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'Just do your best'

Hinata thought, in reflection of her mother's words. They were gentle, sweet and intimate, full of unconditional love and support for the start of the day.

However, even as she said those words, Hinata could feel the rough under currents in her mother's heart, she could not describe it as she was only three years old and her vocabulary wasn't much to be desired. Even so, Hinata could distinctively feel the pinch of sadness, not even sadness but something bigger than that raging in her mother's heart as she hugged Hinata like a commander letting their soldier go to war.

Of course three year old Hinata did not understand it, but Hitomi understood it well. Beyond the seemingly wonderful and famous life of a ninja, was the way of death and destruction. It was a bloody and cruel line of work that could destroy one's life and the lives of everyone around them.

Hinata at this young stage was going to be introduced to bits and pieces of this world. She did not know it yet, but the knowledge fed by the elders of the clan had the potential to turn her into a merchant of death. As an heir to a clan, Hinata was being groomed to become the perfect, not just perfect but the best of the best of killers.

To protect the village or not. A killer was a killer. It was a dirty line of work either way and Hitomi was quite worried. Hinata was very much a hidden gem that she had safely kept hidden, she didn't want her daughter to have the mentality that being a ninja was normal. No it wasn't. Being a ninja wasn't a normal, it was a forced precaution on those who needed to survive from being taken over, either by people or by beasts.

It was no secret that as a mother, she wanted her daughter to be a normal civilian.

However, that was quite impossible, one, because Hinata was the heiress to the Hyūga clan. A prestigious clan only rivaled by a few in the world. And in such an environment was no room for 'weak' people. In addition,  the world was just an unstable place that being a civilian wasn't considered possible.

Not to mention that Hinata, Hinata was too kind. There was no evil bone in her daughter's body. Hinata was such a gentle yet firm girl that wanted nothing more than be normal. She wanted to be just like everyone else, taking care of the garden and having a simple life. But unfortunately, Hinata wasn't meant for that. Her body was naturally stronger than a civilian, her talent was unquestionable and her blood was one passed on from warriors, soldiers, commanders and killers. Hinata had too much potential to be the best of the best and unfortunately, her daughter knew it too.

Hinata knew exactly what she could be, even though she wanted to be anything but that. Worst of all, Hinata was very smart so she knew that if she became exactly what destiny had laid out for her, she could have the ability to protect her family. Hinata's heart was just too big, and too selfless.

As a mother, Hitomi wanted nothing more than to disdain that gentle, loving and selfless nature of her three year old daughter who should ignorantly fight to be spoiled, but was reduced to being a warrior of death.

However, Hitomi could never hate her daughter's nature, she just hoped her daughter could act her age, be selfish and greedy and ignorant, but even she knew that was an impossible feet. Her daughter was just too pure and too mature and it was both disheartening and comforting. Her daughter was meant to do amazing things, and yet Hitomi wondered, at what cost?

Feeling reluctant, Hitomi stared at her daughter's back once again, whilst Hinata followed the servant as they ventured deep into the Hyūga compound, to places she had never been in. She tugged her clothing in comfort as they walked in a darker and duller side of the compound. she felt the jumble in her mother's thoughts gradually fade away, whilst she walked into her beginning, completely unaware of the extent to her mother's anxiousness.

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