Chapter 6

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,,Hey Jungkook! I'll see you at four o'clock then." I waited for Jimin and we drove to my house together...

Pov Yn

Jimin parked in front of my house and I unlocked the door. We went inside. ,,Come upstairs with me." I said and we both walked side by side. In my room, Jimin lay down on the bed and his eyes were closed. I was staring only at him. My eyes went lower and lower until I realized that he it costs. Or it's so big. ,,It doesn't cost me, I just have it big." What is he reading my mind?! I blushed and he preferred to look in the closet...
I had two large suitcases and a backpack with cosmetics, a toothbrush, etc. ,,Jimin, you'll help me." He looked away from his phone at me and walked towards me. I expected him to take my suitcase, but he took my backpack. ,,Hey?!" I said seriously and loudly. ,,What did you want to, help yourself with?" I frowned at him and he chuckled. So I took one and went down the stairs with it. Then immediately ran upstairs and carried the other one. We put my things in the car and drove to our new home. I'm really looking forward to it, but I hope it won't be too far. After some time of silence, I finally asked. ,,How much longer are we going to go?" I looked at him and he looked at me for a moment. ,,Well... We've been driving for 15 minutes and have another 20 minutes to go, so do the math." He answered me. ,,And how far will our school be?" He laughed and I don't know why. ,,How many questions do you have? No, I'm kidding... We'll drive to school in about 20 minutes." "Nooo. So far. In that case, I'll have to get a motorbike after meeting Jungkook." I finished and he had a shocked expression. ,,You can ride a motorbike!?" He wondered. ,,No, I can't, I just ride it to kill myself." I laughed. After that it was quiet and we were at the house after about 7 minutes. It was huge and beautiful. ,,Let's go inside." I took the suitcases and we went inside.
I took my shoes off and I left my things there. ,,I've already been here and I already have things in the bedroom, etc. I'll show you around." I was curious what the bedroom would look like. ,,Wait, don't we each have our own room?" I asked. ,,When our parents bought this house, they got the keys and locked all the sleeping rooms except for one, which is our bedroom. I don't have room keys, but if it's too much of a problem, I'll go spread out the couch." He said, but I didn't like it very much. ,,Fine." We got to the kitchen and my eyes lit up. ,,You're kidding... That's beautiful."

He came next to me and smiled

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He came next to me and smiled. ,,It was all for you." We smiled and went to take a closer look. Everything I needed was here. I'm finally going to learn how to cook because they wouldn't let me at home. ,,Let's move on. Now I'll show you the first bathroom." He took my wrist and dragged me to the bathroom. ,,You'll like it too." He pointed out and immediately opened the door. I opened my mouth wide and quickly ran inside. ,,I don't have to say anything, do I?" We laughed. I looked around and the first thing that caught my attention was the bathtub.

 I looked around and the first thing that caught my attention was the bathtub

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