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After his phone call, Julius climbed back to the
second floor where the entire drama series almost took
place. Sonkor and Gina were present in their seats as well
as Gloria. Sadat and Berna had followed Detective Charles
with Pious but Sabella and Jana had disappeared.
"Where is Sabella?" he questioned Manuel.
"She walked out with Jana." Julius headed towards
the entrance and then called Sabella.
"Where are you?"
"I'm with Jana. Go home and be with my kids. Their
safety is of concern to me now."
"Just as yours is to me."
"Don't worry. I'm fine," she replied and hung up the
When Kay got home with Ally Halle and Nicole,
Alessia had the company of Detective Henry and Sedem.
"I bet Mother is still out there enjoying," Ally Halle teased. Alessia turned to her seriously.
"Mother doesn't look for trouble..."
"Yeah, I know. Trouble finds her." Ally Halle laughed.
"Mum met with Nutifafa Costa tonight and that is
why she wasn't present after the poisoning incident took
place." it was Ally Halle's turn to the shocked. She turned
to her uncle, Kay.
"Did you know about this?"
"She gave me strict orders not to inform the both of
you. She doesn't want you involved."
"Where is she now?"
"St. Michael's Hospital." the mention of that hospital
still reminded Ally Halle of Adel but then she gasped.
"Why?! Was she shot?"
"No...and not like you'd care if she was from the way
you speak to her of late. Nutifafa was the one who sent
someone to do the poisoning. He admitted it to Mum but
we can't tell the general public that our family has a
problem with a mafia boss who sent his people to poison
our food. No one will buy from us again if they find out this
"It still doesn't explain why mum is in a hospital."
"Nutifafa sent his men to kidnap Aunt Berna's twin
sons and they ended up shooting someone who was
rushed to the hospital. Everyone is devastated now
including our mother so I'll plead with you for the very last
time, understand that woman and stop giving her a tough time!"
"She is the one giving me a tough time!"
"Enough!" Nicole screamed, "This is not the time for
silly arguments. Someone has been kidnapped and
someone has been shot. This is a repetition of an event
that occurred just a month ago and what we need to do is
put our heads together as one big family and not to
The Bequin brothers got to the Amoyaw residence
soon after. "We heard you've found out who did it,"
Emmanuel announced and Kay and Ally Halle turned back
to Alessia now understanding why she had the company
of Detective Henry. He noticed his significance at that
moment and then spoke.
"The name of the guy that entered the kitchen to do
the poisoning is Marvin and he's an ex-convict released
exactly a month ago. Eugene Juan Nutifafa Costa must
have sent him."
There were thirty abandoned Premier warehouses at
one location and the Police had already turned on their
sirens without knowing which of the warehouses they'd
sent David and Daniel to. They broke open the main
entrance and drove in while others walked holding firmly
onto their guns. The place was quiet as if deserted and
they knew it was going to take them a while to cover the
whole place and find Berna's children. They broke into the
first two warehouses and there was nothing just when
they were about to move into the third, there was a major explosion that sent Policemen off their feet and set fire to
some of their vehicles. The men of Nutifafa just jumped
out of every corner. That was their base and the Police
needed much more to shut them down. Isaac heard
the shootings too before his right-hand man, Ralph, rushed
"The Police are here." he looked at the boys
pointed a gun at them and then shook his head, "Untie
them." he instructed. They did so and held firmly unto the
"We are separating them. I'll handle this one," he
pointed at David, "I'll use the east wing to escape and then
you'll go with the other boy using the yacht behind the
warehouses. Go straight to San Rocco by water. It's safer
there." he instructed Ralph.
"What about you?"
"I'm going back to Nutifafa. We need to find out who
leaked my address and if it's Sabella then she's good as
dead. Go now!" Ralph and a group of men used the back
door holding onto Daniel who was screaming but they hit
his head with a gun and one of the guards carried him on
his shoulders. The other guards held David and walked out
through the main gate with Isaac.
The doctor who was handling Kenneth's case was none
other than Lawrencia Sarkodie. When she walked out,
Gloria moved straight to her. "How is my boyfriend?" it
sounded wrong fleeing from her lips but Lawrencia replied
"Mr Akuffo is responding to treatment way quicker
than imagined. The bullets didn't touch any delicate organ
and I can safely say that he's out of danger." Gloria smiled
and then Richmond and Trina moved to Lawrencia's side.
She didn't look surprised to see them.
"You work here?" Richmond questioned and she
"Lola is here too."
"Sorry for what happened to her. Which doctor is
taking care of her?"
"Doctor Barbara."
"O she's an awesome doctor and Lola will be fine. I'll
check up on her for you."
"Thank you."
"I'm not doing it for the both of you. It's for the sake
of Lola." she walked back in.
The Arthur couple had decided to postpone their
honeymoon. They were both not in the mood to act as
the best couple for a honeymoon. Adel's apartment
became their new home. They'd furnished the place
together so a part of Kira Halle was already there. Adel
took off his wristwatch and then stared at the bed
remembering all the scenes from his night with Ally Halle
on that bed. The lady was running through his mind and
even though he wanted to stop it, he couldn't. Kira Halle
walked out of the bathroom with a white towel wrapped
around her body and one on her hair. She pulled the one on her hair off and then placed it on the bed allowing that
long beige hair to flow peacefully behind her and then she
neared Adel while maintaining eye contact. She rested her
hand on his shoulder and then pulled the other towel off
her body and Adel had sight of her full naked body. She
was sexy and any man in his position would just jump on
her and fuck her so hard she'd wish she could seal her
walls up.
Adel pushed her onto the bed and kissed her so
roughly. She gave in hoping that this was going to be the
blossom of real love between them. He took off his shirt
and kissed her even more and then laid on her still kissing
and she rolled over so that she could be on top. She
placed Adel's hand behind her and made sure he could
grab her ass as she kissed him but then the thoughts of
the smooth back of Ally Halle rushed to Adel's mind and
he pushed Kira Halle off to the other side of the bed, "I'm
sorry." he said and Kira Halle cried out.
"You don't even find me attractive any longer."
"That's not the issue but..."
"But what?! Ally Halle again!" Adel couldn't respond
and Kira Halle took the towel, covered her body and
entered back into the bathroom sobbing.
The car followed that of Nutifafa's and when they
took the curve toward the Achimota cemetery it was as if
Nutifafa's car had disappeared. They stopped to see if
they'd missed the road but that was their mistake because
their car was immediately surrounded by Nutifafa's men. The driver tried to take off but they shot him and pulled the
remaining two guys in the car. Nutifafa himself showed up
gleaming as if he were attending a music concert. He
moved straight to the guys.
"Who sent you?"
"What are you talking about?" one of them replied and
Nutifafa shot him in the head. His dead body fell right on
the legs of the other guy and a chill passed through his spine.
"It's easy to be killed nowadays. Who sent you?"
"The Don." he ratted it out.
"Thank you," Nutifafa replied and shot him. He turned
to Patrick, "I need to know who that The Don guy is. Get
me his details ASAP."
Birgitta had finally finished having her bath after such
a long day. She moved to sit in front of the mirror as she
cleaned her wet hair. William was in bed wearing his night
glasses as he read a book.
"This is one of the proudest days of my life as a
mother and I'm glad that everything went on successfully."
"You have failed as a mother if you think even for the
slightest that Adel is happy." Birgitta turned to William.
"What reason do you have to tell me such nonsense?
You saw them get married yourself and they exchanged
vows to be with each other till the end, what more do you
"The real happiness of my children."
"Because our marriage didn't blossom with love
doesn't mean that of our children would be the same. Adel
loves Kira Halle as much as Kira Halle loves him and
nothing is going to change that so try to be positive at
least." William just smiled as his response.
The Police had taken the region from the ten
warehouses and were nearing but the men of Nutifafa
were a lot and gave them a tough time. Isaac and his
men used the east wing just as they said through the
warehouses were linked according to their numbers and
you'd move out of one and onto a short lane before
moving into the next warehouse. Just as they stepped out
of the sixteenth warehouse and were heading towards the
seventeenth, a sniper shot took three guards down at a
goal and the shots were so precise that it was taking the
other guards down too. They shot in the dark direction
that they couldn't see and when they rushed back into the
sixteenth warehouse they met with Jana holding onto two
shotguns. She was skilled with it and shot them as if it
were a simple game. About six guards were remaining and all those that rushed out were at liberty to
die by a sniper. Isaac pointed the gun to David's head.
"Stop this nonsense or I'll shoot him!" the sniper shot
seized and he turned back and shot in Jana's direction. The
bullet didn't touch her and she rushed out of the
warehouse instead. Isaac and his men rushed out of the
warehouse from behind as they faced the fifteenth
warehouse. The Don's men made themselves available
coming from the opposite direction of Isaac and when he tried to run to the left side, he met face-to-face with Peter,
The Don's right-hand man.
"I thought I'd never see you again." he smiled while
pointing the gun at Isaac.
"I couldn't have wished better," he replied and more
of Nutifafa's men showed up from the entrance of the
fifteenth warehouse. Peter hid behind a barrel dodging
Isaac's shots and shooting back at the same time. David
bit Isaac's hand and rushed right into the sixteenth
warehouse and Isaac followed after him. The child was
fast and he rushed out of that warehouse and was already
moving into the seventeenth and Isaac followed him. He
stood out in between the sixteenth and seventeenth
warehouses and pointed the gun at Berna's son, David.
"Goodbye," he said under his breath and a tint of light
fell on his face from above the seventeenth warehouse.
He raised his head to check and what he saw shocked him.
The sniper was no other than Sabella Amoyaw. Before he
could make a comment she rushed a bullet through his
skull. Jana rushed out and David raced towards her and
hugged her.
"Where is your brother?"
"He's with another guy and they said they were going
to use a yacht to San Rocco." he stammered out rather
quickly. Sabella climbed down holding onto her sniper and
Peter met the two of them. Jana pointed her shotgun at
him and he pointed his two guns at both ladies.
"I'm not your enemy," he said.
"And why should I believe you?"
"You have no reason to." one of the Police vehicles
drove in their direction and Peter rushed away. Berna and
Sadat was seated in that car and they rushed out to hug
their son in tears.
"Where is Daniel?"
"Another guy has him but we'll find him."
"What are the both of you doing here?"
"If that's your way of saying thank you for killing Isaac
before he shot at my son then you're welcome," Sabella
responded. The Cudjoe couple turned to stare at the dead
Isaac and then more Police vehicles got closer to them. A
shocked Detective Charles in the company of Pious
rushed out of their car too.
"How did the both of you get here?"
"Just the same way you did but we avoided sirens
and tried to use our heads. We wouldn't have found him if
we had sirens on our cars too." Jana mocked.
"What matters now is that we find Daniel. They'll be
using the north wing towards the sea and we are far from
there. If we don't get a hold of him now I doubt we ever
Patrick got into Nutifafa's office after he knocked,
"There's a problem, boss."
"What is it?"
"The Police have invaded the warehouses where Isaac
kept Berna's sons."
"Make sure you get a safe route to get Isaac and his
men out unharmed."
"Boss, Isaac was shot dead and from what the guys
are telling me, it was Sabella. A sniper shot." he laughed.
"That girl just tasted fire."
Detective Charles gave Jana and Sabella strict orders
not to get any closer to where Daniel and Ralph were
heading. He wasn't pleased with the fact that they
managed to get there before the Police and kill people in
the name of saving David. Sadat was even confused when
he learned that Sabella used a sniper to kill Isaac. Berna
didn't look shocked. She knew what those two were
capable of. They'd been on camps with military buddies at
a younger time in their lives and Sabella had always been
good with the sniper rifle. As she sat in one of the Police
vehicles with Jana, she contacted Kay to find out what
was going on with KAS Food.
"Your daughter saved KAS Food from being sued."
"Let's just say her beauty blinded the eyes of the son
of the former MP of Anyaa Sowutuom Constituency."
Sabella smiled.
"I'm glad to hear that."
"Where are you now? Julius told us that you moved
out of the hospital with Jana and he's currently coming for
"But how does he know where I am?"
"How would I know? He just told me he's coming for
you." Sabella ended the call and sat there for some time
silently gaining Jana's direction.
"Are you thinking of the possibility that we can be
trailed or there's something major on your mind? What's
happening at KAS Food?"
"As I said, that one was also another working of
Nutifafa and I almost got sued but Kay just informed me
that Ally Halle managed to charm the son of the woman
who wanted to sue our company so we are free from that."
"She took some lessons from her mother."
"I knew that would come out of your lips. It would
have been unnatural not to hear it. Loss of money is
inevitable but at least we get to keep the company."
"What did Nutifafa tell you during your meeting?" that
was when she turned to Jana.
"He wants me to pay 2.5 million dollars before next
week Saturday." Jana was left speechless. Some of the
Policemen rushed to their car and Berna who stood out
of the car approached them. Sabella stood out too.
"Detective Charles wants you to see something."
Jana turned to the two ladies and then back to the
The policeman that had spoken.
"Have you found Daniel?"
Some Policemen arrived at the St Michael's Hospital in search of Trina Kena. Gina neared.
"We've found the people involved in what happened
to your daughter. The armed robbers."
"Those people need to be imprisoned for life."
"My concern now is how they got to the station. They
were lined up in chains and kneeling before the gate with
their fingers chopped off and knife marks on their chest
that read 'We are sorry, Lola.' Do you know anyone who
could have done that?" even Trina was surprised.
Berna raced there at the sight of her son, Daniel.
David and Sadat sat in the car at the other end since David
was still in shock and didn't want to be left alone in the car.
He didn't even trust the Policemen. He wanted his father's
company only, Dad's boy. Pious, Sabella and Jana
followed too but they saw what Berna hadn't seen and the
main reason why Detective Charles had called them there.
There was a boat and three guards lying dead with an
arrow to their heads.
"Who could have done this?" Pious questioned. Berna
noticed it too and embraced her son tighter.
"What happened?" she questioned him.
"They were about to take me away but this man
came and put an arrow through their heads and he saved me.
He told me to wait for her while the Police came for me."
"Where is he?"
"He left but he said he's a good friend of yours. He said his name is Ethan." Berna's heart skipped a beat.

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