I Should've Known

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Louis was waiting for a reasonable time to call Harry. Or for Harry to call him. In the meantime he was thinking about how all of this would've been avoided if they hadn't told Simon.


"Good morning boys, what can I do for you?" Simon asked.

"Well... we kind of have to tell you something," Louis said.

"Okay, what is it?" Simon looked curious and a little concerned.

"It's nothing bad, I promise!" Louis assured, "It's just..."

"Me and Louis are dating," Harry blurted out. 

Simon looked shocked at first, but then he quickly recovered, "Oh. Well, I'm happy for you guys!"

"Really?" Louis asked. He was kind of surprised at Simon's reaction. He expected something much worse.

"Yes, of course! You guys deserve to be happy and if you two make each other happy then that's beautiful," Simon said. Louis sensed a 'but...' coming.

"However," Simon started (I called it!  Louis thought to himself), "There are a lot of people who aren't very accepting of, how do I put this, homosexual relationships. So, we might have to keep you two in the closet just for a little while since One Direction is just starting and we don't want to risk your bandmates' careers, now do we?" 

"Yeah that sounds reasonable enough," Harry said. It was actually a good point. They had just released their first album and there were a lot of homophobic people out there so it would probably be in their best interests to wait until they get pretty high in the charts so that any listeners they lose wouldn't make too big of a difference. 

"Okay, great! Now I'm going to send some NDA's and contracts over to your guys' flat later today. You guys won't have to stop living together but there are just a few rules that are going to be put in place, okay? All you have to do is sign them and then one of my employees will explain the things you can and cannot do in public, which I'm sure you guys already know since you've been doing it so well so far," Simon explained.

"Okay," Louis said warily. Something about this seemed off. 

"Great! Thank you for telling me this wonderful news and have a great day!" Simon exclaimed. Louis definitely wasn't sure now. The way Simon had said wonderful seemed a little sarcastic. He voiced his concerns to Harry when they stepped out of the office. 

"Don't worry BooBear, we'll be okay. Like Simon said, it's just for a little while so that we don't lose too many listeners," Harry reassured him. 

end of flashback

Oh boy, how wrong they both were. 

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