Chapter 16

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"Tap out!" Rhiannon screams as a rider out of Second Wing fights to drag himself forward on the mat, his hands splayed wide, his fingernails digging in as Liam holds him in a leg lock, forcing his back into what should be an impossible arch.

It's the last challenge of this portion of the Squad Battle, and if Liam wins this battle we'll be third out of twenty-four.

Though I know that we win squad battles, it doesn't stop me from trying my best. I don't want to affect my squad's chances of not winning.

The only challenge that I came in first with the fastest time was the dragon flight one. Ast is probably one of the fastest dragons out there, it still takes a lot of energy to stay on her but it's not as bad as Violet.

Liam, of course, had the best times on everything else. One of the challenges was the Gauntlet which he flew through so fast. I wonder if he is even human sometimes.

Mikael cries out in pain, the sound sharp, near earsplitting, and pulling my attention back to the action in front of me. Liam holds fast and presses his advantage.

"Fuck me, that looks like it hurts," Violet mutters, over the cheering first-years.

"Yeah, he's not walking for a while," Ridoc agrees, cringing as the arc of Mikael's back looks like a broken spine waiting to happen.

With another cry, Mikael slams his palm into the mat three times, and the crowd roars.

"Yes! Go, Liam!" Sawyer screams from behind me, and Liam drops Mikael to the mat, where he sprawls out, exhausted.

"We won!" Liam rushes for us, and I'm caught in a large group hug.

I can't help but smile, we've gotten so far in the past few months at this school. It sometimes amazes me that I'm even standing here.

Being new to this world, I thought I would die the moment I reached this place. This world is far different than mine, people being killed one after the other is normal.

It shocks me sometimes when I think of how I lived before, just admiring the characters but never really saw them as real people.

I think the moment I realized they were real was when they are close to death or even dead.

"Your winner!" Professor Emetterio shouts, his voice ringing through the gym and quieting the zealous energy as Liam steps out of our crushing hug.

"Liam Mairi from Second Squad, Flame Section, Fourth Wing!"

Liam puts up both hands in victory and turns in a small circle.

Commandant Panchek steps onto the mat, and Liam joins the rest of our squad, sweat pouring off his skin.

"I know you were all expecting the last portion of the Squad Battle to happen tomorrow, but the cadre and I have a surprise."
He has every single rider's attention now.

"Instead of telling you what the final, unknown task will be and giving you tonight to plan for it, your final task will begin this hour!" He grins, throwing out his hands and turning just like Liam had.

"Tonight?" Ridoc whispers.

"Dain isn't here. Neither is Cianna."

"Oh shit," Imogen whispers, looking over the crowd herself.

"As you may have noticed, your squad leaders and their executive officers have been...shall we say, sequestered with your section leaders and wingleaders, and no, before someone asks, your task is not to find them."

He continues to walk in a small circle, addressing each side of the mat. "You are to break into your squads and accomplish a unique mission this evening without the leadership and instruction of your squad leaders."

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