Chapter 1

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9 years and eight months later...

"You're sending her to die!" I hear Mira yell at General Sorrengail. They seemed to be in an intense fight about letting Violet go to the Riders quadrant.

I lean against the wall waiting for them to finish as Violet tries to step in. I just look down at the necklace my mom gave me before I left six months ago, to help train Violet for the riders.

She knew she wouldn't be able to make it to my Conscription Day so she gave me a little gift.

The necklace's center is a crystallized berry from the pearl tree which is surrounded by two blue star shaped gems on both sides.

She told me it would be a way to remember that she and Sebi are with me. Sebastian or Sebi, as I like to call him, is my six year old baby brother.

He is possibly the most adorable child I have ever seen. He has the same eyes as my mom and I but has dark brown hair instead of blonde.

My father has changed over the years, though he may not show it to others, I know. He has become more serious since the Battle of Aretia, and doesn't smile as often.

He became more busy as the years progressed, not being able to come home for up to a year. Maybe all the death around him finally got to him, because his eyes have darkened and seems to like to keep his appearance even when his family is around.

My mother was against trapping the rebels' children when they haven't done anything wrong. But my father had no choice because he could risk his family's safety so he agreed to Xaden's deal.

I also never agreed with how Fen Riorson handled the discovery of the venin. Causing a rebellion risked his family and others which he worked with.

Xaden might get mad at me for thinking this way but it's true. The situation could have been played out better where it didn't cost as many lives.

That was six years ago and even if my father doesn't show it, he does care about some people in his life.

"Let's go, May." Mira's voice brings me back to reality, it seems the fight is over.

I follow Mira and Violet to the entrance of the turret. Mira begins talking to the woman at the entrance, telling her our names.

Once she's done she turns to us and gives us a small pep talk.

"I'm glad you both are wearing the armor made from Teine's scales. Wear it even when you sleep, you don't know what enemies you will make on the other side." She says.

"We'll be careful and thank you for the gift. We'll miss you a lot, Mira." I tell her.

I'm wearing a black slim-fitted long sleeve shirt with armor over it. As well as a pair of black skinny pants and combat boots. I made sure to come prepared because Mira's right, I don't know what enemies I will make.

I also have no guarantee that I will live because I don't know my own future.

"I'll miss you too. Don't die, Violet. You too, May. Protect each other like your lives depend on it because it does." She brings us into a hug, gives us a tight squeeze before turning around and walking away.

Celestial: Garrick TavisOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora