Chapter 18

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After another week of organizing everything you had to organize, the day your mother had been waiting for had finally arrived, you were so excited that you barely managed to sleep the night before.

If you were already that anxious about your mother's wedding, you didn't even want to imagine what it would be like on your own wedding day.

Still, you couldn't wait for that day to come.

As soon as you woke up, for probably the 8th time, you scratched your eyes and looked to the side, smiling when you saw your boyfriend still sleeping.

He had offered to spend the night with you to calm you down whenever you felt anxious. You didn't know what you had done to deserve it.

You were about to wake him up, but before you could do so, you groaned in pain when you suddenly felt a strong, throbbing headache.

You didn't know, but Floyd had already woken up before you and was just lying down, but hearing how you looked in pain woke him up for good.

"Sweetheart, are you okay?" He asked worriedly.

"Headache." You replied, rubbing your temples to see if it eased the pain.

"Do you want me to go get you some medicine?" He asked again.

You looked at the clock hanging on the wall and your eyes widened when you realized that you should have gotten up already, you were one of the bridesmaids and you couldn't do nothing, you had to get ready, help your mother get ready and still stop her from meet the groom before the ceremony begins.

You would never let a headache ruin one of the most important days of her life, it could be resolved later.

"I have to get ready." You said, pushing the sheets away from your legs and getting up from the bed. "And you too, you have to go help the king get ready."

"But what about your headache?" He asked, not really liking the idea of ​​you spending the whole day in pain.

You smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"I can handle it, don't worry." You assured him. "It takes more than that to take down this troll."

He chuckled adorably.

"If you say." He said with a shrug, reluctantly accepting your decision.


"Looking good, Peps." Clay commented with a smile, as the former king observed himself in the mirror.

"You guys think?" He asked, a little apprehensively. "I mean, I want to look perfect for Celine, it's our wedding day."

"You don't have to be perfect." John Dory replied, resting his hands on his shoulders. "She loves you just the way you are, if you showed up wearing a duck costume she would like it."

"Hm, you're right." Peppy smiled.

They all smiled upon seeing their older brother's change of heart.

"To me, you're fine, but there's something missing." Floyd said, noticing how his suit pocket didn't have any flowers.

"And what would that be, young man?" Peppy asked him.

"Hey Bruce, could you get a flower from that flower vase for me?" He asked his older brother, pointing to the bedroom dresser where there was a small vase with flowers decorating it.

"Consider it done!" Bruce replied, going to the dresser to get the flower, but accidentally dropping the vase.

Fortunately, he managed to catch it before it fell to the floor, but as he leaned over, his underwear ended up showing and they saw it.

"Bruce, are you wearing pink underwear?" Branch asked in surprise.

"It's not what you guys think..." He quickly tried to explain himself. "It was a gift from Brandy..."

He was soon speechless when all of his brothers and Peppy showed him the same underwear he was wearing.

"Well, Poppy told me everyone was wearing that color." Branch clarified, right after everyone said the same thing happened.

"... Well since you guys got underwears, of course you also got a matching bra, right?" Clay asked, showing the bra Viva had given him as a gift.

"I didn't earn that." Floyd was the first to said after the long silence, which everyone else agreed with, leaving him dumbfounded and wanting to bury his head in a hole.


The wedding dress your mother chose was very simple, but she still couldn't look more beautiful, with colorful flowers printed on her dress and in her hair too.

She wasn't nervous at all and seemed very happy, which made you very happy. May he make her happy every day after their wedding, otherwise he and you would have problems.

"You look so beautiful, mom." You said, admiring her hugged with your sisters.

"We couldn't imagine anyone else marrying our dad and being our mom." Poppy said with a smile, which moved her deeply.

"Stop it, I'll end up crying." She murmured in a tearful tone of voice, fanning her face so she wouldn't cry and ruin her makeup. "I love you four more than anything in this world, you are the best daughters anyone could ask for."

"Group hug!" Viva exclaimed happily with teary eyes, the five of you came together and hugged each other.

She couldn't contain her tears of emotion, she had spent so many years without living together with her family, and when she returned, her family had expanded and became even more loving.

After the emotional moment passed, the five of you went to the location where the wedding ceremony would take place, which was already beautifully decorated with your mother's favorite flowers, by her reaction, you could see everything was the way she wanted.

You weren't able to pay attention to any detail of the decorations as soon as you laid eyes on Floyd, now wearing a black suit for the wedding, but somehow he had managed to make his own style with that outfit.

Every time you saw him it was like you fell in love with him all over again, you felt the same butterflies in your stomach that you felt when you saw him in person for the first time, you even forgot you had a headache.

As soon as he also saw you he also didn't look at anything other than you, it made your heart flutter how his face lit up whenever he saw you.

Approaching you, your boyfriend gently took your hand and gave it a kiss.

"You are gorgeous." He whispered in your ear, with all the talking from so many people at the same time, it was the only way you could hear what he wanted to say.

You felt your face flush and that at any moment you were going to explode with happiness.

Showing your love with gestures rather than words, you wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him on the lips, not caring if the people around you were watching.

The ceremony began, the two of you went to your place with your siblings, close to the altar. John Dory couldn't attend the wedding with his boyfriend, as GD hadn't yet told his son that the two were dating and was waiting for the right moment to tell him.

Unlike traditional weddings, your mother and her fiancé walked arm in arm down the altar, receiving a round of applause from all the guests.

It was a simple but very beautiful ceremony, that was the idea, that nothing was exaggerated so that their love was the center of attention.

Even though you already considered Poppy and Viva your sisters before the wedding, you were very happy that you were now officially sisters.

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