#5 - Results & Rage

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Nathan: Huh!?! He was asleep at his desk, He wiped the spit off his mouth What's up??!

Primell: Nathaniel. You're results are in Shaking his test and they are... well

Nathan: He shakes his head and wakes up Well, Doc?

Primell: They are... A big surprise to say the least. It was an interesting turn of events, For both of us.

Nathan: Rolling his eyes, but still eager for his results Look Doc, If I did awful then I did awful. He motions his arms toward his professor So tell me if I failed or won the bet! 

Primell looks at his student with judgmental eyes, causing Nathan to clean up his act and gain a worried look  Oh crap...Did I... Fail??? Nathan then begins to sweat Oh no no no no no no... I should've tried to take better precauti-  Primell puts Nathan's exam on the table, Nathan looks, and begins to laugh. This!?? 

Primell:  Honestly Nataniel, I'm amazed at how much you knew about the entire course. Look of amazement  You both scored the highest in your class and the highest of every student I ever had! Primell offers a handshake to Nathan  Congratulations Son, You've excelled and won the bet. 

Nathan: Oh cut the crap Doc! Come here! Nathan gives Primell a bear hug and lifts him into the air, Primell is shocked but chuckles along with Nathan Now you can finally meet my big bro, and see an awesome fight! Nathan lets go of Primell and they both smile.

Primell:  Chuckling and readjusts himself You know Nathaniel, I could have met him a lot sooner if you just invited me to his gym, or maybe lunch somewhere. How come you wanted to have this be the way we first interacted? 

Nathan: He looks to his side In slight embarrassment  Well, to be frank Doc, I just was... I was nervous about how you'd feel about meeting someone like my bro out of nowhere. Plus, He's not exactly the Fidgeting with his fingers meeting new people fast type. He's kind of like me, Where we like to take our time picking our friends. Ya know?

Primell gives Nathan a confused look since he's so friendly toward everyone on the campus, including the harsher and quieter students 

Primell: Really? He adjusts his glasses You seem so open to everyone. Folding his arms What exactly do you hide, Nathaniel? 

Nathan meets Primell's eyes, giving back an unsure look on his face 

Nathaniel: Coughs and wipes his eyes Let's uhh... Change topics. Please?

Primell: Perplexed, but respects his student's request Very well Nathaniel, But I would like to know more about you sooner rather than later. He pulls a chair for himself to sit on  I should see what makes my future assistant tick. Smiles and chuckles at Nathan 

Nathan: Wait, future assistant? He thinks, then quickly assumes, grabbing Primell by the shoulders You got the job at R&Dimitri's!?!  

Primell: Chuckling and gently pushes Nathan off  No not yet, But I'm confirming that I'll be going, and I would love to have you as an assistant. They do have a program where you can help oversee a project, and as long as you come recommended He smiles which is the way we're going to use, if you agree of course.

Nathan: Excited  Obviously Doc! I would love that! It'd be one hell of a way to build up a resume! 

Primell:  Great! I'll set up the application as soon as possible... Of course also whenever I finally have an idea to approach them with. Nervous chuckle 

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