#6 - Results & Rage 2

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                                                          10 minutes after Katina found Alero

Katina: Good Lord Al... Just what in the Lord's name were you thinking!?! After everything you've done to step up your game, This is how you would want to enter the match?!? Wrapping Alero's hands with bandage tape, While giving him a scolding look  I mean come on now! Were you even thinking mi amor?  

Alero: Mumbling and slightly blushing  Well...It's not like you're going to be at the match anyway...

Katina: Looks directly at him  What was that tough guy?!? 

Alero: Blushing and stutters Ah! Uhm! Nothing. Nothing at all babe.

Katina:  That's what I thought. She finishes wrapping up Alero's hands and holds them close Now for the final touch She gently kisses both sets of his knuckles, Alero completely flustered There. That should keep you from ripping these apart again. 

Alero: Slightly embarrassed, and face completely red Is this seriously your idea of a punishment??! If so, It's not working. Shouldn't you be whipping me with a smack, or maybe even leaving me alone for a week?  Anything that would be, ya know, normal?

Katina:  Smiling and giggling  Because I know that regular methods just won't work on you. You're not exactly the most normal of guys Al. So be thankful that you have someone like me.

Alero: Blushing lightly and grins So if I'm not normal, then what does that make you? A chupacabra? 

Katina: Rolls her eyes and rubs his shoulder More akin to a guardian angel Al. Kisses his cheek and gets on her feet Now, before I tell Uncle Marvis about this "incident". Would you mind telling me why exactly you decided to bust your knuckles wide open just before a world-ranking match? 

Alero: Look I-I. If I were to explain it, it just wouldn't make sense. It's better if we just cut the talk and head back, okay? Katina immediately gets into Alero's face and looks at him with determined eyes, pushing to hear the answer to his actions.  Fine, fine! It was... My opponent. 

Katina:  Seriously? Look, just because some guy you're gonna fight soon riles you up doesn't mean you should let it get to your head! I mean come on! What could this guy have possibly sai-

Alero: Interrupts her He talked about my father.  Katina instantly stops talking and looks over to Alero, sitting back down with him. He somehow knew. He used that to his advantage and, He got into my head. He talked like he was already better than me, and that he couldn't wait to do a favor and beat the son of cart- Katina quickly embraced Alero, putting his head on her shoulder 

Katina: Sshh... It's okay. I get it now Alero hides his face in Katina's shoulder and embraces her as well Though I disagree with how you handled it, I get why you did It.  She rubs his back and slowly lets go of the hug But you know that you and your father are not the same person I would say that you've changed the way people look at your last name! It's not a name to be afraid of, It's a name to inspire! A name makes those who watch it, celebrate the great achievements that it can do! She grasps Alero's hands once again I know you want to change your family's reception, both you and Nathan are trying, and I can see it! Smiling and getting excited Both of you have the chance to make the whole world, no, The whole universe see how a name doesn't define who YOU are! 

Alero: Smiling and enjoying Katina's cheers You think so Hun?

Katina: I do! And tomorrow, You're gonna show that piece of crap how much you've changed it! If anyone should, It has to be you! She stands up, and Alero does so as well I know that you doubt yourself deeply, and I wish I could be there tomorrow too, But I know that with these amazing hands you have, You can beat any jerk into a pulp! You just have to make it true, and you will. Right?

Dragon Ball : Paradigm Shiftحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن