Chapter 8

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"Remember to listen here," Professor Kaori says from in front of the 147 of us here.

"If a dragon has already selected you, they'll be calling. So pay attention to not just your surroundings but your feelings, and go with them." He grimaces. "And if your feelings are telling you to go in the other direction...listen to that, too."

Threshing is today which means I finally meet the dragon that I will be bonded to. The thought that haunts me through, is that no dragon will want me.

That I endured all of this training and suffering for nothing. Well maybe not nothing. I saw Violet and other characters that I was happy to meet.

And if I don't succeed I'll head back home and see my mom, though my dad won't be very pleased with me.

"You memorized the cards, right?" Rhi asks Violet, lifting her brows. "So you know what's out there?"

"Yes. I just don't feel connected to any of them. Dain tried talking me into a brown."

"Dain lost his vote when he tried talking you into leaving," she counters.

"Yeah, don't listen to him. You're strong so any dragon would want you." I reassure her.

"And you, May? Don't think I didn't see you gawking at the silver one." Rhi smirks at me.

"I don't know. I think a lot of candidates have their eyes on her. She's spectacular but there are far stronger candidates for her to choose."

"Don't think like that, M. You're one of the strongest people I know. It would be her loss if she doesn't choose you." Violet tries to comfort me.

"Yeah and plus I have a feeling it will choose you. Your hair almost matches her scales." Rhiannon adds.

"Maybe you're right but we'll have to see. What about you, Rhi?" I ask.

She grins. "I'm thinking about that green. The one that was sniffing you, M."

"Well, it didn't eat you, so that's a promising start." I smile.

"I think so, too." She links her left arm with mine and her right with Violet's.

Professor Kaori wraps up his speech and wishes us good luck.

"Be careful." Rhiannon pulls the both of us into a warm hug.

"You too." Violet says looking at Rhi and then at me.

I just nod ready for this to be over.


CRUNCH! My feet sounded as I step onto the yellow fallen leaves that scattered the valley. I encountered two dragons so far, a green and a brown. Both I avoided knowing that they are not my dragon.

The wind blew a low whistle as my free baby hairs brushed my face. It has gotten colder as the months have passed.

I'm surprised I even made it this far.

I glance around the tall trees that surround me, making sure to keep my eyes out for any dragons.

I continue walking through the forest until I spot a red dragon in a clearing. This one seems to menacing to even approach.

I try and avoid it by circling the clearing.


My boot lands on a branch, I whip my neck to look at the red.

Its eyes fixed on me as it started to approach me.

Dang it! Just my luck, a red dragon that will kill me with little effort.

Celestial: Garrick TavisWhere stories live. Discover now