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It was the next day and in History class. Stefan was smiling and making giggling faces at Elena and all Miranda wanted to do was bang her head against the wall repeatedly. 

"The Battle of Willow Creek took place right at the end of the war in our very own Mystic Falls. How many casualties resulted in this battle? Ms. Bennett?" Tanner asked Bonnie who looked up at him. 

"Um.... A lot? Like a whole lot," She answers causing the class to laugh.

"Cute becomes dumb in an instant, Ms. Bennett. Mr. Donovan? Would you like to take this opportunity to overcome your embedded jock stereotype?" He asks causing Miranda to turn back and smile at him as he smiled back at her before looking up at the teacher. 

"It's okay, Mr. Tanner, I'm cool with it," He said causing Miranda to giggle. 

When she turned back she noticed Stefan was staring at her as she rolled her eyes and looked away from him. 

"Hmm. Elena? Surely you can enlighten us about one of the town's most significantly historical events," Tanner says his attention now on her 'cousin'.

"I'm sorry I-I don't know," She responds looking down. 

Miranda voluntarily raised her hand, after all she lived throughout the whole history. 

"Ah, yes Miranda, you have an answer?"

"There were 346 casualties. Unless you're counting local civilians sir," she answered as the class stared at her. 

"That is correct Miranda," he says giving her a smile. 

"Yes, I'm just really good in history," She says as Stefan was staring at her knowing the meaning behind those words. 

"Well, very good. Except, of course, there were no civilian casualties in this battle though Ms. Sommers," 

"Actually, there were 27, sir. Confederate soldiers, they fired on the church, believing it to be housing weapons. They were wrong. It was a night of great loss. The founder's archives are, uh, stored in civil hall if you'd like to brush up on your facts, Mr. Tanner," Stefan chimed in having Miranda smile at him for defending her answer. 

"Hmm,"  Tanner says looking between Miranda and Stefan. 

Miranda had her fifth cup of drink in her hand. She was at the party in the woods just walking around by herself. Elena was out somewhere with Bonnie and she hasn't seen Stefan yet. Miranda walked until she bumped into a chest. She looked up to see it was Matt. 

"Matty boy hey," she draws out with a giggle as he smiled. 

"Your drunk aren't you?"

"Maybe a little," she said causing him to smile and shake his head. 

He lead her to a log unaware that a certain pair of forest green eyes were staring after them. Stefan can see that Matt must have a thing for Miranda and he honestly shouldn't feel jealous, but deep down he still cares for Miranda and can't help but hate when other men are trying to go for her. He still feels possessive towards her, drawn to her even. He cant think about Elena without him staring after Miranda. Feelings are still in there weather he wants to admit it or not.

"Hey! You made it!" The blonde known as Caroline said steering his attention away from Miranda and Matt. 

"I did," he announces not really in the mood as Caroline blocked his view. 

"Well, lets get you a drink," She said with a smile on her face. 

"Oh I'm-" He tries to decline but Caroline pulled him by the hand. 

"Oh come on," she said practically dragging him away. 

"So, Miranda, umm..... I was wondering about something," Matt began a blush forming on his face. 

Miranda looked at him while taking a drink of her drink. However her attention was changed as she could hear Stefan and Caroline over at the punch bowl her eyes landed on his as he was staring at her almost a plead for help to get away from Caroline. Miranda had to hide her smile as she took another sip from her drink. 

"So what do you think?" Matt asked causing her attention to be focused on him. 

"Huh? I'm sorry I was in my head a bit,"

"No that's okay I understand you are drunk..... I was asking if you'd like to go out with me sometime? You know to hang out more often, I really like you Miranda,"

"But you dated my cousin, we kinda have this rule not to date each other's ex's,"

"But isn't Stefan your ex? She's going after him," He says causing her to look down.

"That's..... Different," She tenses looking him in the eyes.

"Don't you even want to try with me? Please Miranda," he pleaded leaning closer as he placed a hand on her cheek.

Stefan Salvatore wasn't paying attention to Caroline at all. He had his attention on Miranda, who looked uncomfortable with Matt. He knew he had to save her from him.

"Yeah, Caroline I'll be right back," he said letting her hold his drink. 

"Miranda!" Stefan called jogging over to them. 

Matt sighed pulling away from Miranda as he rolled his eyes. Miranda was giving him a 'Thank you' Look. 

"Yes what is it Stefan?"

"Elena has been looking for you, I can bring you to her,"

"Yes, thank you Stefan, Matt this conversation will have to wait," She said with a sad smile before leaving with Stefan.

"I can't thank you enough Stef," She whispers once they were away from him.

"I could see he was making you uncomfortable, you really dont like him then?"

"No. Plus he's Elena's ex, I'm not dating him,"

This caused Stefan to chuckle.

"You know,  you and I have a lot of catching up to do over the years,"

"No thanks, your here for Elena remember? Now go to her, we cant be seen with one another too much," she said pushing Stefan away from her as she went back to walking around.

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