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"Hey, Saffron." he smiled at her.
"How are you doing?"
"I'm feeling very good. You look pretty."
"Thank you," she smiled and then moved forward to
hug him. She stayed like that for a while before she spoke
again so softly, "I really missed you."
"I'm here now."
Manuel was present at the opening too with his
daughter who quickly went to socialize with Clifford and
Saffron. He spotted Pious and Jana and walked over to
them but then he saw Macey too and he was stunned by
her beauty.
"A boiled egg can fit into your mouth, Manuel." Jana
said and he came back to his senses.
"I'm sorry. I was just stunned."
"It's so obvious."
"Can I have your attention ladies and gentlemen,"
Therod said and they all turned to him. Thelma held her
mother's hand as they smiled at each other content with
how far they had gotten together. Macey indeed left
Thelma at a young age but she did love her daughter
and her actions from the past months proved that. Alessia
moved to Sabella's side and rested her head on her
mother's shoulder.
"Sweetheart," Sabella smiled at her.
"Mother, bring back Ally Halle. I miss her." it was the
way that Alessia said it that gave Sabella goosebumps.
She suddenly remembered Kofi's words to her to bind the
family and make it one. Maybe this was what he meant,
bringing them all together in love and happiness and they
couldn't do that without Ally Halle.
"I'll bring your sister back and that is a promise."
Alessia hugged her mother and then they turned to Therod
who was so eager to speak.
"Good evening to you all, ladies and gentlemen,"
"Good evening,"
"I know you're all here for the opening of this resort
but there is something I want to do before that happens. It
took me more than twenty years to say this and maybe my
My sister is right, I've lived a long boring no drama life and it's
time to correct things and make things right," he turned to
Macey then held her hand and brought her forward.
"What are you doing?" she asked in a whisper but
then he knelt in front of her and then pulled out a
diamond ring and everyone was impressed.
"I've wasted so much time and I can't waste more.
Miss Macey Tengey, will you be my..."
"Yes! Yes! Yes, Therod, I'll be your wife!" Therod stood.
"The question was will you be my business partner."
"I'm going to slap the shit out of you!" everyone
laughed. Macey pulled Therod forward using his necktie
and then she kissed him and everyone clapped.
"Doesn't the ring come before the kiss?"
"O sorry," she went back giggling and Therod fixed
the ring on her finger and then they kissed again. Thelma
rushed to the both of them and hugged them. Jana was so
happy for the both of them that she began to cry tears of
joy. Her best friend had finally found love in the man she
wanted all these years. Happiness was knocking at their
doorstep and it had no plans of running away.
Adel sent Kira Halle to a fancy restaurant for lunch
and she was surprised. She sat down quietly as she
watched everything that was going on. The waiter brought
a bouquet to their table and Adel handed it to his wife.
"What's all this for?" she questioned and he held her
"Kira Halle, I know I've been wrong to you in many
ways and you can't forgive me for all. I ruined what was
supposed to be the happiest day of your life and I regret it
so badly but for the sake of our son who is growing up in
you let's start everything afresh. Let's forget about Ally
Halle and focus on the two of us. Let's begin this journey again," Kira Halle smiled.
"I'll gladly do that with you."
The opening continued much happier than
before as they went on a tour around the resort. Thelma
found herself at the drinks table and enjoyed herself so
much. She was happy for her parents and so glad that
they could finally get together.
"Joy suits you," Martin said as he walked over to the
drinks table too.
"What is that supposed to mean?"
"A woman like you must be joyful always because
your happiness defines you and no one can steal that from
you," she smiled at Martin touched by his words, and then
hugged him.
"Thank you for everything."
"I should be the one to thank you for not throwing
punches at me in the hospital because of everything I did."
"You had to do it and I understand. You deserve
it," she kissed him on his cheeks and he stared blankly at
her. She walked away giggling.
The opening was a grand success and also a proud
beginning for the love of Therod and Macey. The following
day was a Sunday and most of them gathered at the
Evergreen Chapel for the morning mass. That Sunday
seemed special and the Father's preaching on love for all was well-taken and accepted. After mass, most of them
gathered to greet each other and have short conversations.
"Pregnancy suits you, Barbara," Thelma said as
Barbara stood beside her husband. Barbara smiled at her.
The two had become close after everything that went on.
Barbara got to know the Ampate family more.
"How far are you?" Lawrencia asked.
"I'm in my fifth month,"
"Ow! You must be having twins to have your tummy
looking like that in your fifth month."
"Aunt Lawrencia, she's having triplets," Thelma said.
"That is a blessing."
"I couldn't be any more grateful to God," she said
"When I see pregnant women like you I'm reminded
of how glorious God's creation is and for a woman like you
who is expecting triplets, it's a double-fold of blessings,"
Macey said.
"We can make another baby so that you can be awed
by God's creation,"
"I'm forty-six turning forty-seven this year. You can't
possible expect me to have a child."
"God's wonders are many," they all laughed.
"There are so many signs around that indicate that
we should get married," Padi said as he hugged Alessia
from behind.
"You must be crazy. I have more years to be single."
"I thought you were going to say months!"
"I need to finish with my master's and get myself a
really certificate and working-experience and then I'll open
an international school of my own."
"Madam Principal, our children might be the first
students in your school,"
"You better stop with your jokes."
"That doesn't sound like a bad idea though," Saffron
said and she received a clap from Padi.
"You Arthurs are cut from the same material,"
"No doubt about that, Alessia," Adel responded from
"Now you too!" she laughed this time around. Clifford
and Ananda moved towards them too.
"What is happening here?"
"Clifford, I was discussing with Alessia how our
children are going to be the first students of her dream
international school."
"That doesn't sound like a bad idea." Alessia couldn't
believe her ears.
"You are meant for my sister," Padi said and
they all giggled with tease at Saffron and Clifford. Kira Halle neared them after having a conversation with her
parents and Adel kissed her. They all turned to the both of
"I'm happy when I see a beautiful couple like this,"
Alessia said. Kira Halle smiled at her husband.
"I'm glad that both of you are better than the last
time I saw you."
"We are taking things slow. They say slow motion is
better than no motion and we will do anything to restore
happiness for the sake of our son." Adel said and they
were glad.
"So when is the big wedding coming on for the both
of you?" Samuel, Lawrencia's husband, questioned Therod
and Macey.
"Embrace yourself because it will be soon."
"Two Bons Geng members would be getting married
this year. There will no longer be singles in the group
except Sabella."
"Ironically, she was the one that got married first."
"The irony of life. Speaking of Sabella, where is she?"
"I didn't see her at mass today," Henry responded.
They all turned to Therod.
"I left home with Macey and Thelma. I didn't come
with Sabella. Let me ask my mother or Alessia," he looked
around and saw Juanita talking to Kari Appenteng and
there was Alessia at the entrance with Padi behind her, "Looks like they are both romancing. Sabella must be
around somewhere."
"I don't like to destroy happy moments but I think
Sabella still needs a guard because Kay is out there. He
tried to kill her husband once and he can do it to her now,"
Lawrencia said sincerely.
"As much as I'd like to agree to that, Lawrencia, I
think Sabella functions better on her own. The last time I
gave her a guard he happened to be a worker of an enemy
and I don't want to take that risk again. Sabella is old
enough to protect herself. She has been through many
storms in life and this will be nothing to her."
Maisie attended mass at the Evergreen Chapel too
and she decided to take her leave soon after the mass had
ended. She walked straight to her car and just when she
was about to sit she heard her name. She turned to the
presence of Benjamin.
"What do you want from me, Mr Bequin?"
"Stop with this Mr Bequin thing."
"I have businesses to run and I will not waste time
talking to a man like you."
"I'm sorry..."
"Men and their stupidity. Would you have known you
we're sorry if you didn't see me?"
"I've been wanting to tell you this for many years..."
"Ow please don't let us be dramatic here. When I'm free we can talk." she handed her business card to him
and then sat in her car and drove off.

BERNA @ 16
(A month after Sabella's eighteenth birthday)

"Hey Sabella," she placed the tomato sauce she had
picked back onto the shelf and then turned to the person
who had called out her name. To her surprise it was
Benjamin Bequin from Claver High School.
"Hey Benjamin, how are you doing?"
"I'm good and you?"
"I think I'm good," she smiled, "What brings you here?"
she asked as if she owned the supermarket.
"I came to see a friend and I thought I'd buy
something here before I went over to the home of that
friend but I didn't know I'll meet a beauty like you here,"
"Did you come to see a friend or your girlfriend?" he
smiled too after that question.
"I came to see a friend."
"I thought you came to see your girlfriend."
"I don't have a girlfriend. You can be the first."
"Ow, so who is she to you?" she pointed behind
Benjamin and he turned to the presence of Maisie who was standing behind with her trolley and listening to their
"And here I was thinking that I was something to
you." she walked away.


Mass at the little church in the Anker, Sanen,
preached the same gospel of love for all, and right after the
mass, Ally Halle drove back to her rented place with Rhian
who had been by her side throughout the months. She
parked the car and Rhian took out the items they had
bought and then carried them into the house and Ally Halle
walked in next. To her surprise, her mother was seated
comfortably on one of her sofas.
"Ally Halle you could have done better?"
"How did you get into my house and how did you
know I was here?" she questioned and then looked at
Rhian didn't seem to be bothered and then she
understood, "So much for trust, Rhian."
"Not like your mother is going to kill you when she
finds out where you're staying and don't pretend as if you
weren't concerned about how she was doing. You made
me call Cara every day to find out how your mother was
doing and she has been doing the same ever since she woke
up from the coma and found out where we were. Give her
a break," Rhian said and then walked to the kitchen with
the items that Ally Halle had bought. Her attention was
moved back to Sabella.
"So what do you want?"
"I know you hate me and you don't want me in your
life and bla bla bla but then everyone else needs you as
much as I do and I also know you don't care but at least be
present for your grandma Juanita's birthday. You'll make
her happy and Alessia requested to see you."
"Is that all?" Sabella stood and then walked towards
Ally Halle.
"Do you want me to go on my knees and beg you to
come home? You're a grown woman and I don't have to
make decisions for you. My mum told me the same when I
turned eighteen and she wasn't wrong. I lived my life
according to how I wanted it and I've been faced with a lot
of consequences after all my actions. You hate me but
you're following in my footsteps..."
"I'm nothing like you."
"How sure are you?"
"I bet Rhian has told you and that is why you are
asking me that question."
"Rhian has told me what?"
"Stop pretending like you always do," Rhian walked
out quickly and opened her eyes to signal Ally Halle to
stop but she spoke anyway, "I bet Rhian has told you that
I'm pregnant." Sabella's heart skipped a beat and the
shock on her face was clear evidence that she didn't know.
"You're what?!"
"I have my limit when it comes to trust. You asked me not to tell a soul so I didn't," Rhian said.
"I also asked you not to tell a soul about where I was
but you still went on to..."
"Ally Halle!" Sabella screamed out and Ally Halle
stopped talking and then turned to her mother, "Who is the
father of this child?"
"I'll raise my child on my own. This child does not
need a father. He shall be content with me."
"Christ... it's Adel."
"No, it's not."
"It is."
"I said it is not!" she raised her voice and then Sabella
held her by the shoulders gently but then she pulled away
from her, "I am the father and mother of my child."
"This would have been the decision I would have
taken if I got pregnant to you single because I wouldn't
have loved to destroy Kerron's marriage."
"Don't compare me to you..."
"I disgust you so much but then you're turning out to
be just like me and maybe it was done this way so that you
will understand why I did what I did."
"Don't you ever in your life try to justify what you did!"
"Your hatred or love towards me would not change
the fact that you are Kerron's biological daughter and it's
the same for this child you are carrying in your womb.
Whether you single parent the child or not, his father will still be Adel Arthur and there's nothing you can do to
change that even if you wish so bad that you could change
it," Sabella cried.
"I hate both you and Kerron..."
"Kerron has nothing to do with this. If there is
someone to hate let it be me and just me. Spare Kerron
your hatred because he didn't even know you were his
daughter. Try to accept him because he's feeling hurt too
and it's all my fault."
"You let Father live so many years believing the lie
that I was his daughter and I hate you for that."
"You can't change anything about that. What is done
is done and in the end, your father forgave me..."
"But that makes me hate you more!"
"I don't want you to become like me. I don't wish
myself or my fate on anyone much more than you. If I
disgust you as you claim then do what I couldn't do back
when I got pregnant to you. Let's see if you are woman
enough to do it."
"I'm never going to tell Adel that this child is his."
"Then it makes you no different from me," Sabella
said and walked out of the house leaving Ally Halle in tears.
Rhian got closer.
"Don't touch me."
"You have such an attitude and frankly it's not helping
you. You want to run away from obvious facts but then
you can't do anything to change them. As your mother said, everything is now in your hands and you will decide
what to do."
"Get out of my house!"
"I'm not going anywhere. I'm the only person apart
from your mother who can stand the stupid version of you,
obviously. Update yourself to a better version," Rhian said
and walked back to the kitchen.
"Mum, someone wants to see you," Camila said. Gina
walked quickly to the door.
"You must be Miss Gina Aidoo."
"Yes, and who are you?"
"You can call me Lawyer Kersi. Can I have a word
with you in private?" Gina walked him into their home and
sent him straight to the study and they both took their
"I know you. You work for Caleb."
"Yes. Mr Acquah handed a trust fund of 300 million
dollars to his daughter Camila Aidoo and she can gain
access to this trust fund only when she gets married."
"200 million dollars?"
"Yes, for his only child. He planned this on the day
you gave birth to her and he also entrusted you with 40
million dollars to care for her till she gets married. Her
tuition would be financed by us."
"When you say us, what do you mean? Caleb is dead and everything about him including his various hideouts
and assets have been seized so who is going to cater for
the tuition of my child and why I feel as if Camila still
has protection even though her father is dead?"
"Caleb Acquah is one of the many Nustters."
"And who the hell are those?"
"People you don't need to know. Just note that
Camila and you are safe under us and Caleb's death
was not in vain. As a prominent Nustter, his death shall be

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