𝘌𝘱𝘪𝘴𝘰𝘥𝘦 3

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"Okay quiet down class." The teacher said while Seungmin stood next to him in the front of the classroom. Not one person paid attention to what the teacher said and continued doing whatever they wanted. "I said quiet down class.." The teacher sighed. 

Seungmin rolled his eyes at how quiet the teacher was talking when this zoo of a classroom was as loud as a baseball stadium. 

"Class. I said," The teacher started quietly again, but this time Seungmin thought he could help out. With a snap of a finger, "QUIET DOWN!" The teacher yelled. He was in shock at the fact his voice when louder than ever and so were to students. The teacher cleared his throat, "Thank you.. as I was trying to say, we have a new student here with us today." He said motioning his hands towards Seungmin who did and said nothing but stood there. 

"Introduce yourself." The teacher smiled softly. 

"Hello," Seungmin said quietly.

"We can't hear him!" A student said from the back and everyone laughed at the pathetic classic joke.

"Oh, uhm.." The teacher turned to look at Seungmin, "If you don't mind could you speak a little louder?"

Seungmin looked at the man with not one expression on his face. "Or not, that's okay! But could you tell everyone your name?" 

Seungmin looked around the classroom and saw everyone staring at him, he knew that if he said anything else that stupid kid in the back who thinks he's so funny, would make another dumb joke. So instead, Seungmin pointed at the name tag on his uniform.

The teacher read it and gave Seungmin an awkward smile, "Right... it's nice to meet you. You can take a seat next to that window." The teacher said pointing to a seat.

Seungmin nodded at him then walked over and sat down. 

The bell rang, notifying every student that it was now break time. "Okay everyone, please don't be too loud yeah? Class A is studying." The teacher said and everyone 'booed' at the mention of the higher class. The teacher sighed and walked out of the classroom, and as soon as he did everyone went back to doing their thing.



Seungmin heard two voices say to him, when he looked up he saw two boys arm-linked, who were just beaming with joy. Seungmin gave them both a small smile indicating a 'hello.'

"What's your name?" The one with freckles asked.

"It's on his uniform remember?" The one with chubby cheeks reminded him.

"Ah~ right." The freckled boy went closer to Seungmin's uniform top to read the name tag. "Oh!"

"What does it say?" The other asked.

"Seungmin." The boy responded. 

"Oo~," One said, "He's Felix!" he said pointing to his freckled friend.

"And he's Jisung!" The boy Felix said.

"And it's time for you to stop bothering that poor boy." Another boy said to the two grabbing them by the shoulders "Sorry about that." He smiled with his dimples showing. Seungmin gave him a little nod. "Okay, you two let's go."

"But Chan!" Jisung whined.

"Hyung," Chan said to Jisung. 

"Right... Chan hyung, we weren't bothering him!"

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