Drink After Drink But I Still Felt Alone

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A/N: GUYS. THERE WAS A BOMB THREAT AT MY SCHOOL TODAY. that's why i had time to edit lol, i got home early. i think it was fake bc it got sent to a bunch of schools in the area, it was just evacuated bc they didn't want us to be in any danger. no one got hurt :)

for my rwrb lovers who are waiting for an update on my other fic, i'm currently doing some research on how weddings work bc the only wedding's i've ever been to are indian lol. that one probably won't be updated for a while, sry guys! i just want to get the wedding perfect :) 

3 days. That's how long he needed to survive in Tokyo before he went back home to Harry. 3 days...

Yesterday he and Eleanor decided to go out to a bar for their daily outing and the whole night he still didn't feel normal, not having Harry there to get drunk with him, or to make sure he drank enough water and took his painkillers the morning after. Him getting drunk just made him miss Harry even more. 

He woke up this morning with a killer headache, probably because he drank too much last night because Harry wasn't there so he thought getting drunk would make him feel better (clearly that didn't work) and because Harry wasn't there to stop him from drinking too much. 

He opened his suitcase to look for painkillers and finally found where he kept them, immediately swallowing with the help of his water. He looked at the time and sighed seeing that it was 11 am over here meaning that it was 2 am in London. He couldn't call Harry now because he was probably sleeping. Already having a bad start to his day, he sat down on his bed and started scrolling on his phone, looking at cute Larry edits because those always cheered him up. He didn't understand why management wouldn't just let them come out when they had millions of supporters. Literally some of these people literally beg them to come out, and these people are such strong believers. All of them are comfortable with them, except for a few unpreventable homophobes, but even for a straight couple there's always a few people who don't support the relationship, why is it different for gay couples? Why is it that if there's even one person who doesn't support the relationship, they have to be shoved into the closet because "they didn't want to lose fans"? I can bet you that there's at least one or two people who have become One Direction fans because of Larry when they stumbled upon the edits. 

Just then he heard a knock at his door and he groaned because he just wanted to sit in bed all day and scroll through his camera roll with his photos of him and Harry and look through a bunch of edits online because a lot of them are actually really good. But alas... 

He opened the door to find Eleanor. "What do you want?" he asked. 

"No 'Good morning Eleanor! How are you feeling this morning? Any headaches? Need a painkiller?'" Eleanor asked. 

"Considering that I'm the one who got separated from their boyfriend for a week and drank a lot more than you and have a worse hangover than you, I'd say that no, there is going to be no pleasantries this morning," Louis shot back. 

"Oh well. Anyways I asked Simon and he said we could stay in today," she said when she got in the room. 

"Really?!" Louis exclaimed. He wasn't sure how many times he could go out in public pretending that he was head over heels for her. At least he got a day break. 

"Yep. So now I'm going to go back to my room so that you don't murder me," Eleanor said and got up. 

"No, no, you could stay," he said weakly and unconvincingly. Eleanor just gave him a look and walked out. 

Louis sat back down on his bed and then his phone rang. Fucking hell, how many people are going to bother him right now? he thought to himself. 

He looked at the caller ID and saw that it was Niall. Okay, he's not a bother. 

"Hey Niall, what's up?" 

"LOUISSS," Niall yelled. Louis had to pull the phone away from his ear because Niall screaming in his ear was not helping his headache. 

"Okay Niall I have a really bad hangover right now so can you please not scream in my ear?" He begged. 

"Oops, sorry," Niall apologized, "Anyways I wanted to call you because I really wanted to talk to you. You've been gone forever mate!"

"Tell me about it," Louis snorted, "If anyone knows that it's me. Or Harry."

"Yeah," Niall said, "Anyways how's Tokyo? Is it fun?"

"I guess," Louis agreed, "It would've been more fun with Harry here though."

"I know but you've got to try to have some fun," Niall said. 

"Yeah," Louis sighed. 

"HI LOUIS," Zayn yelled into the phone. 

"Argh what is it with you guys and screaming into my ear when I have a pounding headache?" Louis demanded. 

"Oops, sorry Lou," Zayn apologized. 

"'S fine. How's it going over there?" Louis asked. 

"Good, we're hanging in there," Zayn answered. 

"How's Harry?" Louis asked softly. 

"You know, the usual, pretend happy around us but truly depressed inside," Zayn replied honestly. It kind of killed him inside to know that Harry was like that and it was all because of him, but there wasn't much he could do about it especially since he wasn't much better. He didn't even try to act happy over here unless he was at a public outing, where the whole point was for him to be "happy" and "madly in love" with Eleanor. 

"Is he awake?" Louis asked. 

"Nope." this time Niall answered. 

"Where's Liam?"

"With his girlfriend." 

"Oh ok. Wait, what are all of you guys doing up at this time? Isn't it like 3 am over there?" Louis realized. 

"Yeah but then Harry was really upset so we all came over to cheer him up and he finally fell asleep a couple hours ago," Niall replied softly. Louis' heart broke and he started crying.

"Louis? What's wrong?" Zayn sounded concerned.

"It hurts me so much to know that Harry's in so much pain and I can't be there to comfort him, and it hurts me even more to know that I'm the one who caused it," Louis sobbed.

"No you are not the one who caused his pain, the arsehole that is known as Simon is the one who caused it. Not you. Don't ever think that. And you are definitely not in any less pain than Harry is right now, so you don't need to burden yourself even more," Niall reassured him. 

"Yeah, and Lou whenever you're on the phone with him his mood instantly brightens, okay? You're not the cause of his pain, you're the remover of his pain. And remember, there's only 3 days left. You guys got this!" Zayn said. Louis smiled. He was so grateful for his friends.

"Okay guys, I'll let you guys get to sleep now. You're probably really tired," Louis finally said.

"Yeah, yeah. As soon as Harry wakes up we'll tell him to call you, not that he doesn't already do that," Zayn said.

"Thank you guys. Seriously, you guys are the best," Louis thanked.

"Tell us something we don't already know," Niall joked and they all laughed before hanging up the phone. 

3 more days. He gets to see Harry and be in his arms again in 3 days. 

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