Oh, I Can Feel It

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The boys had finally left and Louis had Harry all to himself now. They were sitting down on their couch and Louis had put his head on Harry's chest while Harry had his arms wrapped around Louis. Harry is so comfortable, more comfortable than any bed or pillow or anything. Louis knew he was ruined for anyone else, only Harry could be in his heart. 

"D'you want to watch a movie, love?" Harry asked.

"Sure," Louis agreed excitedly, knowing that this led to more cuddle time with Harry, "Which one?"

"How about..." Harry tapped his chin pretending to think, "Grease?"

"Oh my god Harry, yes! I love you so much," Louis exclaimed.

"Woah! If that was all it took to get you to say that you loved me, I would've just done that instead of going through a lot of emotional turmoil wondering if you liked me back or not," Harry joked.

"Awh, Hazza," Louis said and hugged him, "You shouldn't have worried, you know I'll always love you."

Harry smiled and hugged him back before getting up to turn on the movie. He came back and laid down on the couch, putting his head in Louis' lap. Louis loved when he did that because then he got to play with his soft and curly hair. 

They finished the movie and turned on another one and another one after that and spent the rest of the night doing that until they fell asleep. 


A/n: hey y'all! sorry that was such a short update. like rlly short. like super duper short. but like... yeah. i don't have any excuses lol. i wanted a nice and fluffy chapter but i wanted to carry it on from the last one and... idk i think i'm having writer's block. hopefully the next one will be better :)

also if i don't update it's either bc i'm rlly busy or i don't have any privacy.

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