A Sudden Change of Events

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Leon POV
The next week was sadly, but thankfully, uneventful...except for Jessie moving in with me. It took, like, three seconds to convince Pam to allow Jessie to move in with me. Apparently, she trusts and approves of me!

The real star of the moving-in-day was when Amber manipulated some fire to form a wheelbarrow and fly all of Jessie's items to my house. Miraculously, not a single thing was singed. To be fair, though, Amber ensured us that she could part the flames in a way that they would still carry the items but not burn them. It was amazing to see the fire-wheelbarrow glinting in the sunlight and floating along the street...

Little did we know, at that very moment, two of our friends' lives would be changed forever...

Edgar POV
"Wow...Fang's garden is really beautiful..." Colette sighed. "It's so cool that the garden is in eternal twilight and the stars are glinting powerfully...the leaves shining with bioluminescence...the flowers dancing in the breeze..."

"Yeah, wasn't it nice of Fang to allow us to borrow his garden for a picnic-date?" I asked, feeling nerves swirling through my stomach.

"Yeah..."Colette breathed dreamily.

"Do you know, Fang told me that am Astrakinetic(lightning-controller) friend of his, as well as a Flasher(light-controller) and a Gnome(earth-controller), helped him put this garden together into what it is now?" I asked.

"No...but I'd sure like to meet them..." Colette dreamed.

"Yeah...Anyway, let's get on with our eating." I suggested.

After a while...
"Wow, the food sure was nice!" Colette congratulated me. "Your cooking is excellent!"

"Thanks..." I replied, blushing at the compliment. "So, Colette...there is another reason that I brought you here. You see, I think we together are a very special couple. Our love for each other shows that we are meant to be together. Over the time I have spent with you, I realised that there is only one thing I want to do."

"And that is..."Colette prompted curiously.

"I want to you to marry me."I finished.

Leon x Jessie : Sneaky CrushWhere stories live. Discover now