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Stefan Salvatore woke up the next morning in the bed next to Miranda, memories from last night floating in his head he couldn't help but smile. He turned to find Miranda sleeping peacefully as he moved some hair behind her ear. 

"Good morning beautiful," Stefan whispers kissing her on the forehead as Miranda groaned and opened her eyes.

"Stefan, what time is it?" She asked sleepy.

"Its 7AM,"

"WHAT?! I'm gonna be late for school!" She said frantic getting out of bed and Vamp speeding to the drawers to find clothes causing him to laugh. 

"Lighten up, I'm joking its only 6:15AM,"

"Ughh Stef, don't do that," she said vamp speeding back to her bed and throwing a pillow in his face to which he caught it with his vampire reflex. 

"Did last night really happen?" she asked sitting back down on the edge her bed. 

"Yes, and honestly it was the best night of my life," Stefan said grabbing her from behind as he planted kisses onto her shoulders. 

"It was mine too Stefan," She said turning so his lips met hers. "You need to go home, I'll see you in school," she said breaking the kiss as he pouted. 

"Oh come on Miranda-"

"Stefan," she said giggling. "Come on you'll see me in like what two hours?"

"Two hours is too long without you Miranda," he said dramatically causing her to laugh as she pushed him out of her bed. 

"Out so I can get dressed,"

"Yes ma'am," Stefan said putting back on his clothes from last night before vamp speeding to her and give her a kiss on the head. 

Miranda closed her eyes when she felt it and when she opened them again he was gone. Miranda sighed as she couldn't believe that Stefan Salvatore was hers once again. 

A little while later Miranda walks down the stairs to the kitchen to see Elena and Aunt Jenna in the kitchen. 

"Oh finally Miranda your here, I need your opinion on something," She said as Miranda smiled as she stood next to Elena. 

"Shoot," she responded crossing her arms. 

"Do I look adult? As in respectfully parental?" She asked causing Miranda to look at her up and down. 

"Hmm..... Depends on where your going,"

"Jeremy's parent-teacher conference. Hair up or down?" Jenna asked putting her hair up. 

"Sexy stewardess," Elena said causing Miranda and her to both laugh as she pouted. 

"Okay how about this?" She asked letting it down. 

"Boozy housewife," Miranda says as her and Elena were giggling fits again.

"Up it is. You're both feisty today," she said wiggling her eyebrows. 

"I feel good, which is rare. So I've decided to go with it. Fly free, walk on the sunshine, and all that stuff," She answers as Jenna turned to Miranda. 

"ummm.... What she said, where is Jeremy anyways?" She asked changing the subject. 

"He left early. Something about getting to wood shop early to finish a birdhouse," She pauses seeing the look Miranda and Elena gave each other before glancing back at Jenna. "There is no wood shop is there?" She asks realizing Jeremy had lied to her. 

"No," they both said together. 

She lets out a sigh. 


In History class Stefan and Miranda couldn't stop glancing at one another Smiling to each other, unaware that both Matt and Elena were watching them with jealousy in both eyes. 

"Originally discovered nearly 5 centuries ago, it hasn't been over Mystic Falls in over 145 years. Now, the comet will be its brightest right after dusk during tomorrow's celebration. Are we bothering you, Mr. Salvatore? Ms. Sommers?" The teacher asks as they both glanced over at him. 

Before either could answer the bell rings and Miranda was putting her stuff away when she felt a presence beside her helping her put her books away. She looked up and saw it was Stefan who also had a goofy grin on his face.

"You look so excited right now," she commented as he grabbed her backpack and helped her put it on. 

"That's because I got a surprise for you," he announces as they were in the hallway now. 

He took out a book from his book bag and handed it to her causing her to gasp out loud. 

"Oh Stefan, you remembered "Wuthering Heights" by Ellis Bell," she said excitedly holding the book to her chest. 

Stefan looked at her with soft eyes. 

"I never threw it out, I remember you made me reread the story so many times in the past, I kept it because it reminded me of you," he says putting a hand on her cheek as she smiled. 

"Thank you Stefan it means alot to me especially since Female writers weren't very accepted then,"

"I know it does," He chuckles. 

"Miranda, can I speak with you?" Matt says walking towards them. 

Stefan rolled his eyes in annoyance. Miranda clutched the book to her chest as she gave Stefan a look almost as if she was asking to speak with him through her eyes. Stefan nodded before kissing her cheek as he left. 

"So uhhh.... you and Stefan huh?" He asked leaning against several lockers. "I thought Stefan was all about Elena,"

"Well Matt, we just got back together last night, I'm sorry Matt but I really only see you as a friend and nothing more,"

"Would you still have told me that if you and Stefan wasn't together?"

"Honestly I would Matt, I just dont have the feelings for you, I never did,"

Matt couldn't help but nod his head feeling rejected by the woman he thought he liked so much. 

"Okay, I guess this is goodbye Miranda, have fun with Stefan," he says before turning his heel as he walked away from her. 

Because Of You (Stefan Salvatore) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now