Chapter 11

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Soon December is upon us and I still haven't gotten my signet.

Maybe I'll be like Violet and get it later on.

Flying with Ast has also made me freeze countless times. I don't understand why they make us fly in snowy weather.

"It's so you can practice flying in colder conditions. They want you immune to the cold." Ast interrupts my thoughts.

"I get that part but I don't have clothes suitable for that kind of weather. They should pass some winter hats out at least."

I look from the open window back to Violet and Rhi who are battling it out as I am sitting on the sideline of a black mat watching.

Liam is sitting to my left, keeping an eye on Violet so he can be ready if Jack makes a move.

"So how has your day been, Liam?" I ask, moving my view to look at him.

Lately I have got to know him more because he spends so much time around Vi.

His company is always appreciated.

I have tried to not think too much about the ending of the first book. I still don't know what to do.

In the few weeks that I have gotten to know him, I have learned how great of a guy he is. That I don't want to lose someone like him. But what choice do I have?

"It's been good. I kind of want to spar with someone but I have my duty to uphold." He glances at Jack across the room.

"You know, you can spar with Ridoc. I can stay here and watch her," I suggest.

"It's fine. I don't think that I will be the one learning from our spar." He passes me a smirk.

I laugh. Of course, Liam is very confident in his skills which is why I like him. And he is also very funny and flirty at times.

"We've been at this for an hour." Rhiannon swishes her staff through the air. "You're tired, and the last thing I want is to hurt you."

"Challenges resume after solstice," Violet reminds her. "You're not doing me any favors by holding back."

"She's not wrong," Liam voices as he stands up.

"Well aware," She replies as Xaden passes by the mat, accompanied by Garrick as usual.

We make eye contact as he passes by.

I haven't talked to him in a while. Maybe it's because I'm trying to remember what he wants me to remember.

It's just so hard. What does he know that I don't? I know everything in the book but something like this never came up.

So what am I missing?

"Go away unless you have something useful to say."

"Move faster. You'll be less likely to die. How's that for useful?" he calls back, taking up a position on a mat closer to the center of the sparring gym.

Rhiannon's eyes flare, and Liam shakes his head.


"The way you talk to him," Rhiannon murmurs.

"What's he going to do? Kill me?" She charges forward, swinging her staff at Rhi's legs.

"You're likely to kill each other," Liam chimes in, taking his seat again. "Can't wait to see how you two function after graduation."

They'll function, alright. Even before graduation. I smirk at the thought.

The way they act as if they hate each, please we can all see it.

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