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Therod left home early to deal with work at the
Ampate Resort, Macey and Thelma went on some
supposed early morning trip and Sabella and Alessia
couldn't even stay for breakfast because they claimed they
had a business meeting. Everyone one way or the other
managed to get out of the house without wishing Juanita
a happy birthday and oddly she had had no calls. She had
a surprise visit from Kari.
"Happy birthday, Juanita," he said as he walked in
holding an ice cream cake.
"At least someone remembered," she gladly accepted
the cake and placed it on the dining table.
"What is that supposed to mean?"
"No one in this house wished me a happy birthday
and I think they're tired of me now and they are living their
lives to the fullest and I'm happy for them. Therod is
planning his wedding with Macey, Thelma is preparing herself to fit herself into her father's business, Sabella is a
proud CEO, and Alessia is taking after the business path of
her mother. I would say I miss Ally Halle a lot but then
everyone is growing and they don't need me and that's
why everyone forgot about my birthday."
"You are trying to sound happy but it's not working.
Go and put on something really elegant because this is
your day and your prince charming here would like to send
you out for lunch."
"An afternoon date, Kari."
"That's a modern term but you can call it that," she
Edmond came to visit Camila at home. Gina was not
around so it was just the two of them at home. Once they
got to the hall he started to kiss her and it went on for a
while but then he stopped when he noticed the change in
Camila's mood. "Hey, what's wrong?"
"Sorry, I'm just not in the mood."
"I understand," he stopped kissing her and then they
took their seats, "Tell me, what's the problem? You know
that I'm always here for you."
"There is something different about my mother's
"What is it?"
"This lawyer visited us five days ago and spoke to her
and ever since it's like she sees a ghost at every corner she steps and she repeatedly tells me to be careful and
limit the way I get out of home," she turned to Edmond, "I
feel as if the lawyer threatened her and I would need your
"Anything, just mention it."
"Your father is a sergeant. The famous Sergeant
Salim Ahmed of the Tem Taskforce ended two mafia
bosses in one night and he has detective friends.
I want your help in finding out who this Lawyer Kersi man
is. I remember his face vividly so I can help you with any
description needed but I want to know who that man is."
"When you said afternoon date I was not thinking of
your house," Juanita said as Kari drove into the Appenteng
mansion. They walked into the house soon and then he led
her towards the backdoor that led to the garden. "Where is
"In the garden." he opened the door that led to the
garden and everyone screamed.
"Happy birthday!" she smiled delighted by what they
had planned. She spotted her children, the Bequin brothers,
the Bons Geng members, and many more.
"So this was what all this was about?"
"Do you think those children of yours would
forget about your birthday?" he held her hand and walked
her further in. They decorated the place in bright blue
colors, Juanita's favorite color. Therod and Sabella
walked forward to her.
"Happy birthday Mother," they said in unison, and then
hugged her.
"I thought the both of you had forgotten."
"It's your 70th birthday, mother, how can we forget?"
she hugged them again.
"I love you guys so much."
"We love you too, mother."
"Mum Juanita, I'm starving. Can we cut the cake
already?" Sedem said and they all laughed. Thelma walked
forward to her grandmother with Macey.
"So this is where your trip ended at?"
"Yes, we had to come early and help with the
decoration," Macey said and Juanita simply smiled at her.
As the party went on they had more guests and
Reindorf and Martin were a part of the new guest. Martin
spotted Thelma who was already looking at him and then
walked over to her side.
"I hope I'm not late."
"If you mean 30 minutes behind time then yes," she
"Let me give Grandma Juanita her gift and then I'll get
back to you," he smiled and left. Sabella met with Reindorf
"I was not expecting you. How are you doing?"
"I'm fine. What about you?"
"I think I'm good. There are still no leads on Kay, right?"
"Yes, but we are trying our best to find him."
"Don't worry. I'll find him first. I lay the best traps," she
"Yeah, and that's why I don't get closer. I know who
you are and I'm safe watching you from a distance as your
Paul and Sedem had taken the dancefloor with
Camila Cabello's 'Bam Bam' and they were amazing with
their moves. They weren't left alone. Kari and Juanita
joined them as well as Therod and Macey.
"We are going to dance too," Birgitta said as she
dragged her husband to the dancefloor. Clifford moved
there with Saffron too and everyone was happy. Sabella
sat peacefully on one of the benches behind them as she
studied everything that was going on from a distance. She
smiled at how happy everyone was. It was her dream to
see them all bright. She was happy for Paul and
Sedem as well as Therod and Macey. She was also glad
that William and Birgitta were still together and that
Rhema still held onto Kerron even after finding out that he
was the father of Ally Halle. Padi and Alessia were sitting far off and having a funny conversation that sent
Alessia laughing almost every second. She was content
with that and her only hope was that Ally Halle would
return and live with her once again. That was going to
make her happiness complete. Berna moved to sit by her
side as they both studied everything that was going on at the party.
"This was your aim, right?"
"What do you mean by that?"
"To see all your friends happy and free and there you
have it, Berna."
"I know it is your wish too. It's everyone's wish to see
their family and friends happy." Berna replied.
"So that is why you helped me."
"What are you talking about, Sabella?" Sabella turned
to her bag that was by her side and then pulled out a folder
and placed it in the hands of Berna. It had pictures of the
various meetings of Ethan Bampo and Berna.
"I suspected you to be the angel helping us when
Daniel was saved by Ethan but then I confirmed it myself
when I lied to you about the money I was supposed to give
The Don wasn't enough and then you provided me with the
money later on that night. I know that it was you that sent
the anonymous texts to Therod and me and you helped us
in any way you could. The sniper shot for Nicole that
saved my life was all a work of yours," she turned to Berna
with a smile, "I couldn't be more grateful to you."
"This was supposed to be my secret."
"I know so I destroyed any evidence whatsoever that
linked you to Ethan. We can't risk Sadat finding out about
him. It was Ethan that saved Ally Halle too when she was
captured by Nicole's men. I thank both of you for
"That means our work here is done."
"I have one assignment for him, that's if you don't
mind. You'll love it when you hear it."
"How did you know?" she moved to stare at Reindorf
who was already staring at them?
"You are not the only one that has someone to
protect you in the shadows."
"You marvel me, Sabella."
"I surprise myself sometimes."
"I think she got that from you," Berna pointed at Ally
Halle who had walked in and Sabella stood along with
Berna, "She took a lot from you."
"Sometimes I wish she didn't." the usual ringlets of
Ally Halle was gone. Her blonde hair was now layered and
in waves with one big wave to her right almost shadowing
her right eye. She had naturally long hair and it covered
most of her back which the red dress she wore exposed.
She walked in matching red stilettos and was
accompanied by Rhian. For a moment it was as if
everything had seized with her arrival. She walked straight
to her grandmother who had been staring at her since she
entered and then she took the hamper from Rhian and
passed it on to her grandmother who placed it on the table
behind her.
"Happy birthday Grandma."
"Come over here," Juanita said and hugged her tight,
"I've missed you so much, Ally Halle. Please stay home and
don't go away from me again. It's my birthday wish and you always fulfill my birthday wishes."
"I'm not leaving, Grandma." Alessia got closer and
Ally Halle turned to her. She hugged her too.
"I'm so sorry for the last..."
"Don't mention it, you fool," they both laughed, "I've
missed you so much. I thought you wouldn't come. It
looks like Mum's visit helped." Sabella walked over with
Berna by her side. Kerron was with Rhema on the
dancefloor and the sight of Ally Halle made him shake.
Rhema tapped him gently.
"Go and talk to her."
"Are you sure?"
"It will be hard at first but you need to speak to her.
She's your daughter too."
"I agree," Sedem said. Kerron held his wife's hand.
"I'll go there with you," she agreed and they both
walked over to Ally Halle's side too.
Both Alessia and Ally Halle turned to the presence of
Sabella, Kerron, and Rhema.
"I see disaster," Jana whispered to her husband as
they watched. Adel and Kira Halle stood too.
"I thought you wouldn't return," Sabella said honestly.
"I care about Grandma Juanita."
"I'm glad you still care."
"Ally Halle," Kerron said softly and Ally Halle turned to
him. She breathed in deeply and then stared at him. Kerron was out of words.
"This is so weird."
"Yes," he smiled and then stopped and then smiled
again, "I want to get to know you better."
"I understand. I don't blame you for everything that is
going on Mr Appenteng. It's all this woman's fault. She is
to blame for everything that is going wrong in my life
currently," she said directly referring to Sabella. Sabella
gave them space by taking some steps backward.
"I know you can't call me Dad yet but Mr Appenteng
sounds too formal,"
"Yes, I noticed that too. I'll call you Kerron."
"I'm cool with that," Rhema seemed more excited
than her husband, "One request, can I hug you?" Ally Halle
moved forward to hug him instead and he couldn't stop
crying after that.
"I love you so much, my daughter." everyone was
content with the fact that Ally Halle didn't explode angrily
as she did mostly, and even Rhian was pleased. Sabella
smiled and took her leave. She walked back into the house
and let go of the tears that she had trapped in her for so
long. Ally Halle's words were on repeat in her head. So
many instances that Ally Halle had said hurtful things to
It's all this woman's fault. She is to blame for everything
that is going wrong in my life currently.
Don't try to act like the best mother in the world. Go
back to your bedroom and coil yourself up in bed. I'm used to that version of you.
...that makes me hate you more!
She cried feeling all the moments she had failed her
daughter and it was beyond her count. She hated her and
there was nothing she could do to change that fact. She
walked out of the house sat in her car and drove off.
Someone followed after her.
The party continued peacefully although slight
tension could be felt. Ally Halle had a long chat with
Kerron and Rhema avoided Adel as much as she
could but he still managed to meet up with her.
"Ally Halle," he called out softly.
"Adel, I don't want any problems, please."
"I know so I want to tell you that I've given myself a
chance to try to love Kira Halle again. She's expecting my
child and she needs my support."
"I'm glad you've noticed that."
"That is not going to change the..."
"Don't even mention it, Adel. Kira Halle is now my
half-sister and she's never going to like me because of you.
That alone is enough trouble so please try your best to fix
what is left of your marriage."
"You are so important to me Ally Halle."
"I know and that is why you have to let me go. Go and
look for your wife. I'm not even seeing her around."
"She was with..." Adel turned to look in Dayana's
direction but Kira Halle wasn't there and she wasn't seated
on any of the benches or chairs in the garden. Where could
she be?
"I wish you peace, Adel." Ally Halle said and walked
over to one of the benches where Alessia sat with Thelma.
They both turned to her oddly.
"Nothing," they both replied. Ally Halle looked around
again and then turned back to them.
"Where is Mother?"
"O so you remember that you have a mother..."
"I'm just saying... she left soon after you called her
the cause of all your problems and she's not answering
any of my calls. God knows where she is going. I bet this
was what you wanted."
"Alessia," Thelma said again in a form of warning and
Ally Halle stood there mute for a while before she spoke.
"I think I know where mum is."

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