#1 - Gloves & Genes

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A Motorcycle is going through traffic in a massive rush, giving little care to any vehicle or pedestrian passing by; the driver handles it quickly, while the passenger is a little more concerned.

Passenger (Male): Don't you think you're going too fast?!?

Driver (Female):  Maybe if that hair weren't so needy, We would've gotten to the match sooner rather than now, pretty boy!

Passenger: Hey, it's not my fault you love this hair way more than I do, crazy lady!

Driver: Damn right I do; so would you please just relax about my driving? It's not like you could do any better than me, slick!

Passenger: Alright alright, Just please don't get us killed. You know how close I am to that breakthrough with my Aja- WOAAHHH! The driver suddenly brakes hard and parks the motorcycle SEE! SEE?! That's precisely what scares me! It could've ended all right there, and POOF! No more Primell and no more Juna!

Juna: Relax, handsome, we're alive and well, ain't we? Smirking and giggling, Juna takes off her helmet and gear. Now take that helmet off, and let's support our little bout buddy. M'kay?

Primell is bothered by Juna's apparent disregard for safety but still smiles and laughs it off. He also removes his helmet, and Juna puts her hand on his cheek and gently squeezes it.

There's my little guy! Now ya ready or what?

Primell: Yes, I'm ready, now come on! We can't be late for the match, or we will also get hit with gloves! 

Both of them smile and leave the motorcycle. They then begin to rush towards a set of double doors that lead to the event they are racing to. Juna quickly outran Primell by more than a couple of steps.

Juna: Come on, dude! I thought you'd be quicker than that! Weren't you the one rushing me to get here!? Juna laughs while Primell continues to struggle.

Primell: Taking several tiny breaths in between running. Look... You're the one who's an officer... I'm just a ... nerd with a dream! So back off!

Eventually, they reach the set of double doors, where a familiar face to them is awaiting their arrival at the event. Said person opens the doors, clearly frustrated and slightly tense, thanks to the event.

Young man:  There you guys are! You two completely missed the first three rounds! He's getting slaughtered out there, and y'all aren't here to cheer him on whenever he needs it! Especially now more than ever!

Both Primell and Juna give a small apology to the young man, both feeling at fault for being tardy to the match that they had all sworn to be at on time.

Primell: Yes, Nathan, we're both sorry. We both had some things to wrap up, and I lost track of the time myself! 

Juna: Sorry about this, kiddo, Honestly. Both give small gestures, begging for forgiveness from Nathan, who hasn't been seen this frustrated. 

Nathan: How about you stop being so polite and help my bro out right now! This is bigger than all of us right now, and seeing my brother win this would be a massive deal for our entire group!

Nathan: How about you stop being so polite and help my bro out right now! This is bigger than all of us right now, and seeing my brother win this would be a massive deal for our entire group!

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