26 🔥🔥🔥 The Taste Of You

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8th May Continued...

You look up from my feet and smile.

'Is the inspection over, Sir?' I ask sarcastically.

'Almost,' you say, standing up.


'Into the room, Lilah. I want you on all fours. Wait for me there.'

I walk to the middle of the living room, get down on all fours and wait. Why is it that I always want to be such a good girl for you? When we're together like this, it's like I never had a life before you. I am a sweet, soft girl for only you. Shy, cute, trusting. Waiting to be marked by your love in any way you choose.

I turn to you as you walk out of the bathroom.

'Eyes front, Lilah.'

'Yes Sir.'

I can see you through the mirror, pulling on your jeans and shirt. Picking up your boots, putting those on too. Are you leaving? Or are you shifting the power further in your direction while I am naked, on all fours, waiting for you?

You stand next to me, and I can't help myself, I lean into your legs.

'Oh, sweet girl,' you say gently, in surprise.

I look up at you and smile.

'I have a present for you. I got it while I was away working. Would you like it now, or after breakfast?'

I chew my lip. I know I need to eat, but when I'm with you I'm only ever hungry for you.

You crouch down beside me, and say, 'I think you need to eat, dear, and then you can have your present, and then we can play.'

You lift me gently to my feet, grab the blanket from the bed and wrap it round me.

'We've got eggs in the fridge,' I say. 'Shall I whip us up an omelet?'

'Great idea. Do you need help with that?' You ask.

I laugh and say, 'No. I can just about manage an omelet. Maybe you could play DJ and I can cook.'

The smell of the omelets fills the room, along with The Kills, Baby Says. We both hum along.
I smile as I watch you putting knives and forks on the table. This is the closest to domesticated we have ever been, and it feels nice. Easy. Safe.

There's that word again. Safe. I'm always looking for that feeling, in between all the other feelings.

I push the omelets onto the plates and carry them over to you at the table.

We eat in contented silence, and I gaze out of the window at the ocean, a new poem growing in my mind. Watching the turquoise waters moving rocks around the earth.

'Eat up, Lilah. You need your strength.' You smile.

'But I'm full.' I'm always full when I'm with you.

'Eat, or I'll feed you.'

I eat until my plate is clean.

'Good Girl.' You pat your lap, and say, 'Come.'

I smile, walk around the table, sit on your lap, and curl up in it. A happy little cat, as you stroke my hair.

'Would you like your present now?' You murmur.

'Yes please, Sir.'

'Give me a minute, it's in the pick up. Sit on the bed Little Pet, I'll be right back,' you say.

'Bossy pants,' I smile and you kiss me before walking away.

Three minutes later you're back with three packages, wrapped in black paper, tied with a black ribbon and a knot.

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