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Alastor's footsteps clacked as he peeked his head through the doorway of the kitchen, seeing June stirring a wodden spoon inside a pot.

"June?" he asked lowly.

She responded with a hum turning around to see him and then she playfully scoffed. 

"For the 50th time Al, I don't know how to make jambalaya. Y/n does. Now piss off I'm making soup." she went right back to her cooking.

He chuckled and gently shook his hair out of the way. "No, no it's not about that."

She raised an eyebrow then put a cover on the pot while steam escaped it, to let it settle.

"Then what is it?" 

He bit his lip while he stared at the girl. Something left him thinking and eventually that thinking  turning into nagging, then engrossing. It didn't make sense to him at all and he couldn't stand it.

"If you and Y/n are such good friends why'd you kill her?"

There's the question.

June eyes' widened at his accusation, while he stared intently waiting for an answer.


"You heard me. If you knew her when you were alive and never meant harm, then why is she here? And not on Earth?" he pressed further.

She simply scoffed. "It was an honest mistake. If you were in my shoes you would've made the same mistake." she explained.

"I assure you not." he growled.

June crossed her arms and said nothing.

"I didn't see her that night. It wasn't my fault." she muttered.

"You would think you would take better care of her."

"And you can?"

"Better than you."

"Look, I don't get why you're suddenly being like this. What's gotten over you?" she asked.

"Nothing's come over me, I'm just not getting the fact how a dear friend of Y/n's is also her murder." Alastor turned around and twirled his microphone in his hand.

Now June was getting aggravated. "Again, I didn't see her that night!"

He turned to face her, him getting angry as well. "Is "I didn't see her" your only excuse?"

She breathed in deeply and put both hands together eyes closed, her patience disappearing. 

"Look, I'm not the only one to blame for the accident. There were two other people. Jackie and Ray."

"Yes I know."

"Right." she breathed out. "Then you should know they're as much to blame as I am."

Alastor's hand that was holding his microphone clenched hard. He gritted his teeth as insane and unimaginable thoughts ran through his head.



"And you just stood by and watched this play out?! Why didn't you do something?!" he snapped raising his voice.

"I couldn't!! I was the one driving!!" she yelled, putting both hands on her chest.

"Why didn't you stop it?!"

"Why weren't you there when it happened?!"

The two finally stopped and said nothing, the only sound being the pot rattling on the stove, more steam breaking out.

𝐒𝐄𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐈𝐍 𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐋; 𝐇.𝐇.Where stories live. Discover now