Chapter 8

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"I'm sorry, are you okay?"

"I gotta go, thank you Donghyuck"

"I'm attached to him ... I fell in love..."

Taeil got back to his senses after he received another precognition. He shooks his head rapidly. As he tried to understand the situation just now.

"Mark?" He questioned, as he turns around feeling a presence, Taeyong was facing him with his eyes widened.

"When will that happen?" Taeyong furrowed his eyebrows, he dashed in front of Taeil. Placing his hand at his shoulder to reassured him.

"Tonight..." Taeil uttered.

It wasn't because Mark was about to get attached but it is more to whom he's attaching it with. Taeyong knew Donghyuck is a human, and it will cause more harm to the clan knowing that Mark is attached to him.

And to Taeyong disbelief, he would never think the day that Mark fall in love would eventually come.

"He is a human?" Taeil asked, snapping Taeyong out of his thoughts.

The leader nodded. As he went dashing to his room to opens up old records and information that he might think it will be helpful to their situation.

"How is that possible? Does this mean it is one sided?"

As fast as Taeyong were, Taeil was just right behind him. Since they were both pure bloods, their abilities are much more superior than the rest.

And it worried both because vampires should only be attached by each other own being due to its resistance and needs. They can be very needy to each other and clings a lot.

"I'm not sure, it could be one sided. The human can't have the same attachment as we do. Mark is going to have a very rough time with this." Taeyong said while flipping through his old books.

"Should we go and stop him?" Taeil suggested as Taeyong halt his action. He headed out from his room while turning his head to Taeil.

"Bring Jeno with us."


"Are you sure we are at the right place?" Taeil complained while looking around.

They were in the middle of the town, the streets were still alive with bands playing by the edge and people were having fun, riding on a bicycle, roller skating.

Taeil sighed as he hates being in the crowd especially surrounded by humans.

"We need to go a bit further actually." Jeno uses his tracking sense to find Mark. Usually it will take him minutes to identify where Mark would be but since the city was surrounded with human, his senses was a bit off.

And it was easy to find Mark before because he would use the same route and avoid human presence.

There was a lot a tracking with human scent, meaning Mark has been around human a lot and he has been to the public regularly than he should. It messed with Jeno's a bit.

"Why are we walking anyway?" Taeil pull his hoodie up to cover his head since the public started to lay eyes on him.

"It's still early, people will notice us." Taeyong was in a serious mode.

They walked on few turns until they found Donghyuck's apartment. Taeyong closes his eyes in order to feel the human presence that has been bothering Mark before.

He recalled that Mark couldn't read the human's thought.


Taeyong opened his eyes, he couldn't feel the presence nor hearing the thoughts as well. He frowned. So, it's true. It won't work on Taeyong either - a pureblood himself.

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