#3 - Prospects & Pages

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Marvis: Besides, since your match has been decided, We can't relax now.

Katina: Wait, you're match has been set to go, for how long?

Alero: Since yesterday, But Coach hasn't told me anything about it since we started training. Sits down on a bench, and Katina sits with him So, Boss, if you wouldn't mind, Can you please tell me why we did a crazy extra amount of training today? It wasn't bad, but it wasn't normal.

Marvis: That's because your opponent is a whole league above you,

Marvis: That's because your opponent is a whole league above you,

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Alero: A whole league? Coach, I'm still in the lower ranks. I just barely entered the world ranking, And you're telling me to worry now? I think I'll be fine. Stretching

Marvis: Montana Evans Alero jolts to his feet and stands in wonder. Katina is surprised, Marvis smiles I knew that'll rile you up.

Katina: You can say that again, What's so special about this guy exactly?

Alero: More importantly why did he pick me to fight him?

Marvis: First of all, Ease you up two. Second of all, Montana Evans is one of the opponents that we thought we would have to worry about later down the road, but now since he cherry-picked your other half over there, We've got to worry about him sooner rather than later. He's ranked 3rd in the internationals and has a pretty decent record of 22 wins and 1 draw, no losses whatsoever. And 18 of those wins came from knockout.

Katina: Sounds like a monster Curls her lips and looks toward Alero You sure you can handle this guy hun?

Alero: Cracking his knuckles and smiling wide It doesn't matter who the target is, You know I can finish any fight in a couple of rounds. Slams both fists into each other I can't wait to take his ranking and to be within touching distance of the BIA Title! (Boxer's International Association)

Marvis: Relax Samson, Here's the kicker to the sudden match-up. Katina giggles at the nickname

Alero: Confused Wait, Samson? Why'dya call me that? Looks and points toward Katina And why are you laughing?

Katina: Pats Alero's head and smiles I told him to call you that.

Alero: Looks to his coach Wait wha-?

Marvis: Since you have that mop of hair, She wanted me to call you Samson. Ya know from the bible?

Alero: You know he had like long hair right? He stands up and points to his head I've only got this case of bedhair.

Katina: And because of that crazy strength, Just like him Smiling

Alero: Huh, That's sweet actually Light smile, and he then shakes his head Anyway We're getting off-topic, What's the catch coach? Why is this a "bad thing"?

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