's more involved with Elena now wont even look my way,"

"NiKlaus is that my sweet Miranda?" Elijah called from the background. 

"Yes, I'm just confirming with her about the Salvatore brothers but Stefan is no longer interested in her,"

"Good, that means staying away from her all these years worked, when we arrive we better not hear that you have a boyfriend young Miranda," her dad says causing her to roll her eyes. 

"Dad I'm far from young," she said causing him to chuckle. "Im over a thousand years old you know,"

"MIRANDA! Your home aren't you going to the grill with Bonnie and Elena?" Aunt Jenna asked as Klaus raised his eyebrow. 

"Yeah I came home to freshen up a bit I'll meet them in about 15 minutes,"

"Alright yall dont stay out too late!" She calls as Miranda jogged up the stairs. 

"And who was that?" Klaus asked still on the phone. 

"Jenna, Elena and Jeremy's aunt,"

"I cannot wait to meet this aunt of theirs she sounds beautiful,"

"Ewww dad please no  your way too old for her," she said causing both of them to laugh. 

"Alright my beautiful niece we were just checking on you, have fun at the Grill we shall be there fairly soon, I cannot wait to meet the doppelganger,"

"Alright Uncle Klaus I'll be seeing you soon then,"

"I love you little Miranda," her dad says causing her to smile. 

"I love you too dad,"

"Always and forever," both him and Klaus says before ending the call.

Once the call ended Miranda let out a breath of relief. She couldn't let them know her and Stefan are together, they have to come up with a plan who knows when they will travel down to Mystic falls. 

When Miranda made it to Mystic Grill she immediately saw her group of friends along with her cousin. 

"Oh, Miranda! Your finally here!" Caroline was the first to say jumping out of her seat as she hugged her. 

"Yeah, I'm here," she laughs hugging her back before letting her go as she sat down next to her on the table. 

"Now that everyone's here, I was talking to Grams, and she said the comet is a sign of impending doom. The last time it passed over Mystic Falls, there was lots of death. So much blood and carnage, it created a bed of paranormal activity," Bonnie begins. 

" Yeah, and then you poured Grams another shot and she told you about the aliens. So then what?" Caroline asked earning a hit to the ankle by Miranda's foot. "Oww what was that for?" She asks whining. 

"That was mean Care," She said sternly to her. 

"So then nothing," Elena responded to Caroline's earlier question. 

That has Caroline turning to Miranda. 

"You are the whole talk of the school right now! You and Stefan?" She asked causing Miranda's face to heat up. 

"Yeah what's the deal Miranda? I thought Stefan was gonna be Elena's?"

"ummm..... It uhhh..... Kinda just happened you know, he was my ex after all,"

"Yeah but who gets back together with their ex's? If anything you should have let Elena have Stefan, he was her happiness, you've already had your own time with him,"

"Caroline that's too far," Elena defends as Miranda stood up. 

"I'm going to use the bathroom," Miranda said before getting up to walk away. 

However, she was by the bathroom when she over heard there conversation. 

"What? What did I say?" Caroline asks as the other two were judging her. 

"You know exactly what you said, that was really hash Caroline, when she comes back you are to apologize," Elena said sounding upset. "I told her last night she could have him, Stefan is a bit on the weird side it wouldn't work out,"

"Oh, now I feel really bad," She said slumping her shoulders. 

"As you should," Bonnie agreed as Miranda went inside the bathroom.

Because Of You (Stefan Salvatore) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now