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When Therod got home he went straight to Thelma's
room. She was reading a story book and she was
surprised that her father had entered her room without
"What's the problem?"
"Tomorrow morning you'll be going on the early
morning flight to Dabbor. Our branch of the Ampate
Resort in Pagera will be celebrating ten years of initiation
and I want you to be there to represent me."
"Find a better lie. Why do you want me to go out of
the country?"
"That's the reason."
"We drew the year's plan together in your office and
the person that would be representing the company for
the 10th anniversary of the Pagera branch in Dabbor is Mr
Asante and the last time I checked he was already in Pagera,
Dabbor. Why do you want me to travel out of the country?"
"A lot is going on of late with your mother and
me and your aunt and everything and I don't want you to
be involved."
"That's not enough reason for me to leave."
"Your mother is in trouble and she'll come and see
you off tomorrow before you leave. This is not a request,
Thelma. It's an order. She doesn't want you to get in trouble."
"What trouble is she in?"
"I can't tell you but when everything is settled I'll
explain it all to you." Alessia was passing by and walked
into Thelma's room. "You're not asleep. Is your mother in?"
"No. Uncle Richmond is dead and I'm sure Mother
went to see him." Juanita rushed into Thelma's room next.
She looked pale.
"What's wrong, mother?"
"Sabella just called. Kay was Richmond's accomplice
in Kofi's accident and Kay shot Sedem and stabbed
Clifford when they found out the truth. The Police are
looking for him but he managed to escape."
"Macey has killed Matilda," Peter informed The Don.
He stood angrily. Kofi walked into his office at that moment.
"Make sure Macey's daughter gets to me by
tomorrow. I'll kill her just like she killed Matilda."
"Don't involve Thelma in this," Kofi yelled out, "I don't
even know why you are still keeping Barbara Gyamfi here.
The lady is pregnant and she needs the care she could
"I didn't ask her to be Nutifafa's niece."
"You are speaking as if we get to choose our families.
Frankly, the main reason why I'm here has come to an end.
You kept me here so that we would find who it was
that tried to kill me. Now we know it is Richmond and he is in prison..."
"He is dead!" Peter announced. He turned to face Kofi,
"Your brother ordered someone to kill him mainly because
your brother was his accomplice in what happened to
"What joke is that?"
"Sedem and Clifford are battling for their lives now.
Kay shot Sedem and stabbed Clifford when they found out
the truth."
"This simply means that my family is in danger and
they need me now!" Kofi was about to walk out but then
both The Don and Peter pointed their guns at him.
"You're not getting out of here."
"What more do you want from me?"
"Do you think we brought you here so that you could
return to Sabella? You were brought here to be Nicole's toy
because without her you'd be dead and gone. She
deserves your love."
"You must be kidding."
I'm not." someone hit Kofi's head from behind with a
stick and he fell.
"Lock him up with Barbara.''
The following morning Kira Halle waited for Adel to
leave and then she drove straight to her father's house.
When she arrived her father was about to sit in his car and drive off and she stood out of her car and walked over to
"I'm so disappointed in you, father. You can't even kill
someone for me." she blurted out.
"Lower your voice. Someone might hear you." he
"I need Ally Halle dead."
"So Aunt Sabella wasn't lying." they both turned to the
presence of Adel Arthur, "The both of you are plotting to
kill Ally Halle."
"I'll do anything to make you love me."
"And you think making yourself a murderer would
make me like you. Think of our child born into this world
by a murderous woman."
"It's all your fault."
"Yes, it's my fault and I'm trying my best here to love
you so leave Ally Halle out of this if you want me to
forget her." Kari and Rhema walked out of the mansion.
"What is going on here?" Grandpa Kari asked. Kerron
stood there mutely as well as Kira Halle. Adel spoke.
"Your son and granddaughter were plotting to kill
Ally Halle."
"What joke is this?" Rhema questioned.
"Why don't you say it how it is?..." she turned to her
mother, "Adel is in love with Ally Halle and I disgust him..."
"That is not true. You do not disgust me..."
"But you love Ally Halle!" Adel stood silently.
"Oh, this is serious." he turned to his son, "If I
understand what is going on here, Kerron, you tried to kill
Ally Halle because Adel loved her and not your daughter."
"Two different attempts."
"What is happening to you all? I didn't groom
murderers and this makes me more disappointed in you
Kira Halle. How could you request for someone's death."
"I wouldn't have done it anyway," Kerron replied.
"That is not what it shows. Have you ever thought of
what would have happened if Ally Halle was shot? You
would have risked going to jail." Kerron turned to walk
back into the mansion after Adel had spoken and Kari
grabbed his wrist firmly.
"I wouldn't have done it!"
"What makes you so convinced?"
"Ally Halle is my daughter!" everyone turned to him in
"I'm doing this only because Dad said you requested,"
Thelma said as her mother. They stood out as Martin
parked Thelma's luggage into the car. She looked around,
"Where is Matilda?" Macey turned to Therod and then back
to her daughter.
"She had to see her family," Macey lied, "Remember
that I love you very much and no matter what happens my
love for you is never going to change. I'll do everything in my power just to see you happy and safe," Macey hugged
her daughter.
"Don't worry so much about me. I'll be fine." she
smiled at them. Therod got closer and hugged Macey
from behind kissing her on the cheeks and Thelma
screamed. Juanita walked out too with Ally Halle and
Alessia and they met that sight.
"When did this begin?" Thelma questioned happily.
"Let's just say we decided to mature," Therod replied
and Thelma happily hugged the both of them. Alessia
smiled brightly.
"I'm glad this wish of Thelma could come true. At
least there's happiness amongst all the shit that is going
"Don't mention."
"I think it's time we leave or else we'll miss the flight."
Martin said. Macey got closer to him.
"Please take care of my daughter for me."
"I'll do just that."
"What?!" Kira Halle screamed out loud. Grandpa Kari
put his hand to his chest and began panting. Kerron got
closer and he hit his hand off him. He went backwards and
Rhema and Adel grabbed him.
"Kira Halle, get your grandfather's pills. Be quick!" Kira
Halle rushed in soon and Adel tilted Kari in a way that he
faced him and then he began to breathe steadily so that Kari would look at him and breathe according to his
pattern. Kira Halle rushed out quickly with Kari's pills.
Kerron got closer again and Rhema's look alone was
enough to let him step backward.
"We're not done with you."
Emmanuel was in the hospital with Sabella and she
couldn't stop crying. Benjamin arrived shortly with Noah
that morning. Berna was with Jana and they had also
heard of what had happened to Sedem and her son,
Clifford. They couldn't believe that the person causing
them the greatest harm was always around them. After
waiting for Thelma to leave, Macey and all the others in
the Ampate residence also moved to the hospital. She
moved to sit by Sabella's side and hugged her.
"I don't know what I'll do to myself if I lose Sedem
and Clifford too. They are family to me and I don't wish
them any form of evil."
"We know that, Sabella. I'm just surprised that Kay
could do such a thing to Sedem and her son. Sedem was
his assistant for crying out loud."
"It's scary to trust nowadays," Benjamin added. The
the doctor handling Sedem and Clifford's cases walked out to
"Doctor, how are they doing?"
"Sedem Kofitse is doing great. The bullet didn't affect
anything delicate although she went through shock during
the operation but she's okay."
"What about her son?"
"Clifford's condition is not good. We had to put him in
a forced coma for the antibiotics to work on his system.
We are trying our best with both of them." Macey had a
phone call at that moment. She was shocked when she saw
that it was The Don that was calling. She picked up the call.
"You're so foolish, Macey. I knew you were dumb but
I didn't know this dumb. You preferred to kill Matilda
instead of killing Aaron. You're still a murderer anyway."
"Yes, you're right but I have a conscience."
"Tell that to your daughter who is about to die. Martin
Luther works for me and he's driving her to my new
hideout so you can worry yourself and inform the Police of
my place at Elmina. By the time they get there your
daughter will be dead."
"The Don!" Macey screamed over the phone and
everyone turned to her as the doctor walked back in. She
cried and he hung up.
"What happened?"
"Therod, he has our daughter."
"How is that possible?!" Therod got closer and held
Macey. He was equally shocked.
"Martin works for him and he's sending her there."
she fell into Therod's arms and Therod helped her to the
closest seat.
"Who has my granddaughter? What are the both of
you talking about?" Juanita questioned and Macey cried even more. She raised her head and turned to Sabella.
"Where is Nicole?"
"Does that woman still exist? I don't remember the
last time I saw her. What is going on? Who has Thelma?"
"The Don."
"Who is The Don?"
"He's an enemy of Nutifafa Costa. He was the owner
of the den I worked in as a sex worker back in the States
when I was kidnapped. He's a drug dealer and a mafia
boss and his cousin is Nicole. He freed me from my work
as a sex worker so that I could come back to Ghana and
keep a closer eye on you and Pious because he knew that
Nutifafa would attack both of you after you frauded
him so he wanted the perfect time so that he could get
vengeance on Nutifafa for killing his family he was the
one who sent one of his workers to kill Michael on the day
Alessia was kidnapped."
"If he's willing to help me then why does he have to
kidnap Thelma?"
"He ordered me to kill Aaron Aloba and I refused. I
am not the best but I still have a conscience and now
Thelma's life is on the line."
"From one problem to the other."
"Our key to finding The Don is Nicole, his cousin."
Sabella turned to Ally Halle who looked shocked at the
"You are the only person that can help us now. Nicole will do anything for you."
Jana was allowed to go and see Pious and she
smiled at the sight of her husband who had now awoken
and looked quite healthier than she last saw him. She
cried as she got closer and kissed him.
"I thought I'd lose you."
"I'm not so easy to kill. I'm not going to leave your
side, Jana. I love you too much to see you in pain."
"I love you too." she got closer and kissed him again.
"She's not answering any of my calls." Ally Halle said.
"Her secretary said she didn't report to work today."
Benjamin said.
"I'm sure she knows that we know," Juanita added.
Therod had a text message.
I'm a really close friend of yours. Closer than you imagine...
GR-210-23 was last located at Kumasi. If The Don has
your daughter then she will be at his camp in Kumasi. I
would have helped but I don't know where that is. If you
really want her alive get all the help you need. Ally Halle's
friend, Eli, has detective friends in Kumasi and they might
be able to track Martin and Thelma down. I'm doing my
best here so if I manage to find them I'll inform you. I'm
doing this out of the respect I have for you. Your daughter
will live, I'll make sure of that. Act smartly, I've trusted your smartness
careful...there are dangerous times ahead.
"Look at what someone sent me," he announced.
Macey took the phone and read the message.
"Thelma is in Kumasi but who could have sent this
"I don't even know." Sabella took the phone too. She
opened her eyes in shock.
"It's the same person that sent me the parcel about
Richmond's murders."
"How sure are you?"
"It has the same beginning and end. Whoever that
the person is trying to help us but why?"
"Do we have to question? Let's try and find Thelma."
Sabella passed the phone over to Ally Halle.
"You are still the only person that can help."
"Welcome to Kumasi!" The Don said sarcastically as
Martin walked in with Thelma. He had tied her hand up and
she had this fearlessness written on her face.
"Who are you and what do you want from me?"
"I want nothing from you but your mother went
against my order and you're the one that is going to pay."
Nicole walked from inside and stood by The Don's side.
"Aunt Nicole!" she looked at her and turned back to
The Don.
"Macey has told them. Ally Halle, my secretary,
Sabella, Benjamin, and everyone has been calling me
endlessly. Macey has blown up my cover and the death of
this girl would be payment for that. She's so stupid."
"How many liars are there in this family?"
"I don't know, Thelma. I find a new one each day," she
smiled at her, "Send her to the guarded room to join
Barbara and Kofi. She'll be the first we'll come for."
"Yes ma'am."
"I want you to stop seeing Ally Halle." Eli turned to his
mother dropping his fork and making sure it fell on the
"I thought you liked her."
"Till I found out that her family is a whole load of
trouble. I'm even thinking of canceling the contract I made
with KAS Food."
"Every family has their tough moments. Dad was
murdered and we also struggled around that period."
"Don't compare us to them, Eli. Your father had
political enemies but these people don't even know who
their enemies are. You were present when someone tried
to shoot Ally Halle. Who knows when that might happen
again? I don't want you to die because of a woman like her
who has so many family issues."
"I let go of the woman I loved once and I'm not doing
it again." the maid got to the door.
"Sir Eli, there's a woman at the door who wants to see
"A woman?... who is she?"
"She says her name is Ally Halle Amoyaw." Rebecca
turned to her son.
"Speak of the devil."
Thelma was sent into the room and tied up like the
two others to a chair. There were several guards out of the
room they were kept in. After Martin tied her and left she turned to look at the other people in the room and her
heart sunk into her stomach at the sight of Kofi.
"Uncle Kofi."
"You didn't die," she looked shocked and excited at
the same time, "Aunt Sabella will be so happy to see you."
"I wouldn't be so sure."
"I know they'll come for us."
"I don't want to disappoint you but our chances of
surviving especially yours is slim."
"Don't be so happy for this man you call an uncle. He
kidnapped me and then now he's tied up with me. The
abductor has also been abducted." Barbara said but
Thelma didn't frankly seem to care.
"I'm no one to question you Uncle Kofi but you must
survive for the sake of Aunt Sabella. She has gone through
enough pain and she needs happiness too."
Ally Halle was ushered into the living hall with her
guard, Rhian. Eli walked into the living hall soon and she
"I'm surprised you of all people decided to come to
my house. What is the problem?"
"I need your help." Eli got closer.
"What happened?"
"My cousin has been kidnapped and I will need help from your detectives in Kumasi to know if any of them has
spotted Thelma."
"Of course. Anything for you."
"I wasn't wrong when I told my son earlier that all
your family carries is misfortune," Rebecca said as she
walked into the hall. Ally Halle turned to her.
"All times can't be golden or else we wouldn't know
what normal is. My family might not be the best, Mrs
Duncan, but I still love it just the way it is."
"What is your plan now, Caleb?"
"I want to focus on Nutifafa. I have something he
wants. His niece and through her I will kill him. When I'm
done with him I'll come back to Sabella and her stupid
Ally Halle called Macey and informed her of Eli's
decision to help. She moved back to her car to drive back
home to the Ampates and Eli moved back to her and held
her hand. She didn't resist like she used to.
"I know your family is facing a lot of problems but
remember that I'm here to help whenever you need me.
How are you doing through all this?"
"I don't even know," she cried out, "Everything seems
wrong. I don't even know who to trust now. I think my
sister is not the only one that needs a therapist, the whole
family needs one," she giggled as tears fell down her eyes.
Eli hugged her and she rested her head on his shoulders
and they stayed like that peacefully.
"Maybe I need a therapist too because the woman
that poured juice on me is now hugging you."
"Stop being silly," she laughed out and then moved
back a little to stare into his eyes, "Thank you."
"What are you thanking me for?"
"Everything is a lot. Are you thanking me for not
reporting to my mother how we met or are you
thanking me for annoying you all the time."
"I meant it when I said everything." she laughed again.
"I know you're not in the best times but when I see
you laugh like this, I feel accomplished. You're really
beautiful." his tone was low and it made the moment more
intense. Ally Halle continued to stare into his eyes and
couldn't tell precisely what was going on in her head but
she could feel her lips inching closer to that of Eli's till she
thought straight suddenly.
"I think I need to go," she said and then entered her
Kate and her son, Paul, went to see Sedem and
Clifford at the hospital. They were assured that Sedem
was out of danger but Clifford wasn't. Paul requested to
see Sedem and eventually the doctor allowed him to. She
hadn't woken from her sleep and he tried his best not to wake her up. He sat by her side.
"As each day passes I wonder why I held back.
Maybe it's the regret that makes me who I am today. I told
you I was your friend but I crossed the line several times. I
hurt you but then you trusted me too much to let me go. If
you wake I would finally gather that courage to say what I
had to say a very long time ago." Sedem slowly opened her
eyes that moment and turned to Paul. He cried tears of joy.
"Paul," she said softly.
"I love you, Sedem."

To Surviveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें