#4 - Prospects & Pages 2

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3 Weeks Later

 The brothers attend to their respective goals, working immensely hard to achieve what seems impossible to them both, but being ever so close to their milestones, The Sanla brothers continue, as a challenge is always a constant in their lives. Nathan has classes first.

Nathan: Taking notes at a rapid pace  Almost done...Just a few more...

Primell: Finishing up all the material needed on the final on the board  Remember everyone, This is the final section of the notes you'll be needing for review before the exam in a week, The next couple of days will be free days. so that should be more than enough time for everyone to prepare. So if you missed any of the material from the prior days, you will have to ask me for a refresher on those days or ask a fellow student for the notes. He underlines the final word of the review notes and looks back to his class Any questions?

The class except Nathan: In unison  No Professor.

Primell then notices that Nathan didn't join in the response, watching him diligently, possibly to an excessive extent, but nods and goes back to his desk

Primell:  Very well, If "anyone" has any questions, Feel free. He says as he goes back to his desk and lets out a sigh. He takes out an application for R&Dimitri's, Looking deeply into it. 

Nathan continues to write the notes on the board, visibly sweating and writing so rapidly that the pencil sounds as if it's about to break after every mark. Prmell takes a minute to watch him at work from afar, smiling since he's taking the bet they made seriously. 

Nathan: Annnnnnnnnnd... Done! Slams his notebook closed and stretches All notes are completely caught up! He lets out a sigh of relief and relaxes himself

Student 1:  You do know that you're going to have to read all of that right? 

Nathan:  Of course! But, for right now, I'mma take a little bit of a break before that crazy night. smiles and closes his eyes

Student 2:  Well, did you write the final part of the notes? 

Nathan: What final par- He looks at the board and sees the final line that was left.  Hija de Put- GAHHH! He freaks out for a moment but composes himself just as quickly Okay... Just a little bit more, and then relaxing time. The two students chuckle with Nathan, Primell does so as well quietly from his desk, and while overviewing the application for R&Dimitri's.  That final line right? Okay. He reopens his notebook and continues to write.  Hopefully, bro is having an easier time than me. Lord knows he needs it with the weigh-in being in a week.  Quick head shake But I'm sure he's fine, I should focus on me! He'll be fine, as long as I do fine! If I do good, then my bro is gonna rock that weigh-in before the match!   

Thinking about his brother's troubles, but doing his absolute best to ensure he does his part of the deal, Nathan would continue his studies. His brother on the other hand...

Alero: How..much longer... Coach!??

Marvis: Fourteen more seconds boy! Come on just hang on! Marvis has Alero balancing 50 pounds on his back while planking, Alero is visibly struggling with the workout but persists. 

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