3: BERNA @ 22

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Matilda rushed to Eunice's room and prepared her
cloth and that of Gershun's. She opened the safe Caleb
with the pin that Eunice had told her and she stocked the
traveling bag with money too. She rushed to the car and
placed the bag in it right at the time that Eunice and
Gershun rushed into the car. Just when they drove off,
Nutifafa and his men came from the opposite direction
and the first shot went for Matilda who was trying to rush
back inside she fell and then rolled quickly to stay put
under the van of Julius that had been parked in the yard.
Some of Nutifafa's men rushed in and killed all the guards
and staff present while Nutifafa and a hand few of his
men chased after Eunice's vehicle.
The driver was a good one and he made a quick
escape but Gershun was so tense that he began to cry.
Eunice placed him on her lap and comforted him and
then the shots began. They were from the vans that
followed after them and Eunice was scared herself. Caleb,
where are you? She asked herself as she began to tremble.
She ducked for safety and couldn't help but shout at
certain instances. The driver drove as fast as he could
getting off the mountains of San Rocco and just when he
got off the mountain and was about to take a sharp right
turn a fast-approaching vehicle collided with theirs from
the left and their car was squeezed against a huge tree
which had a branch of it fall on the car and squishing the
driver to death. Eunice had her head spin like crazy and she could
see blood all over. She checked her lap to see if Gershun
was still with her but then she saw the worst sight any
mother could have seen. A sharp edge from the fallen
branch pierced through her son's head and she screamed
out loud. Nutifafa's men pulled her out of the car through
the broken glass from behind. The passengers in the car
that collided with Eunice's were shot dead by Nutifafa.
Eunice hadn't been spared from the injuries. There
were several cuts on her leg and she couldn't stand on her
feet. Her hands were stained with her son's blood and she
had a sharp cut on her forehead. Before she could utter a
word at the sight of Nutifafa, she fainted.
Samuel brought Lawrencia her pills on the table and
she accepted them. He kissed her on the forehead before
walking away to chat with his friends.
"This is the kind of man I'm looking for," Cecilia said.
"I thought you had Aaron Aloba," Sedem said with a
strong comeback.
"He's not the type of man who would want to stick to
one lady so I chose to move on."
"It doesn't seem like so," Sedem responded and
Cecilia got angry.
"What's your problem?"
"Nothing. I'm just stating the obvious. You still like
"Just as much as you still like the taste of his dick."
everyone gasped but then Therod walked to the table and
his presence was enough to cool the built-up tension. They
respected him too much to start an argument in front of
"Happy birthday Berna," he said and passed her a gift.
She smiled at him but then Therod's attention had moved
to Macey, "You look beautiful tonight, Macey." he
complimented and she turned to him with a smile almost
shocked about the compliment.
"Thank you," she responded softly.
"Have a fun time ladies," he said and then walked
away. Jana stared at Macey and began to shake her left
brow jokingly.
"The guy loves you."
"I don't think so. It was just a compliment." Macey
"I see an invitation card to the Ampate family." Trina
said and the ladies giggled.
"Will you guys stop already?"
"No one compliments one particular lady out of a
group of ladies. From what I saw if you play your cards
well you stand a chance to be Mrs. Ampate. Trust me, he's
smitten." Macey turned to where Therod was standing and
the gent was already staring back at her.


"So what is there to know about Martin the guard?
Before that what's your full name?" Thelma asked Martin.
"I'm Martin Luther and there's nothing about my life
that will interest you."
"Just tell me."
"Murdered parents, wanted to join the army but
wasn't qualified enough so enrolled in a security agency
and now I'm here."
"Ow...my condolences."
"I don't need it. That's why I didn't want to tell you..."
"Not like you told me much." Martin kept this straight
face that made Thelma quiet.
"You're privileged to be amongst the elite. Not
everyone had it this way."
There was nothing loveable about the night so Macey
decided to go home. She moved out of the multi-purpose
hall and met with Kerron who smiled sarcastically at her.
"Hello, Miss Tengey."
"What's up with you?"
"I'd love for your glory to fill the Evergreen Chapel on
Wednesday when my daughter is getting married."
"Of course, I'll be there to support you. There's nothing
more glorious than attending a divorce-worthy wedding."
"What do you mean by that?"
"Ask your soon-to-be son-in-law if the Halle he loves is Kira or Ally. I'll be pleased to know the answer." she
walked away with Matilda but before she could get far
Kerron made a statement that made her turn in shock.
"Greetings to your boss, The Don."
"Long time no see, Therod." it was Breanna. He
smiled at her and frankly wanted to walk away but the
the woman was too close for him to do so.
"Yeah, how have you been?"
"Coping. What about you? I heard your baby mama
returned from the grave and I was really surprised to see
her. Are you going to give her a chance?"
"That doesn't concern you, Breanna." it was Sabella.
Breanna turned to her and they exchanged the same
sarcastic smile.
"O Sabella, I'm so happy to see you again."
"Likewise." they lied cunningly. Therod wished he
could evaporate but he was thankful that his sister had
come to save the situation. Breanna Obi was someone
from his past that he didn't want to associate with again.

BERNA @ 31

McDonald was in the club having fun as usual but he
wasn't too drunk to spot William and Sedem. He was
surprised to see that combo dancing together as if they
were lovers because he knew very well that William was
married with sons and Sedem had a son too although
unmarried. Could the two be having an affair, he wondered.
Kofi had gone to a summit in Ohio and Benjamin
needed an important document from him for his
presentation so he decided to come to the Amoyaw
residence. It was a Friday night and the presentation was
the following day so Benjamin had to be there for the
document. The Amoyaw residence was calmer than the
usual. Sabella was the only one home. Ally Halle and
Alessia had decided to spend the weekend with Thelma
and it was a huge relief to Sabella because she could
plan her weekend without involving the kids. She walked
around the house in her mini forest green nightdress. She
wore that particular one whenever she felt confident about
her body or she was reminded of her life without kids. She
wanted Sedem to come over so that they could drink away
the night but she was busy, that was her excuse so she
was surprised when someone pressed the doorbell.
The housemaid went for it and it was Benjamin. He
walked in and kept his focus on Sabella. She looked hot,
that was a fact. "Good evening, Sabella."
"Good evening. What brings you here?"
"I have a presentation tomorrow and the document I
need is with your husband. He told me to pick it up in his
home office."
"Okay, I'll get the key and we'll go there." she climbed
up the stairs and Benjamin just stood still admiring her
amazing body as she walked the stairs. She came back
shortly and led the way towards Kofi's home office.
"So where are the kids?"
"They want to see Grandma Juanita, Uncle Therod, and sister Thelma and I was like go already I'm tired of
you." Benjamin laughed. Sabella opened the office and
entered with Benjamin. "Would you need my help?"
"I'll be fine," he said and moved towards the desk but
then Sabella drew him closer and then placed his hands
on her butt and then she kissed him. He didn't pull away.
He grabbed her ass and kissed her back as if he'd wanted
to do that for so long but before they could get any further
he drew away from Sabella and placed his hand to his
head. "I'm so sorry, Sabella, but I can't do this to Kofi. I
respect your husband and he's my boss. I can't do this
behind his back. I'm sorry." he earned her respect at that
Juanita sent her grandchildren to bed and they
requested that she stay over and read them a bedtime
story. Therod, however, had company in the person on
Breanna Obi.
"Vogue is taking all my time in the States but I
thought of coming back to Ghana and visiting you,
Therod." she said. There was this way she sat with her
back straight that made Therod wonder if she didn't feel
any pain at all. She'd dyed her hair gray making her look
like a forty-year-old mum instead of a young model.
Therod smiled at her.
"I'm glad you thought of visiting us. The house
is loaded today."
Those other two kids, who are they?"
"Sabella's children."
"O that sister of yours," she said to herself, and then
turned back to Therod, "How has life been after Macey
"I wouldn't like to talk about her."
"Anytime you need someone I'm here." she placed her
hand on Therod's thighs. "You're a man and you need to be
active always and I can give you all the pleasure you want."
she kissed him and when he broke off she kissed him
again. He stood angrily.
"I'm sorry but you'll have to leave, Breanna."
"I love you, Therod. We would be perfect together. I
can be your child's mother if you want me to."
"Breanna, please leave."
"You've been married for three years now."
"Yes, I know that," Berna replied her mother who
stood by her side in the kitchen. She knew what her
mother was trying to drive at and she wasn't ready for that
topic but Gloria still brought it up anyway.
"When are you going to give Sadat a child?"
"My husband is not even complaining so I don't
expect you to, Mum." she raised her tone.
"I just want to see my grandchild before I die. You
can't blame me. You were the only child I had and I want to
see you bloom." 
"There is this group that seems to be the top mafia in
Ghana." Patrick reported to his boss, Nutifafa. Nutifafa
turned to him.
"Which fools are those?"
"I don't know them but they call their leader The Don
and most of our people are buying from them now. They
say their coc is finer and stronger and less expensive."
"The Don," Nutifafa repeated silently.
"Have you ever thought of how Sabella would feel
when she finds out that you had a hand in Obed's death?"
Richmond turned to Netty.
"Where is that one coming from?"
"It's just a reminder that I know your shadiest secrets
so don't you dare leave me and go for Sabella otherwise I'll
make sure she hates you as much as she would learn to
love you."


Sedem moved upstairs to use the ladies but met
William was up there before she could enter the ladies. He
pulled her closer and kissed her and she pulled back. "Are
Are you insane? There might be someone around."
"There's no one up here so now tell me why you
weren't answering any of my calls and not replying to my
"I had Clifford's father to deal with."
"Isn't that psychopath gone already?"
"He's now gone from my life and that of Clifford's."
"So that means you can come back to me." he tried to
embrace her but she pushed him back.
"I want to be an independent woman now, William,
and not your lover."
"Independent my foot, Sedem." he laughed.
"You both seem to be having a lovely conversation." it
was Juanita, "Check your environment next time." she
walked away.
"She heard everything!" Sedem put her hand to her
"Will she tell Sabella?"
"She wouldn't bother to but then she'll make it
obvious that she has a problem with me. Leave me alone
for now."
"This is not the time to take the solo move. Meet me
at the usual on Tuesday or I'll tell Sabella myself that we
know who killed her husband." Sedem's eyes shot open.
"You wouldn't dare."
"I have nothing to lose unlike you."
Sabella moved to stand out for some air. She moved
to stand on the small bridge that was over the little river
beneath and she felt the breeze even more there. At that moment she'd forgotten about the charity gala and then
focused on herself, her silence. She looked into the sky
and admired the wonderful stars.
"Still a nature lover." it was Richmond and he moved
to stand by her side.
"Came out of it so the little I can do is to admire it."
"This reminds me of the night we sat out to speak of
our relationship and what we could do to bring it back
alive but then it had died long before that day." Sabella
turned to him. He had his focus on the stars too.
"Sometimes it crosses my mind that how different
would my life have been if we didn't end but then I realize
that everything happens for a reason. I wouldn't have had
Ally Halle and Alessia if we stayed together and those two
are my pride."
"I thought your life would change for the better after
Kofi's demise."
"Why would you think like that?"
"Don't get me wrong but I knew the both of you
argued a lot. I knew he lost trust in you and thought you
had a lover and I was his first suspect."
"Mum told you this, right?"
"No matter the many times I argued with Kofi, I still
loved him and that's why I'll do my best to try and find out
who murdered him." Sabella stared directly into
Richmond's eyes and he hastily stared back at the stars.
"I thought it was an accident."
"Until Nicole confirmed otherwise. She did her own
investigations behind my back."
"She might be faking it and why would you believe her?
She was your husband's ex-girlfriend."
"That alone is my reason to believe her. She loved
Kofi and she'll do anything to find out the truth and I'll do
that with her. If I find the killer I swear that it won't be easy
for him." she could feel Richmond tremble and at that
moment she knew that her life had more purpose than
being locked up and crying her heart out. She needed to
get to the core of her husband's death.

To SurviveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon