𝘌𝘱𝘪𝘴𝘰𝘥𝘦 6

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Seungmin's POV

Let's get one thing straight, I wasn't scared or affected by whatever that incompetent giant had to say. Plus I already heard every insult about not talking. So no, that's not why I left, and I was already done with my lunch anyway...well almost but that's not important. 

Even if I did stay my ears would have been gone by the time next period arrived. Jeongin is nice but, I didn't really know anything about myself and if he started asking me questions my head would have exploded so it was better this way. 

I also didn't think that these hell dogs bothered high school students. Last time it was a kid and I didn't have a great time having to fit a child almost half my age. Why can't they bother like...adults or something? Or why can't they just not bother anyone. 

I just had to be the one to die and then decide that I wanted to finish my life here on earth and now I have to waste my lunch time looking for, whatever it is I'm looking for. I stopped at a door and sighed before looking up at the sign, "Please don't be the girls bathroom...or a teacher conference room... " I whispered to myself and let smiled in relief as I saw that it was the boy restroom. My experience with those two things weren't...the best. 

"Alright let's do this quickly." I opened the door to the bathroom and once I entered I locked the door behind me. "Let's make this quick please... I don't want to be late to chemistry on my first day." I said as I pushed each stall door open expecting something to jump out at me but I didn't. "Weird...I could sworn it was ov- SHIT!" I yelled as I collapsed to the floor feeling this large amount of weight on me. 

"What do you want?" The giant ton of weight asked me as he was crushing my spine. Am I a twig? This dude looks like every normal student why does he feel like he's molding me into the ground.

"Where the hell did you come from." I coughed out.

"Your nightmares." He growled with a smirk and then took his hands to claw at me but I pushed him into a stall.

I got up from the floor while holding my back like an old person, I never though I would be doing that at the age of 17. "Claws? You guys have claws now? Are you guys fucking werewolves?" I complained as I clearly remember the last thing I fought had regular nails. "OW.. ow ow ow.." I whined when I felt his hands grip my hair. "Let go!"

"Why would I do that? I was wondering how I was going to lure someone in here and kill them slowly and painfully, but here you are. It's like Satan sent you to me himself." He smirked.

I finally got his filthy, grimy hands off my hair, "Uhm no, wrong person." I kicked him sending him flying into the mirrors. "Damn it! Now someone has to fix that." I mumbled to myself. I wasn't the best with aiming people, or anything. 

"Fine let's make this quick, soon enough you'll be rotting in hell." He said as he charged at me and we both went flying into a stall.

"The roles are going to be reversed you psycho!" I pushed him to the ground and climbed on his pulling his hair, "How does that feel?! I probably lost follicles because of you!" I yelled at him. 

"Seungmin just put him out, your hair follicles are fine." Wonpil said and I could see him basically rolling his eyes.

"Fine."  I sighed rolling my eyes. I pressed my forearm against his neck to keep him still using my other hand to swipe across his eyes then his forehead, knocking him out. Then I felt a little petty so I grabbed him by his hair again, "Bitch.." 

"Okay that's enough you big child." Wonpil said pulling me off the guy.

"My head hurts because of that thing." I said glaring at the boy on the floor.

"Well that thing is a human now, so you can stop crying like a baby." 

"I am not a baby!" I argued, "Get off me!" I whined as he hugged me.

Wonpil scoffed and pulled away, "I'll take care of this kid and you can take of the mess you made." He said pointing at the broken mirrors and the sink.

"Hyung! I didn't eve push him that hard. That idiot just weighs a ton!" I whined.

"Sounds like a you problem." Wonpil shrugged.


Minho's POV

Seungmin seemed like he wasn't affected, but he probably was. Which is why I have to find him before he does something stupid. Which is pretty hard to do since I don't know him. I tried empty classrooms, or just empty rooms in general. 

I was passing the bathroom when I heard a loud noise coming from the inside, "Seriously? In school?" I rolled my eyes and I was about to walk away when the door opened and Seungmin walked was standing there. "Seungmin?" I said and he looked up at me. Not to be rude or anything but he looked a mess. His hair was a mess and his uniform was worse...

"Did you...?" I slowly asked and he looked at me confused. "Did you make out with someone? In the school bathrooms? On your first day?" I scoffed but he only looked at me with the same expression as before. I sighed and grabbed his arm pulling him back into the bathrooms as stopping in front of the mirrors. "Look at yourself man."

"Holy shit..." I heard him whisper as he examined himself in the mirror. He tried to fix his hair but it was only getting worse. "That fucking bitch..."

I walked up behind him, "I agree, whoever left you like this is a fucking bitch." I said raising my hand to try and help him but he quickly smacked it away and looked at me, "Stay still." I rolled my eyes trying to help him again but he kept moving backwards, "Dude I'm trying to help you here." I said and his back hit the door, I snickered at the panic on his face, "Calm down, I'm only trying to help you." I slowly reached my hands out, fixing his hair for him as he tried to look everywhere but at me. "There you go cutie." I smiled and backed up so he didn't have to be trapped between me and the door. "So who-" 

Then the bell rang and I looked up at the announcement box in the bathroom, "Jeez I didn't know next period would be here so soon, right?" I asked Seungmin about to look at him but I was met by a door slamming into my face, "FUCK! Ow!" I held my nose in pain and then suddenly Seungmin came out of nowhere and bowed at me as an apology and I heard him whisper a soft 'Sorry' but as soon as I blinked he was gone. "What the hell- Ow!~" I whined feeling my nose sting.

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