2: BERNA @ 40

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Trina and Berna had met at a restaurant to have
lunch. It was just the two of them. "I'm glad you came up
with this idea, Trina. I had nothing to do at home. Why
didn't you invite Jana?"
"So that she would also insult me in the face? She's
like one with Sabella and those two would do anything to
remind me of the mistake I made with Richmond."
"It's been like twenty years or almost. Don't you think
they've forgotten by now? I think this is the time you
should try and bond with them for old-time sake. I can
assure you that they both don't care about the past like
you do. We all have families now and the issues of
yesterday were our fantasies." Berna said. She sliced her
sausage and placed part of it in her mouth.
"I just hope so, Berna. Excuse me, I'll use the ladies
real quick," she said and excused herself. Soon after she
had walked away she had a phone call. Berna pulled the
phone closer and checked the name. It was Kofi Amoyaw,
Sabella's husband. She watched it ring to the end and
wondered why Kofi would want to contact Trina. He called
again and then hung up sooner and then sent a text that
popped up on the phone screen.

Kofi: Baby, let's meet up at our usual.

Berna turned the phone and studied the message
well to prove that her eyes weren't deceiving her. Baby!
This didn't look like anything good. As if that was all
another message popped up from a different guy that
Berna knew.

Sonkor: Last night was wonderful. Looking forward to
seeing you soon. :)

"O she's now a hook-up girl. Sabella had and has
every right to be furious," she said to herself before
turning the phone back to its original position. Trina
arrived shortly and sat with a smile and Berna turned a
straight face toward her. "Mr Amoyaw, Sabella's husband,
called you twice. What does he want from you?" she
emphasized on Sabella's husband before she
continued. Trina looked tensed suddenly.
"It's business related and I don't think you will
understand. We're dealing with the same shipping
company and he's making me do the transactions on his
behalf." Berna just stared at her. Whatever the two of them
were doing wasn't of concern to her she just hoped that it
wouldn't destroy people.
"The Asofan branch is ready to be launched."
"Are you sure about that?" Sabella turned to
Gyebi who stood in front of her with a folder in his hands.
"The cameras in the kitchen have been
installed and the new pieces of equipment were brought in our last
shipment. Actually, Boss Amoyaw was the one that
transacted with the shipping company." Gyebi added.
"There's no need for that. Why would he have to start
a new transaction with them if they already understand
our terms?"
"He changed the shipping company," Sabella relaxed
now giving Gyebi his full attention.
"Why would he?"
"I have no idea," he replied in that voice that indicated
shook her head.
"Get me the new shipping company that my husband
used and do the comparison between that one and our old
and trusted shippers. Maybe we'd be making a profit, who
It was Peter, The Don's right-hand man, who sent
Gina to the location where she was supposed to meet The
Don. It was a closed-up coffee shop guarded by the
guards of The Don. She smiled when she saw him and
then took her seat.
"How are you doing Caleb?"
"I told you not to call me that. Do you want me to
strangle you to death before you learn to call me The
"I don't think that will be necessary," Gina replied
"How is Camila doing?"
"Your daughter is fine," Gina replied again. The Don
signaled one of his boys to get closer and the guy placed
a briefcase on the table in front of Gina.
"That is for Camila. Her birthday is in two weeks so
make her happy. If she has any requests let me know."
"My mother is in town and she'll ask me where I get
all this money from."
"You're smarter than this, Gina. Leave."


Henry got home from work and was surprised to see
his wife at home. "I thought you had the evening shift today."
"Yes, but I swapped with Adel."
"The young man is getting married in four days and
you won't allow him some rest."
"He'll get enough rest during his honeymoon." she
said and then walked over to his side and kissed him, "I
have good news." Henry smiled.
"What's the surprise?"
"We are pregnant, Henry." Henry kissed Barbara and then moved aside and jumped happily.
"Yes!" he held Barbara's stomach, "It's going to be a
girl. She'll be a soldier. Lieutenant Gyamfi."
"Gracious! That would be too much for my darling. I
don't want her to stress herself like we are doing plus it's
going to be a boy."
"The fact that you're a doctor doesn't mean you get to
determine the sex this early," he said and they giggled. He
kissed her again, "I love you, Barbara."
"We'll be having a dance pair competition on both
dance floors. The first groups to be paired are the Bons
Geng and the Focauld Geng," Gideon announced and
Nicole turned to Sabella's direction. The Bons Geng leader
and it was written on her face that she wasn't ready for
this. The Focauld Geng stood up and walked to the
dancefloor in their numbers. They were short of a leader,
Dennis. After what Hamid had done, Dennis and Cyril
moved to Anker to stay with Dennis's mother. He felt the
shame as if he had committed the offense instead and
somehow it made Sabella feel bad.
Sedem stood and then held Sabella's hand, "Let's go."
she said.
"I'm not in the mood for this and you know." Sabella
"We're waiting for you Bons Geng. Sabella, Trina, and
co." there was a sarcastic way Breanna said it that made it
clear to Sabella that the lady was just testing them to see if they were still unified like they used to be. She didn't
need to test them because the Bons Geng was broken
down now but Sabella still stood. Macey, Jana, and Berna
stood too and some people turned to stare at Trina
including Sabella who kept a straight face while staring at
Trina. She stood too and they walked to the dancefloor.
Lawrencia was there already. The Foucauld guys stood
there holding hands as they cheered happily and the Bons
ladies stood there like bricks. Sedem was standing to
Sabella's right and they held hands. To her left was Macey
and she held her hand too before letting out an obvious
"We'll have our first five pairs. The gent from
Foucauld and the lady from Bons." Gideon said and smiled.
"The first pair is McDonald and Sabella followed by
Prince and Sedem and then we'll have Dan and Berna..."
the list continued till they all had their pairs. It was their
way of keeping the dancefloor active because in less than
an hour, many people were on their feet and dancing, and
some chit-chatted while others drank the night away.
Sonkor managed to get his chance to dance with
Trina. "It feels like forever since I held you."
"It's supposed to feel that way."
"Trina, I want us to date. No more casual sex like we
used to."
"And you think I'll be interested in dating you."
"You'll never know till you give it a try. You deserve to
be happy."
"I found my happiness and lost it before it could be
fully mine," she said more to herself. Aaron moved to the
dancefloor too and was privileged to dance with Berna. He
smiled at her.
"Mrs Berna Cudjoe."
"Aaron Aloba, I'm surprised someone like you is still
not married."
"There's too much fun in this world to stay glued. I'm
not a commitment person." Berna smiled.
"You don't need to tell me. Your famous blowjob said
it all," he laughed sarcastically and Berna continued to
smile, "but I know Sabella taught you a wise lesson. That
seems to be my favorite moment." Aaron's smile
disappeared. Noah was by their side with Nicole and they
laughed after what Berna had said. Aaron walked away
and Sadat came in as a quick replacement.
"I don't think the memory of that day will leave our
brains," Noah said to Nicole. She smiled back at him
before turning to stare at Sabella who was dully dancing
with McDonald.
"I miss the old Sabella. She was once so wild and
tactical and now she's just a confused mother."
"Kofi's death broke her and it's a fact we can't deny.
Anytime she tries to pick herself up the memory of Kofi
brings her down. A part of her died with him." Nicole was
just silent. She wondered if Sabella was going to hate her
if she knew that Kofi was alive and that she had kept it
away from her for Kofi's sake. His safety was still at stake
and there was no clue as to who wanted him dead that night. Maybe the broken version of Sabella was better...for
McDonald stared silently at Sabella and noticed that
her attention was far away, "What's the problem, Sabella?"
She turned to him, "I'm sorry. I was just missing in
thoughts for some time."
"I heard what Michael did and I'm disappointed in
"The truth is I am disappointed in Michael too but I
can't hate him. I'm grateful to him for many things in the
past. We wouldn't have met without Michael."
"That's a fact." he smiled.
"But it doesn't change the obvious. He killed Cecilia
and he killed Jana's daughter and he almost killed mine
and I can't forgive him for that."
"A lot has happened but how are you?"
"I haven't heard that question in a while. I think I'm
good. My eldest is visiting nightclubs and my youngest is
seeing a therapist. If that is good then I'm good." she
"Whenever you need help remember that I'm around."
she turned to him.
"Thank you, Mac."
Kay was amongst the few who chose to sit and drink instead. Juanita moved to take her seat too and he smiled
at her. The lady was still glorious at her age. Her long gray
hair was beautiful and ironically it made her look younger.
"Won't you go and have fun? There are many ladies in your
age around."
"Don't you think I'm past that, Mum Juanita?"
"You're never too old for love." she smiled at him and
before she could take a glass of water she spotted two
people she didn't know would make it. "Kate!" she
screamed out.
"Juanita!" Kate screamed too. She was Paul's mother
and the two women were once a part of the PTA
executives. Juanita was very delighted to see her.
Someone who was also happy to see them was Sedem.
She moved away from Prince and rushed to hug Paul. He
hugged her back and spun her around and they both
giggled. They were close friends from their time in
Claver High.
"You look gorgeous, Sedem."
"O please, you don't need to compliment something
you don't find pleasing. I'm sure you've seen better
"If that was so I'd have been married," he replied
"Still a gentleman." she smiled.
"How is Clifford?"
"He's good. Are you back to stay?"
"Mum wants us back in Ghana so yes, I'm back to
stay. I'll come over. I need to see that young man once
again. When we came for Kofi's funeral he was all grown
"Then he's your height now."
"Unbelievable! These kids and how they grow." he
"21st century babies are something else."
"I'm so glad I got to see you again, Sedem."
"How have you been, Kate?"
"Everything's good, Juanita. How is Sabella doing?
Where is she?" Juanita pointed at the dancefloor where
Sabella who had now noticed them was rushing from. She
moved quickly and hugged Kate.
"Aunty Kate!"
"How are you doing, my dear?"
"I'm good. What about you?"
"I'm fine."
"I'm so happy to see you."
"You look beautiful as usual."
"Just like you too." she hugged Kate again.
"Would you ever give us a chance if I asked?"
"Excuse me!" Nicole said in shock surprised that that
would come out of Noah's lips.
"I said would you allow me to court you?"
"Noah, please, don't let us go in that direction. I'm happy
just the way I am and I don't need a man to make me
"Or you never got over the fact that you loved Kofi
and still do even though he is gone. Tell me, is that it?"
"I'm sorry but I'll have to excuse myself," Nicole said
and took her leave from the dancefloor.
Therod was moving to go and use the gents on the
top floor and just when he was about to climb the stairs he
caught up with Macey who was descending with Matilda.
They both paused as if they were supposed to. They had
never gotten into a real conversation after she returned
and Therod accepted Thelma's acceptance of Macey as
her mother for Thelma's sake and not that he liked it.
"Mrs Thelma Agency, I hope all is well." he teased
and then began to climb up the stairs.
"We need to talk Therod."
"About what?" he questioned back coldly, "You want
us to talk about your adventures out of the country. I'm not
in the mood to hear that." he took further steps forward.
"Don't you think we have hurt ourselves enough?" she
questioned and then turned to stare at him and he turned
back to her. It was the way his eyes met with those gray ones of hers that made his heart skip a beat. O Goodness!
She was beautiful and her daughter had taken after her.
The way the bang covered her forehead and the length of
that beige hair that had been held in a high ponytail. Her
black gown was stunning with its court sweep and
made of fine mohair fabric. He turned away to avoid the
admiration that was drawing on his face. She didn't
deserve it.
"I don't know what you're talking about, " he turned
back to her, "The last time I checked I had no problem with
you. It's your conscience that has a problem with me." he
walked away. Matilda turned to Macey.
"The guy loves you."
"I don't think so."
"From what I saw if you play your cards well you still
stand a chance. Trust me, he's smitten." a tear dropped
down Macey's eyes mainly because she'd heard that
before and she hated herself for believing. It was that
hope that he loved her that had made her who she was
today. An unloved woman.

BERNA @ 22

"Happy birthday, Berna," William said as he presented
Berna a gift. He came alone because his wife had her
focus on their two sons. Berna didn't even want to mark
the day as well but then her mother insisted on throwing a
birthday party for her which was very unusual. The woman
barely cared so Berna gave her that chance. Berna knew it
was another way for her mother to say you're of age now
so find a boyfriend but they rarely discussed issues about the heart so she just chose to enjoy the day. She accepted
William's gift.
"Thank you and greetings to Birgitta and the
"I'll inform them," he said and took his leave. Andrews
came closer with his wife, Happy. She looked older than
23 as if Andrews had married his teacher from Grade 8 but
Berna kept that thought in her head as she smiled. "You
look beautiful, Happy." she warmly lied.
"Thank you." Happy replied as she and Andrews
passed on their gift to her. Manuel and Trina popped up
soon as if they had come with Andrews. They waited for
the Komla couple to take their leave before they neared
wonderfully decorated card to Berna. She looked at it and
then turned to him.
"You wrote a poem for me."
"Yes," "Thank you," she replied. There was so much
going on in her head that she wished she could say but the
right person wasn't around yet so she questioned Trina.
"Do you think Sabella will be able to make it?"
"With a three-month-old baby, I doubt."
"I wouldn't miss this day for anything." it was Sabella
coming from behind both Manuel and Trina. She moved to
hug Berna. "Happy birthday, girl."
"What are you doing here? Where is the baby?" Trina asked.
"She's with Kofi and I know WW3 is commencing at
this moment since Kofi is terrible with babies but Nicole is
around so I have hope," she turned back to Berna, "I can't
keep long here. I came to give you a religious necklace
and I'm sure Mum Gloria would be glad about this gift of
mine. For the first time, she's not going to say that I'm of
bad influence on you."
"I heard that." it was Gloria, Berna's mum. The woman
looked strict as if she were a 50-year-old principal but she
was not even in her late 40's yet.
"I meant no offense."
"I know."
"This is it." she unwrapped the necklace from it's box
with the cross that was attached to it and then she fixed it
around Berna's neck. She smiled at her work. The cross
shimmered gold and Sabella could swear that she saw
Gloria smile.
"You better get back to Kofi and Ally Halle,"
"I'm going there right away." they hugged again.
"Thank you for coming."
"Don't thank me. Find yourself a boyfriend. That is
why Mum Gloria organized this birthday party. She wants
to marry you off already." Sabella ran off before Gloria
could get a hold of her and Berna laughed. That lady was
her best friend and she cared so much for her. Eugene got
closer to them with Sedem soon after Sabella had left and
all Berna could do was to try and force a smile at the sight of those two.
She knew that Eugene was toying with Sedem but
there was no way Sedem was ever going to listen to their
advice so they just watched them grow in what they
assumed was love. It made Sedem happy though.
The party couldn't have been any better without
Jana's high-pitched laughter. The Bons Geng table had been
set and was very active as if there was no one else at the
party. They seemed to be enjoying themselves the most.
Richmond was present too. He moved to the table to give
Berna his gift and then exchanged a short eye contact
with Trina that Berna noticed. Berna turned to Trina.
"Trina, who are you dating now? I've not met any of
your suitors before." it was an intentional question that
sent Richmond away. He married Netty just a month ago
and everything seemed to be going on perfectly, at least
that was what they portrayed.
"I'm single and on the market. You can find me a
boyfriend after you've found yours." her tone made it
sound like a harsh comeback and Sedem laughed.
"That would be soon," Berna smiled but then came in
again, "I heard you tried to date Benjamin right after we
completed high school. I thought you'd be the first to get
married but then look at you here with me on the same
table without a boyfriend." Jana laughed loudly. Trina just
chose not to reply...not like she had anything better to say.
"That thing is supposed to be your boyfriend?" Cecilia
pointed at Eugene to Sedem and they all turned to look at
how Eugene flirted with one of the ladies present for the party.
"Any time we tell you to get away from him. It's for
your own good." Lawrencia added.
"I'll advise you to focus on your pregnancy, Mrs
Sarkodie. Eugene is my business." Sedem walked away
"I just hope she sees that we are trying to help her."
"Same here," Macey replied honestly.
"Let's try to be happy, please. I don't have time for
Sedem and her drama," Jana added and then took in
another sip of her champagne. She turned back to them,
"Isn't it surprising that William Arthur who didn't want to
get married to Birgitta is now having two sons with her?"
"No one wants to talk about those two. They are just
not a power topic." Trina stopped, "Instead let's talk about
Sonkor who now has a daughter." Macey drew closer.
"I learned the woman was Chinese and they are dating
now. She's some kind of super-model representing Asia in
The guy was aiming high."
"No wonder he didn't want to date any of us. Such a
handsome guy pouring his seeds far away from Ghana."
Jana said and they all laughed.
"I heard the child was black and the woman expected
a mulatto baby," Trina added.
"Break-up on the way!" Berna screamed and they all
laughed. They drew attention even though they didn't mean to.
"Vawk is dead," Matilda said as she rushed into the
dining room of the Acquah residence. Eunice stood in
"This is bad news. My mother can't be dead."
"Frankly, you shouldn't be concerned about your
mother's death. You should be concerned about Nutifafa
Costa. He knows that boss Caleb is out on a mission and
he'd want to attack this household and destroy it before
boss Caleb returns. Nutifafa wants control of your
mother's territory now that she's gone. Peter called me
and told me to tell you to leave ASAP. The news is getting
far and your life is in danger once you're here in San
Rocco." Eunice turned to her two-year-old son, Gershun,
and then turned back to Matilda.
"Grab some clothes and some cash and tell the boys
to prepare the car. We need to get to Vendado before
When they got to the warehouse where the transaction
was supposed to take place there was no one present.
Julius scanned the area with some of Caleb's men but
there was no one. Julius had a phone call from Peter and
then turned with his eyes almost popping out to stare at
"Vawk is dead and Nutifafa wants to take over. He'll
attack your house first." it was the truth in Julius' words that made Caleb's heart fall into his stomach. Before he
could comment they heard the Police sirens getting closer
and Julius turned to Caleb, "It's a trap! Nutifafa set us up."

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