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It was the 6th of January, a new year, a chance for
new beginnings. The old students of Claver High School
had held a charity gala to equip the school with more
modern technology and it was more of a meet-and-greet
for some old students that hadn't met since they
completed. Sedem had to involve Juanita and Therod to convince Sabella to go to the gala. She had
locked herself up for days. Christmas didn't feel like
Christmas in the Amoyaw residence after what happened.
Kay still lived with them and he sensed the difference in
the family. The day's happening still haunted Alessia and
she was seeing a therapist but her best therapist so far
was Padi, her new boyfriend. He used a single crotch to
walk not fully healed from Michael's shot to his leg.
Matthew was around to help her but he left back for
Canada on New Year's Day to continue his life. He was
glad that his wife's murderer was dead.
Detective Henry was still on the case of the person
who shot Michael. The seaplane couldn't point out to
anyone but when Sabella claimed that the person was her
dead husband, Kofi. Everyone began to think she was
getting mad and it was more reason she kept herself
locked up all of Christmas. No one believed her and
everyone thought she was mad including her daughters
and even her mother. They all said she just missed Kofi
too much but she had the memory of that day right in front
of her although blurred up. The way he cleared the hair
from her face, the smile, the command in his voice, the
dark-blonde hair. She couldn't have been hallucinating,
could she? She had had a rough argument with Ally Halle
concerning this issue. The mention of Kofi only brought
bad memories of his death to her and gave her more reason to hate Sabella like those many years she stayed
away mourning Kofi alone and forgetting that they existed.
Nicole walked into Sabella's room with Sedem and they
were surprised to see her still in bed.
"Sabella!" Nicole almost yelled, "You're supposed to
be ready or we will be late for the gala."
"You can go without me."
"I thought we spoke about this." Sedem came in.
"I don't want to go anywhere. I want to be here and
alone!" she raised her head and said in tears. She
put her head back on the bed and Therod walked in with a
bucket of water. He poured it all on her and she sat up on
the bed.
"I'm sorry I had to do this but someone has to wake
you up to reality." she cried even more.
"All of you think I'm going mad but none of you have
the courage to tell me what you think."
"I hate to say this but you're turning into the Sabella
that Ally Halle hated. The one that locked herself up and
mourned Kofi alone. The one that cared about no one else.
I, for one, think that you have loosened some screws in
your head but those I care for the most at this period are
your daughters. They need you most now, Sabella. So stop
acting like a teenage child who was denied prom and get
to your feet and be the mother you are." Nicole stated
frankly. Alessia walked in and they all turned to her.
"I thought you were seeing your therapist," Sedem
said quickly.
"Yeah, I thought so too but he canceled all of today's
appointments. I'm sure he has an emergency to attend to,"
she turned back to stare at her mother, "Do you know that
for the past ten days, Ally Halle has made herself a
constant nightclub attendee? I think that is more important
than your drama, Mrs Amoyaw." she walked away.
Sabella turned to Nicole, "Do you know about this?"
"She doesn't talk to me now. I feel as if something is bothering her but she definitely isn't going to
tell you."
It was late afternoon and Kay had moved to Kofi's
grave. He placed a flower on the grave and stood silently
for a while in front of the grave before he spoke. "Brother,
I've tried my best but I can't be you. Your family needs you
and you must do everything wherever you are to
strengthen their unity and give them the love they deserve.
The damage you caused Ally Halle with your death is more
than I imagined it to be. The last five years have been the
worst for her and she's locked herself up totally. Her focus
is on KAS Food and nothing else. No social life, no love.
She needs you, Kofi. That daughter needs you."
The various gengs and groups were present for the
gala proving their strong unity that was never broken.
Benjamin went to the gala with Emmanuel and Juanita.
She was once part of the heads of the parent-teacher
association of Claver High School and she thought it wise
to be present to give out during the gala. At least she could stand in for her daughter who seemed to be going
through a lot recently. She noticed Aaron and Macey walk
in too. Macey walked over to Juanita's side after noticing
her presence. Matilda was there too as Macey's protective
"Hello, Ma'am Juanita."
"Hello," she replied quickly. It was obvious that she
wasn't the best fan of Macey and she wasn't going to be.
Macey smiled and frankly didn't know what to do next. She
was just trying to be sweet to her daughter's grandmother.
"Is Therod here?' she asked pointlessly.
"He isn't and I don't even think he'd like to see you if
he were here. Excuse me." she walked away. Both
gentlemen followed after her.
"Looks like the old woman and her son still hate you."
it was William. He came from Macey's side with his wife,
Birgitta. They were both in fine cotton outfits. Macey
found Birgitta's dressing appalling. She rolled her eyes at
the two and walked away with Matilda. Aaron had
already gotten to the side of the F10 Geng present and
they were having a lovely chat.
Sadat and Berna walked in with Pious and Jana.
Berna was glad that Pious and Jana could come. The last
year had been tough for them with Josephine's death but
they still looked strong together.
Ally Halle was in a nightclub just like Alessia had said.
She was in her regulars and tied her hair into a messy bun which wasn't like her. "Another shot." she requested and
the bartender placed it before her. Her thoughts were
driven partly by her mother's claims that it was her father
who had come to shoot Michael Asare. A part of her
believed that it was true. A part of her wanted to believe
that her father was indeed dead and that that dead burnt
body that lay in the coffin wasn't that of her father but she
knew it wasn't possible. Kofi Amoyaw was long dead.
Deep within her, she knew that that was not her only
reason for being in the club. She wanted to get her focus
off someone. And that person was Adel. He was getting
married in four days to Kira Halle and her stomach
tightened any time she remembered that fact. What was
so distinct about Adel that she couldn't even forget about
him? She knew that whatever she was feeling was wrong
and she didn't deserve to feel it but anytime she
remembered how they danced, how he held her, his smile, and the way he looked into her eyes. It gave her a feeling
she couldn't explain. She held the shot glass ready to draw
down the content into her throat when a gent walked to
her side.
"Hello beautiful." she turned to him with a frown.
"I'm married." the obvious statement that drew all
the guys away but then he got closer and sat.
"Then your husband must be a jerk. He doesn't
deserve you. There must be a smile on that pretty face of
yours." she placed the shot glass down.
"What do you want?"
"Your name because I know you're single. That
married lie doesn't work on me."
"I don't have time for your crap." she turned back to
the bartender.
"I'm Eli."
"I don't give a fuck." she emphasized each word.
"It doesn't hurt to be sociable. It's a gift, pretty."
"Then I don't need it. I prefer to be alone." she took
the shot glass again.
"Then I come with good news. You need a lone not be
alone and I'm a loner." he winked.
"You flirt." she poured the contents of the shot glass
on his face and then walked away leaving the bartender
laughing. Eli's friend, Terrence, walked over to Eli's side.
"Looks like the blonde beauty turned you down." he
"I get what I want Terrence. You should know that by
Alessia knew that William and Birgitta wouldn't be at
home since Birgitta was once a part of the heads of the
parent-teacher association back when Adel and Padi
attended Claver High School. She went straight to the
Arthur's residence and just as she thought it was just Padi
and Saffron at home they were delighted to see her.
"Alessia." Padi smiled. He used his crotch to stand
and she moved to kiss him making Saffron giggle.
"So romantic." the voice was cold and Alessia knew it wasn't Saffron's. She turned to the presence of Kira Halle
and her toy of a maid-of-honor, Joella.
"If you're looking for Adel he isn't here." Padi
"I know. I came in search of you."
"Me?" Alessia stood by Padi's side to face Kira Halle
and Joella.
"Looking at the both of you I'm inspired to do
something new even though we have had dress rehearsals.
Alessia I want you to be my bridesmaid and Padi you'll be
Adel's groomsman. What we'll do is we'll spice things
up a bit by making the two of you stand behind Adel while
Terrence and Joella will stand behind me. What do you
"We'll pass," Alessia replied.
"Adel understands that I can't be his best man
because of this crotch and he's content with my presence
and as the future Mrs. Arthur, I hope you'll be content with
my presence too."
"Your bad," she replied and giggled with Joella.
Among the numerous people present for the gala
was Kerron and his wife, Rhema. It was amazing how he
still held amazing features from almost three decades ago.
That smile of his and his decency. Rhema was a
wife to carry along. She had medium-length deep black
hair that matched the black silk dress she had on. Her
neck was adorned with a wonderful torque. They walked in confidently and walked to the side of the F10 Geng. The
three friends walked in next; Manuel, Andrews, and Trina.
Aaron was impressed with the way Trina looked.
"Why did she never get married?" he asked casually
and they all turned to stare at Trina too. She'd had a hair
change for the new year. She'd decided on long dirty
blonde hair with a side bang and it drew out her green
eyes even more.
"She was occupied with Lola." he smiled after Noah's
Father Jacobson arrived soon and Berna rushed to
hug him. He was so happy to see all of them. Still in
the white cassock and bald as if time hadn't passed. "I
heard about Cecilia's death and I couldn't make it. Where
is her husband?"
"He's traveled back to Canada. His wife's murderer
was killed in his attempt to harm Sabella's daughter."
"Peace be unto my children," he did the sign of the
cross and looked around while holding Berna's hand,
"Where is Sabella?"
"She hasn't arrived yet and I doubt she would even
make it...O! There she comes." Father Jacobson turned to
the entrance. Sedem and Nicole entered first followed by
Therod held Sabella's hand like she were his bride.
She looked simple but bold. Her black hair was in a low
bun and she'd painted her lips a dark red. Her dress was of
rich cashmere fabric and was of many ruffles with
beads attached to all the ruffles. It was a dull beige dress
that covered the stilettos she had on. The dress had a tiered sleeve matching the many ruffles beneath. It had a
bateau neckline and she had a simple riviere on her neck.
She placed her hand to her lips and rushed over to Father
Jacobson's side when she noticed him. He hugged her too.
"O my daughter."
"Father!" she cried and he comforted.
"I've heard everything that is going on with you. All I
can tell you is that the Lord is with you, my child, so be
"I'll do just that." Samuel and his wife, Lawrencia,
moved to Father Jacobson's side too and Sabella was
glad that Lawrencia had returned from her stay in the
Kira Halle had decided to have her bachelorette party
that evening since it was the last Saturday before her
wedding on Wednesday. They could have decided to get
married that day but they wanted the wedding to be on
Saffron's birthday and that was Wednesday. Dayana was
present for Kira Halle's bachelorette's night on invite and
she could swear to the heavens that she didn't feel
comfortable. Kira Halle seemed to be expecting so much
for her big day with Adel and Dayana feared for her.
Thelma had dinner alone since everyone else had
gone to that charity gala. Martin stood by the entrance to
the dining hall guarding her as usual and she turned to him.
"Come and sit down."
"I'd prefer to stand."
"Come let's eat."
"I'm full, ma'am."
"I told you to stop calling me, ma'am." she raised her
tone a bit.
"I'm sorry, Miss Thelma."
"You just can't say Thelma," she smiled. "Come and
sit down. Isn't it your job to guard and keep me company? I
need that company now that everyone else is gone. So
please would you be a gentleman and join me at the table." he
walked over and sat opposite from her and she turned to
look at him. He looked down and she smiled even more.
"Don't tell me that after being so skilled with the gun you're
shy of a small little lady like me."
"You need six men to carry your coffin when you die
and a single lady can send you there so yes, I'm shy and
scared of your gender." he raised his head to stare at her.
It was his kind of tone that was new to her. She'd never
taken good time to study him but she could tell he was
athletic and he knew when to speak. He had this way of
focusing his dark grey eyes on her emerald green ones
and she liked it.

The MC for the night would have been Cecilia if she
was present since she was one of the most out-spoken
people in their badge but instead Gideon was there. He
had Breanna Obi by his side. "Welcome ladies and
gentlemen to the charity gala held by the '95 year group. Let's not forget that our main agenda for the night is to
help contribute towards the purchasing of new devices for
our younger siblings and children to use in school. Our
proud heritage and humble beginning, Claver High School.
I'm Gideon Krofah, KG for short, and I'm doing this with,"
"Breanna Obi. To commence let's begin with a
minute's silence for all our mates that we've lost during
the years. Kofi Amoyaw, Cecilia Semedi Appenteng, Obed
Ofori, being a few," she ended silently and everyone went
quiet. Richmond was present and after Breanna had
spoken he turned to stare at Sabella. She had swallowed
hard and kept her eyes shut. He wondered, did I do her any
good? Berna turned to stare at Sabella too and then to
Richmond. Sometimes the truth was left to be unknown.

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