Chapter 15

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Taeyong rummaged through his drawer, searching for a book that he had during his past. The book contains all recorded information of their kind.

Before a knock was given, Taeyong waves his hand for the door to open, inviting Taeil and Shotaro inside.

"Still can't find it." Taeil asked.

"No, I remember that I brought it here with me once we moved here."

"Which one are you trying to recall?" Shotaro furrowed.

"About the rarebloods."

Shotaro and Taeil slightly nodded, the helped Taeyong searching and flipping through old notes.

"He's not doing this to make Donghyuck a bait." The leader stops and shift his gaze to them.

"You think Donghyuck is the rareblood?" Taeil widened his eyes.

"We need to confirm it first, I need to check the possibilities."

Taeil accidentally hits the leader's old bookshelf causing it rubble and few books fell down to the floor. Taeyong bends down and picks one up.

He observed the book, flipping it. Taeil and Shotaro went closer to their leader.

"It's about us..." Taeil uttered.

The book was an old record of the purebloods being written. Taeyong places the book on his desk and ask them to keep going, not minding the book.

"Yes, Doyoung?" Taeyong surprised them since he wasn't even looking at their direction.

"The boys are running out of the sun potion; I don't think they realize it." Doyoung showed them the empty jar.

"Oh no..."


Donghyuck promised Yangyang that he'll bring Renjun to him. He called his best friend, hoping to meet at the cafeteria.

"Why am I so nervous, I don't project this behavior." Yangyang huffed.

"You'll be fine." Donghyuck reassured him.

Renjun arrived, waving at Donghyuck. Yangyang was sitting across from the tanned so Renjun couldn't see his face.

"Why you rushed out from the class just now and who's thi- "Renjun froze, he was very surprised to see Yangyang again.

"Hi, Injun..." Yangyang gives out a little wave.

"How did you two know each other?" Renjun asked, raising his eyebrow, curious.

"Yangyang is one of Mark's housemates." Donghyuck grinned.

He stood up, force his best friend to sit next to him.

"First of all, I wanted to apologize. Maybe we had a wrong start." Yangyang immediately expressed himself.

Renjun was flabbergasted. He almost chokes then Donghyuck helped to pat on his back.

"Then, I'm sorry too." Renjun cleared his throat. "You can call me, Renjun." He added.

Yangyang was delighted, he felt the heaviness in his heart lift up. Donghyuck smile, thinking that it all has been resolved. As they were starting to chat, Donghyuck realizes a change on Yangyang's skin.

"Oh, Renjun look." Donghyuck pointed afar and caught his friend's attention.

He pulled Yangyang and they bend under the table.

"Yangyang, your skin..." Donghyuck whispered.

Yangyang looks at his hand, noticing that he's starting to glow. He starts searching for the potion in his bag only to found empty bottles.

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