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The sound of the person banging on the door eventually got louder and louder.

(A/n: i always hated this part like calm down al i'm coming jeez 😡)

You raised an eyebrow as you got up from the couch and poked your head out from behind a wall. You watched as Charlie quickly opened the door.

There you saw a tall and slender man with grey skin, he had short red and black hair with some ears and antlers, his eyes were blood red and his teeth were sharp as he had a very creepy smile on his face.

You tilted your head to the side as you stared at the deer demon.

"Hel-" he started but was then cut off by Charlie shutting the door in his face.

She then looked to the side in complete disbelief before looking back and reopening the door.

"lo" he finished but Charlie once after shut the door in his face.

"Hey, Vaggie!" Charlie yelled as she stood next to you.

Vaggie sat there with a hand on her head. "What?" she asked.

Charlie pointed at her face as she had a forced smile on her. "The Radio Demon is at the door!" Charlie replied as she then pointed at the door.

Vaggie's eyes widened as she quickly sat up.

"WHAT!" She yelled.  Both you and Angel looked at Vaggie with a raised eyebrow. 

"Who?" You both asked. 

Charlie and Vaggie ignored you both as Charlie put her hands on her face. 

"What should I do?" Charlie asked with a worried expression.

"Well don't let him in!" Vaggie yelled.

Both you and Charlie looked at the door and you knew Charlie was going to let him in.

Charlie walked back over to the door and opened it. "May I speak now?" he asked. Charlie crossed her arm as she nodded. "You may." she said. The Radio Demon stuck out his hand. 

"Alastor, pleasure to be meeting you sweetheart" he replied as he then grabbed Charlie's arm and stared into her eyes.

"Quite a pleasure!" Alastor yelled as he then walked into the hotel.

You stared at this Alastor guy with an amused smile on your face as you heard his voice.

It sounded a little funny to you. 

Plus he looked fun.

"Excuse my sudden visit but I saw your Fiasco on the picture show and I couldn't resist! What performance!" Alastor yelled as he threw his hands in the air. "Why I haven't been that entertained since the stock mark crash of 1929!" Alastor laughed.

You put a hand over your mouth as you let out a small giggle.

You knew it was bad to laugh at that but Alastor's jolly demeanour made it a little bit funny...

"So many orphans..."

Just then out of nowhere Vaggie showed up and pointed a dagger in Alastor's smiling face.

"Stop right there!" Vaggie yelled glaring up at the demon before looking down and mumbled something that you couldn't really understand.

(A/n: la espanol)

"I know your game, and I'm not gonna let you hurt anyone here, you pompous, cheesy, talk show shit Lord!" Vaggie threatened.

Both you and Angel looked at each other before shrugging.

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