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Miranda was at home on her bed asleep when a small tap at her window awoke her. She groaned slowly opening her eyes to see a pair of forest green eyes staring back at her at the window. She sighed before getting up to open the window as he got inside. 

"Don't you have to be invited in?"

"Elena already invited me in, I tried calling and texting you, you weren't picking up I thought maybe-"

"Damon got to me? No I was just asleep Stefan, what was so important?"

"Damon bite Vicki Donovan and left her alive,"

"Oh no, Matty's little sister," She said color draining her face. 

"Yeah, another thing he told me tonight,"

"Which is what?"

"He wants you and I to get together so he can have Elena to himself,"

Miranda shook her head at him with a smile. 

"Its not like it'll happen, you wont choose me, Elena is too important to you," She says backing away as Stefan only inched closer to her. 

She backed up until her back hit against the wall, he placed either hands on the side of the wall trapping her there. 

"Why are you so sure Elena is something I even want?"

"You came back for her, not for me,"

"You can't keep using that as an excuse, I didn't know you were still alive until recently, why are you so afraid of us being together again?"

"Stefan, Its not that I don't I do, but if my family finds out were an item again they will put me to sleep and I could never see you again, and you make Elena happy who am I to take that from her?"

"You seem to forget you were the one who captured my heart first, besides your family isn't here, why else are you afraid of us being together?"

"Stefan," Miranda called a tear running down her eye. 

She admits she has missed him over the years, she admits feelings are still there for him but she has to think about Elena and her happiness not her own.

"Miranda," Stefan whispers putting some hair behind her ear. 

"Stay with me, be together with me,"

"I-I-I can't," she cries tears now rushing out of her body. 

"Elena comes before I do, her happiness with you matters first,"

Stefan gently places a hand on her cheek wiping away at her tears.

"You don't have to be afraid Miranda, please let me love you once more, let me be with with, losing you tonight made me realize something I still love you I never stopped,"

"Stefan I-"

She was cutt off when the door opened as Elena came inside furrowing her eyebrows together in confusion.

"Was Stefan in here?" She couldn't help but ask.

"No why?"

"Well.... I thought I heard voices,"

"You know it's probably me talking in my sleep,"

"Then why are you against the wall?"

"I don't know actually I was in my bed,"

"Okay, listen ummm..... Stefan and I won't work out, you don't have to be so cold towards him and it's not because of you but I just decided it'll be best if we remain friends I mean.... I did just break up with Matt and I'm not over him entirely,"

"Elena are you Sure? Stefan was making you happy,"

"I know but, I just..... Something's off about him and I don't want any part of that," she said as Miranda nods her head.

"I understand cousin," she said causing Elena to smile.

"So, stop being so cold towards him would you? I know he still has feelings for you I see it in his eyes,"

Miranda smiled as she looked down at her feet.

"I know Elena," she softly says before looking back up at her cousin.

She smiles back at her.

"Goodnight Miranda,"

"Goodnight Elena," she said closing the door as she heard her footsteps walk away.

Once they were gone, Miranda gasps as Stefan was in front of her again, this time he didn't hesitate to slam his lips against hers causing her to let out a surprised moan as he placed his arms around her waist and pulled her in closer.

The kiss itself was just how Miranda remembered it to be. Rough, passionate and want. Kissing Stefan Salvatore always rocked her world.

When Stefan pulled away he was panting as his forehead rested against hers.

"Miranda, please be mine once more," he says trailing a finger down her lips.

Miranda thought for a moment, Elena technically said she didn't want him. She watched his forest green eyes boring into her soulless soul. Miranda bit her lip as Stefan waited patiently for her answer.

"Yes Stefan, I will be yours again," she said causing Stefan to grin before kissing her on the lips once more.

Because Of You (Stefan Salvatore) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now