Chapter 13

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"So what have you been up to lately? What do dragons do in their free time?" I ask Ast, as we do our daily flight training in the February air.

Though the weather is cold for flying, I need someone who can understand me. Ast is just the dragon to help.

"We fly, fight, play. What do you expect us to do?"

"I don't know, something interesting?" I look at the white mountains around us.

"So have you and Chardh know..."

"Like I would tell." She releases a huff. "But if you really want to know, no, we haven't, not since you became my rider. We are waiting for it to get slightly warmer."

"Isn't doing it a way to get warmer?" I question, she turns her head giving me a dragon glare.

"We have our reasons. Now talk about something else." She turns her head back to its original position.

"Okay, then, what do you think about Chardh's rider, Garrick?" I reply.

"Are you asking for my approval of your relationship? If you are then I would say I like him."

"We are not in a relationship! But why do you even like him?"

"That's a secret between him and I." She sweeps down below, almost touching the trees.

I narrow my eyes behind my goggles.

"Why is everyone keeping secrets?"

"Because it's not their time to be known." She lands softly in a small clearing.

"What are we doing here?" I ask with a frown.

"We are waiting for Chardh."

"Why?" I slowly jump off of her, removing my goggles.

"He wanted to show me something. Dragons go on dates too."

"Really?! Sorry I didn't mean to ruin your date with our flight."

"No, it was a last minute decision so don't worry."

A breeze blows my stray hair away from my face as Chardh lands.

"It seems you two arrived earlier than expected." Chardh fills my head.

I open my mouth to ask how but was stopped.

"We're mates, May. Of course you can hear us. Did you not try to communicate with Garrick through your thoughts?" Ast answers.

"No. It's never happened." I watch as Garrick jumps from the top of Chardh's brown seat.

I should have known, Violet and Xaden can communicate through thoughts, but I never had the thought that we might.

"Did you know we can communicate with our minds?" I ask Garrick as he walks towards me.

"I knew but I never tried it."

Celestial: Garrick TavisWhere stories live. Discover now